Release notes

Updated at: 2024-07-22 02:41

This topic describes the release notes of ApsaraDB for OceanBase.

June 7, 2024



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Database proxy

  • Database proxy is now available on the console.

  • Supports modifying the number of maximum connections of the proxy address.

  • Supports enabling the port of bypass import.


Instance Management

The instance topology now supports viewing the information on replicas, tenants, and nodes.

Cluster instance workspace

Performance Monitoring

  • Supports automatic page refresh.

  • Supports setting the layout of monitoring charts.

Cluster performance monitoring overview

Tenant performance monitoring overview

Primary/Standby Clusters

Standby clusters support read-only queries.

Create a standby instance


Supports tag group and tag management.








Backup and Restore

  • OceanBase 4.x versions local primary backup feature now supports archive backups.

  • The maximum retention period for primary and remote backups now supports to be set to 7200 days.

Backup strategies

Backup and restore overview

Autonomous Service

  • Added more scenarios for root cause analysis and supports displaying the diagnostic process for anomolies via GUI.

  • Supports real-time SQL execution status, enabling more accurate identification of SQL execution bottlenecks in abnormal scenarios, thus improving diagnostic efficiency.

Autonomy center

SQL diagnostics overview

View details of an SQL statement

April 8, 2024



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Architecture Optimization

OceanBase database clusters now support deployment in regions with only two IDCs.


Tenant Feature Optimization

When creating a new MySQL tenant, it supports setting case sensitivity for table names.

Create a tenant

Cluster Feature Optimization

  • OceanBase database now supports viewing compaction records for 4.x version cluster instances.

  • Cluster instance configuration change history now supports read-only replicas.

  • OceanBase Standard Edition (Key-Value) cluster supports enabling public endpoints.

  • Improved the interface for the recycle bin.

View major compaction records

View scaling history of a cluster instance

Add an access address

Recycle bin of a cluster instance

Second-level Monitoring

The default monitoring frequency for OceanBase database is 60 seconds. For more precise monitoring, it now supports setting it to 5 seconds (Charges apply).

Cluster performance monitoring overview

Billing for monitoring

Enhanced Monitoring Capability

  • Supports viewing storage usage for Serverless instances.

  • Cluster instances now include chart linkage and time period comparison capabilities.

  • Supports monitoring OceanBase data via Prometheus.

Cluster performance monitoring overview

Monitor ApsaraDB for OceanBase by using Prometheus

Enhanced Data Security

Supports signing and displaying cross-border data transfer protocols.

Backup strategies

Enhanced Backup and Restore Capability

  • Supports pre-checking remaining storage space when initiating tenant restore tasks to improve backup and restore success rates.

  • Supports logical backup database-level restore functionality.

  • OceanBase database offers sparse backup retention strategies at year/month/week dimensions to minimize user backup storage costs and meet user compliance requirements.

Initiate a restore

Backup Strategies

Backup and restore overview

Enhanced Autonomous Service Capability

  • Achieved seamless integration of monitoring and diagnostic processes, supporting one-click cluster diagnosis from the cluster or tenant monitoring interface.

  • Upgraded system failure handling process, adding a "System Recovery" step to achieve a complete closed loop from anomaly detection to system recovery. It supports user operation rollback to the state before the emergency, ensuring stable service operation.

Tenant performance monitoring overview

Cluster performance monitoring overview

Manage active outlines

February 7, 2024



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Auto Scaling Optimization

The automatic scaling mechanism for storage space has been optimized and upgraded:

  • Supports custom automatic storage space scaling increments based on actual business needs.

  • Introduced scaling limit prompts and alert features.

  • Displays the system's monitoring frequency of storage space usage.

  • Supports viewing the configuration change history of automatic scaling.

Enable automatic storage scale-out

View scaling history of a cluster instance

Tenant Specification Scheduled Scaling

OceanBase Database supports scheduled adjustments of tenant specifications, dynamically adjusting resources such as CPU and memory quotas for tenants.

Enable scheduled tenant scaling

Enhanced Backup and Restore Capability

  • Logical backup (database & table level) supports OceanBase 4.x versions.

  • The retention period for first-level backup data can be set from 2 days to 365 days.

  • The instance recycle bin supports deleting archived backup files of cluster instances.

  • Supports deleting archived backups in the cluster recycle bin.

  • Improved product usability, such as supporting specification checks during data restore, adding restorable time points for data backups, and showing backup and restore durations.

  • OpenAPI available for tasks such as backup set download, initiating backups, and querying backups.

Backup Strategies

Instance recycle bin

Initiate a manual backup

Initiate a restore

Autonomous Service Optimization

  • Added a monitoring dashboard, supporting customers to customize monitoring objects and indicators through the dashboard.

  • Supports integration of tenant instances.

  • Real-time diagnostics support detecting new SQL statements.

  • Capacity center supports inspecting information such as auto-increment primary keys and the number of partitions.

  • Added real-time row lock analysis feature.

Autonomous service overview

SQL diagnostics overview

Capacity center

Session management

January 24, 2024



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New Features

Added support for reverse incremental functionality for homogeneous or heterogeneous databases such as Oracle, OceanBase, and TiDB after migrating to OceanBase 4.2.0/4.2.1 versions. This is mainly used for data backflow after data migration is completed.

Data migration

Added support for data migration with OceanBase V4.2.0/V4.2.1 as the source: supports data migration between OceanBase V4.2.0/V4.2.1 instances and from OceanBase V4.2.0/V4.2.1 to MySQL databases.

Added support for scenarios with large object quantities in a single data migration project.

Added support for data migration projects from OceanBase Oracle instances to Oracle databases.

Migrate data from an Oracle tenant of OceanBase Database to an Oracle database

Added support for data migration and synchronization projects from Alibaba Cloud RDS PostgreSQL databases to OceanBase Oracle instances.

Migrate data from an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance to an Oracle tenant of OceanBase Database

Synchronize data from an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance to an Oracle tenant of OceanBase Database

Added matching rule capabilities to database-to-database synchronization projects, helping users select synchronization objects through simple wildcard rule configurations, thereby reducing the cost of selecting synchronization objects.

Configure matching rules

Added support for schema wildcard capabilities in matching rules.

Added support for data synchronization projects from OceanBase MySQL instances to Kafka, enabling the output of OceanBase data to Kafka in Avro serialization format, expanding the ways users can integrate with downstream big data ecosystems.

Data formats

Added support for 8 new OpenAPI interfaces, mainly covering functionality modules such as RDS PostgreSQL data source, table addition and deletion, and transmission instances.


October 20, 2023



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New Features

New ARM Architecture Specifications Release

Released the Standard Edition (Cloud Disk) series ARM architecture clusters, supporting specifications including 16C 70GB, 32C 180GB, and 62C 400GB. The corresponding compute instance prices are approximately 18%-20% lower than the same specifications on x86, suitable for customers using different CPU architectures.

Purchase an instance

Overall Optimization of Cluster Configuration Change Capability

Further categorized the existing configuration change capabilities into temporary configuration changes, standard configuration changes, etc. Added the ability to convert temporary storage and specifications into permanent storage and specifications, providing more flexible adaptation to business changes for cloud customers.

Instance modification overview

Enhanced Backup and Restore Capability

  • Added support for full backup set restore for V4.0 and later.

  • Supports cluster instance recycle bin.

  • Supports database-level logical backup, download of database and table logical backup sets, and restore support for archive backups.

  • Optimized the support for the number of tables in logical table backup restore to 200 tables.

Initiate a restore

Backup strategies

Instance recycle bin

August 22, 2023



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New features

Automatic storage scale-out

You can configure rules for automatic storage scale-out and specify the upper limit for automatic scale-out. After the automatic storage scale-out feature is enabled, when the storage space of a cluster is about to be exhausted, the storage space can be automatically scaled out to ensure the stability of online business. This feature applies to scenarios with a large business data volume or frequent and drastic fluctuations in the business volume.

Automatic storage scale-out

Access address optimization

You can add two access addresses for the multi-IDC deployment solution. If you want to add two access addresses, they must be read-only addresses. If you want to add only one access address, it can be a read-only or read/write address.

Add an access address

Change of the minimum tenant specifications

In OceanBase Database V3.x and later, the minimum specifications for tenants in a cluster instance are changed from 2C5G (2 CPU cores and 5 GB of memory) to 1C4G (1 CPU core and 4 GB of memory). This way, a cluster can support more tenants with the same resources, thereby reducing the costs.

Create a tenant

Backup and restore enhancement

  • Restore based on backup sets is supported. You can perform restore based on an existing backup set at a specific point in time.

  • Remote archive backup is supported. If long-term retention of backup files is required, you can store backup files locally or remotely to implement geo-disaster recovery. Remote archive backup files are retained for 60 to 7,200 days. In other words, archive backup files are stored for at least 60 days. Those stored for less than 60 days are charged by 60 days.

Initiate a restore task

Backup strategies

New region available

The Germany (Frankfurt) region is available and supports the full cluster series of Standard Edition (Cloud Disk) ranging from 4C to 62C, Alibaba Cloud accounts of the China and international sites, and the pay-as-you-go and subscription billing methods.

Purchase an instance

June 30, 2023



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New features

Upgrade and downgrade of tenant instance specifications

Specification upgrade and downgrade are supported for tenant instances. Specifically, the specification of a tenant instance can be upgraded from 1C to 2C or downgraded from 2C to 1C.

Modify package specifications

Downgrade package specifications

Drill-down monitoring and custom monitoring

The drill-down monitoring feature can provide data of the same monitoring metric in different dimensions to assist you in routine O&M analysis.

The custom monitoring feature allows you to configure general monitoring metrics on the custom monitoring panel as needed.

Drill-down cluster performance monitoring

Customize a monitoring report for a cluster instance

New product

You can select three full-featured replicas (3F) for the single-IDC deployment mode.

Purchase an instance

Version adaptation

OceanBase Database V4.0 is no longer available and OceanBase Database V4.1 is fully available. The corresponding 4C specification is available.

Purchase an instance

New region available

The Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) region is available.

Purchase an instance

Pricing adjustment

The total prices of the 4C, 14C, and 24C cluster instance specifications are reduced.


May 22, 2023



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New features

Schema migration, full migration, incremental synchronization, full verification, and reverse incremental migration are supported for migration from a MySQL database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database V4.1.0 and for OceanBase Database tenant instances.

Migrate data from a MySQL database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database

Full verification and reverse incremental migration are supported for migration from a MySQL database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database V4.0.0.

Schema migration, full migration, incremental synchronization, full verification, and reverse incremental migration are supported for migration from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database V2.x or V3.x to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database V4.1.0.

Migrate data between OceanBase databases

Schema migration, full migration, incremental synchronization, full verification, and reverse incremental migration are supported for migration from a TiDB database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database.

Migrate data from a TiDB database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database

Full migration, incremental synchronization, and full verification are supported for migration from a PolarDB-X 1.0 database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database.

Migrate data from a PolarDB-X 1.0 database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database

Nine general batch operations such as batch start and batch pause are supported to improve the overall O&M efficiency.

Perform batch operations on data migration projects

Full synchronization and incremental synchronization are supported for migration from OceanBase Database to a RocketMQ instance of Enterprise Edition or Community Edition.

Synchronize data from OceanBase Database to a RocketMQ instance

Synchronization of DDL operations from OceanBase Database to a Kafka instance is supported. This way, you can promptly detect schema changes.

Synchronize data from OceanBase Database to a Kafka instance

The Debezium JSON format is supported for the destination Kafka, DataHub, or RocketMQ instance to facilitate interconnection with the downstream big data ecosystem.

Data formats

You can set the cluster ID based on the actual situation. The Default and DefaultExtendColumnType serialization methods are supported. This feature applies to business scenarios such as data cleansing and history database.

You can dynamically change project names to facilitate project management.

Change the name of a data migration project

Change the name of a data synchronization project

Data migration and data synchronization across different Alibaba Cloud accounts are supported.

Apply for cross-account authorization

Tag-based management is supported so that you can manage projects and perform batch operations based on tags.

Use tags to manage data migration projects

Use tags to manage data synchronization projects

You can remove objects that do not meet your conditions during the precheck. This facilitates project creation and improves the ease-of-use.

Data migration

An incremental synchronization checkpoint can be selected for incremental synchronization. This option is not supported for full migration.

May 17, 2023



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New features


Binlog collects the transaction logs of OceanBase Database and converts them into MySQL binary logs (binlogs). This service is designed for scenarios such as real-time data subscription. The binlog service can be enabled and managed at the tenant level. A limited-time free trial is provided.


Related operations

Multi-tenant isolation optimization

The cgroup-based isolation mechanism is supported to implement CPU resource isolation between tenants, CPU resource sharing between user tenants and meta tenants, and request priority configuration.

Purchase an instance

Cluster Instance Workspace

Standard edition (key-value)

Key-value is the NoSQL model of OceanBase Database that bypasses the SQL engine and directly reads data from the storage engine. The key-value model of OceanBase Database takes full advantage of a new database architecture that integrates both NoSQL and SQL features and provides a variety of non-relational APIs that are simpler and more efficient to meet your requirements in different scenarios. At present, the key-value model supports only specifications of 32 and 64 CPU cores.

Product series

Purchase an instance

Standby instance decoupling

You can decouple a standby instance from the primary cluster so that the standby instance functions as a new independent cluster. This improves resource utilization and can be performed in scenarios such as business splitting.

Decouple a standby instance

Billing method change

You can change the billing method from subscription to pay-as-you-go.

View the instance list

New release

OceaBase Database V4.1.0.0 is released. In this version, the 2F1A deployment mode is supported to reduce costs.


March 28, 2023



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New features

Cluster instance scale-in

Users of the China or international site that choose the subscription or pay-as-you-go billing method can reduce the nodes, specifications, and storage space to scale in their cluster instances.

Reduce the storage space

Downgrade package specifications

Add and delete a node

Recycle bin for databases and tables

The recycle bin stores deleted data such as databases and tables. You can restore the deleted data of databases and tables from the recycle bin. Databases and tables in the recycle bin still occupy the storage space. You can configure the automatic purging interval or manually purge it.

Recycle bin of a cluster instance

Recycle bin of a tenant

Recycle bin of a tenant instance

Backup and restore

The local archive backup is supported to reduce the retention costs of long-stored backup files. Archive backup files are retained for at least 60 days. You will be charged for 60-day retention even if the retention period is shorter than 60 days. Archive backup files cannot be downloaded.

Billing for backup and restore


Backup strategies

March 17, 2023


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ODC user guide

ODC supports static data desensitization and allows you to enable data desensitization strategies in operations such as data export and result set export.

For example, ODC supports built-in desensitization rules for data such as email addresses, bank card numbers, phone numbers, ID card numbers, and names. You can configure desensitization strategies based on the valid range of database name.table name.field name specified by the desensitization rules.

ODC also allows you to configure custom desensitization rules by using desensitization algorithms such as masking, character replacement, format retaining, hashing, rounding, and null value assignment.

Data desensitization management

The shadow table synchronization feature is added, which automatically creates shadow table schemas in the same database based on the schemas of source tables and automatically synchronizes the schemas to the destination.

Synchronization of shadow tables

Shadow table synchronization tasks

The partitioning plan feature is added, which supports automatic precreation and deletion of expired RANGE partitions and RANGE COLUMNS partitions.

Partitioning plans

Partitioning plan task

SQL plan tasks are supported. ODC can periodically execute SQL scripts created by users to complete database development and O&M tasks as required by the users.

SQL plans

SQL plan task

Automatic authorization rules are added. The administrator of the public resource console can automatically assign specific roles or permissions to users that meet specified conditions when they log on to the console for the first time or when they are created, which avoids redundant authorization. For example, the administrator can authorize users whose name, organization, department, or logon method meets specified judgment conditions.

Automatic authorization rules

SQL window optimization:

  • Before you execute an SQL statement, you can specify whether to enable Obtain Column Information of Result Set. If the table contains a large number of columns, we recommend that you disable this option. After you disable this option, column comments and editable columns are not queried, which shortens the SQL execution time.

  • The maximum size of a CLOB field in the result set is changed to 2 MB for texts, 200 KB for hexadecimals, and 20 MB for images.

  • When you edit a result set, you can export specified rows to the clipboard.

  • You can view the information of a field, such as its type and remarks, in the status bar of the result set.

  • SQL specification check is supported when you edit SQL statements in the SQL window, create database change tasks, or create tables.

SQL window

Import and export:

  • When you import a single CSV table, you can skip the first row.

  • You can merge DDL statements into one SQL file and sort them by foreign keys when you export only the schema.

  • When you export data, you can set the maximum size of a single file. The size can be 64 MB, 512 MB, 1,024 MB, 2,048 MB, or not limited.

  • You must call the TO_DATE or TO_TIMESTAMP function to export SQL statements of date and time data types.

Batch export and import

Single table export and import

Import a task

Export a task

February 27, 2023



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New features

Backup and restore

Remote backup files of a cluster can be used to restore the cluster to the region where the remote backup files are located. In other words, assuming that the remote backup files of cluster A are stored in the region in which cluster B is located, tenants of cluster A can be restored to cluster B by using the remote backup files of cluster A. In this case, the restore is initiated from cluster B, namely the destination cluster.

Logical backup supports incremental data backup, which ensures data consistency for tables without downtime.

Initiate a restore task

Initiate a manual backup

Data backup

Security assessment

A security assessment menu is provided in the security settings module for you to detect and assess the overall database security based on cluster check items and tenant check items. You can configure security settings in the specified module based on the assessment suggestion.

Security assessment

New specification available

The specifications available for scaling are adjusted, and the 104C specification is provided. However, the 104C specification is available to whitelisted users only.

Purchase an instance

More nodes supported

The number of nodes is increased from 18 to 45 in 15-15-15 deployment mode.

Add and delete a node

OceanBase Database V4.0

More specifications are provided, such as 4C, 8C, 14C, 24C, 30C, 62C, and 104C.

The package specifications, storage specifications, and node specifications can be scaled up to help testers and small-specification users smoothly scale up the specifications for production systems.

Purchase an instance

Add and delete a node

Modify the storage space

Modify package specifications

Standby instances

You can add standby cluster instances for a primary cluster instance to form a cluster network. In this cluster network, the primary and standby instances maintain data consistency by performing asynchronous log replication. When the primary instance becomes unavailable, a standby instance can take over the services and provide the disaster recovery capability to minimize the service downtime.

Cluster Instance Workspace

Create a standby instance

Add a primary address for a tenant in the standby instance

OceanBase Autonomy Service

The capacity risks of all existing clusters are aggregated to reflect resource usage. This helps evaluate the necessity of scaling and allows you to avoid capacity risks by taking early actions.

Capacity center

December 9, 2022



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New features

Tenant instance (MySQL mode)

A tenant instance (1C4G or 2C8G) can run as an independent database instance. You can create a database in a tenant instance and create tables in this database to provide services for upper-layer applications.

This feature is designed for individual developers or scenarios that deal with a small amount of data. We recommend that you do not use this feature in high-availability scenarios such as the core business systems of an enterprise.

Tenant instance workspace

General operations on tenant instances

Read/Write splitting

Read/Write splitting is supported. By default, read operations are allocated to followers and write operations are allocated to leaders to implement replica-level splitting and implement load balancing across multiple endpoints and replicas, thereby implementing transaction-level splitting of read and write operations.

Add an access address

Distributed primary zone

The distributed primary zone feature is supported in multi-node scenarios. The primary endpoint and read-only endpoints can be modified. The feature of reading and writing endpoints is added.

Switch the primary zone

November 28, 2022



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New features

Schema migration, full migration, and incremental synchronization from a MySQL database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database V4.0 are supported.

Migrate data from a MySQL database to OceanBase Database

The precheck skip feature is provided to ensure that the entire process is free of stuck.

In the Specify Objects mode, you can dynamically add and remove tables to reduce resource consumption and simplify manual O&M.

View and modify migration objects

View and modify synchronization objects

A self-managed OceanBase database in VPC supports advanced options, cross-network deployment, cross-cloud transmission, and migration of tables without unique keys.

Create an OceanBase data source

Transmission instances can be automatically released to save resources.

Purchase and release a transmission instance

Improved user experience

Monitoring the execution time of SQL statements in the full migration step is supported to help you effectively identify performance-related issues.

View migration details

The execution time of SQL statements is displayed in the incremental synchronization and reverse incremental synchronization steps to show the performance of the migration process.

September 19, 2022



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New features

Smooth migration and synchronization from MySQL 5.5 to OceanBase Database are supported.

MySQL database migration

Performance data and baseline data of full migration and verification are displayed to help you identify performance issues.

Start a data migration project

Partition import is supported to improve the full migration performance and save the migration time.

New data verification methods are supported to improve the efficiency of full verification.

Unsupported incremental DDL statements can be skipped with a few clicks, which simplifies user operation and improves the process stability.

The performance data of incremental synchronization can be displayed to help you identify performance issues.

Statistics of DML and DDL statements in incremental synchronization can be displayed to help visually learn about the performance of the synchronization process and track the changed objects.

Importing and exporting objects and object configurations in the CSV format are supported to implement batch setting and cross-environment migration, which improves work efficiency.

Download and import settings of migration objects

Download and import the settings of synchronization objects

11 general APIs are provided to meet your automation requirements at work.

API overview

Cross-cloud Kafka data transmission is supported.

Create a Kafka data source

The project-specific alert configuration guides are improved to implement real-time monitoring and subsequent assurance of a project.

Configure alert monitoring settings

July 7, 2022



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New features

OceanBase Autonomy Service

Describes how to connect to OceanBase Autonomy Service. You can connect a cluster in the running state to OceanBase Autonomy Service.

Connect to OceanBase Autonomy Service

The real-time diagnostics feature is provided. On the real-time diagnostics page, you can view information such as the SQL running status and session analysis information.


The capacity center is provided. The capacity center displays the data volume trends of system databases and tables.

Capacity center

The security management feature is provided. This feature allows you to perform SQL audit.

Security center

The optimization records feature is provided. You can query the optimization records to view the historical operations of binding plans or indexes in a cluster.

View optimization suggestions

July 1, 2022



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New features

Data migration

Migrating data from an ApsaraDB for OceanBase Database instance in MySQL mode to a MySQL database is supported. The MySQL database can be an RDS database, ApsaraDB for PolarDB instance, a database deployed in a VPC or public network, or a database deployed by using a database gateway.

Create a project to migrate data from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to a MySQL database

Migrating data between ApsaraDB for OceanBase Database instances is supported.

Create a project to migrate data from one OceanBase database to another

Migrating tables without unique keys from a MySQL database to an OceanBase database in MySQL mode is supported.

MySQL database migration

Automatically creating an OceanBase database in MySQL mode is supported to migrate data from a MySQL database to the OceanBase database.

Data synchronization

Synchronizing data from an OceanBase database to a DataHub instance in a VPC or public network is supported.

Create a project to synchronize data from an OceanBase database to a DataHub instance

Migrating data from an ApsaraDB for OceanBase instance in MySQL mode to an OceanBase database in MySQL mode (in VPC) is supported.

Create a project to synchronize data between two OceanBase databases

Improvement of operation easiness

The schema migration, full migration, and full verification processes are optimized to avoid the impact of table processing failures on the running of a project.


Force conversion of character sets is supported to improve the compatibility with more character sets of data sources.


May 31, 2022



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New features

History database

To solve historical data read and update problems, the history database feature is provided to store archived data. The low-cost storage solution based on large-volume physical disks effectively reduces the storage cost of customers in storing historical data. You can also query data in the history database to enjoy high cost efficiency.

Standard Edition (History Database)

Support for local disk

The storage and engine of OceanBase Database can be deployed in the same node to improve the I/O performance and reduce the read/write latency, which meets the IOPS requirements of some business systems.

Standard Edition (Local Disk)

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) interconnection with Alibaba Cloud Key Management Service (KMS)

Hosting the TDE key by using the KMS service of Alibaba Cloud is supported, which meets the compliance requirements of regulatory authorities.


Optimized features

Data transmission

The incremental migration of DDL operations from a MySQL database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database is supported. Reverse incremental migration from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to a MySQL database is also supported.

Create a project to migrate data from a MySQL database to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database

Data synchronization to different topics in a single project is supported to improve the data synchronization efficiency. Index creation after full migration and partition-based data reads and writes are supported to improve the performance of full migration.

Create a project to synchronize data from an OceanBase database to a DataHub instance

Incremental synchronization from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to an AnalyticDB for MySQL (ADB) database and the automatic synchronization of some DDL operations from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to an ADB database are supported.

Create a project to synchronize data from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to an AnalyticDB for MySQL database

Regarding operation simplicity and user experience, the operations of renaming databases and tables are optimized, and the data volume and latency curves in incremental synchronization can be displayed. All features of the service are available in multiple languages.

Data R&D

Enterprise-level management features such as task process change management, risk data judgment, operation audit, and SQL audit are supported to meet the asset security and audit requirements for user data.

Data R&D on ODC

Manage task processes

Manage operation records

Import a task

Export a task

Data mocking tasks

Database change tasks

Adding ODP (Sharding) as a data source for a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database is supported. The recycle bin management capability is provided. An independent session design is available in the SQL window. You can export functions and stored procedures and upload multiple script files.

Create a private connection

Manage public connections

Recycle bin

SQL window

Stored scripts

PL/SQL statement execution details are optimized.

Execute a PL/SQL statement

Regarding operation simplicity, online editing of CLOB fields that are less than 200 KB is supported.

More fields such as the row number and position are displayed when a PL/SQL compilation error occurs.

All features of the service are available in multiple languages.

Result tab

PL editing area

May 13, 2022

In the first release of OceanBase Migration Assessment (OMA) for the public cloud, both online and offline assessment methods are provided. You can select an assessment method based on the network and resource status: directly connect to an instance or upload files to perform compatibility assessment and SQL assessment. OMA allows you to generate assessment reports in HTML or PDF format. The operations are simple. You can go to the ApsaraDB for OceanBase console to have first-hand experience.



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New features

First release of OMA for public cloud

OMA is a database compatibility assessment tool provided by OceanBase Database. OMA provides precise compatibility assessment, SQL assessment, and application reconstruction suggestions for data migration to OceanBase Database. It helps migrate data to a distributed OceanBase database efficiently and smoothly.

What is OceanBase Migration Assessment?

April 20, 2022



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Feature upgrades

OceanBase Database data synchronization to AnalyticDB

Synchronizing data from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to an AnalyticDB instance is supported. Schema synchronization, full synchronization, and incremental synchronization are supported. Database and table renaming, partitioning key and distribution key customization, and the synchronization of some DDL operations are supported.

Create a project to synchronize data from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to an AnalyticDB for MySQL database

March 20, 2022







New features

SQL audit

Auditing SQL records by database, node, keyword, time range, username, and operation type in the cluster console is supported in internal compliance scenarios. You can also export the SQL records.

Diagnostics overview


Quick scale-out of enhanced SSD

Quick scale-out of enhanced SSD is supported to improve customer experience.

Purchase a cluster

OceanBase Database data synchronization to Kafka

Synchronizing data of an OceanBase Database instance to a Kafka instance on Alibaba Cloud is supported. You can create a Kafka instance in a VPC. Five JSON serialization message formats are available.

Create a project to synchronize data from an OceanBase database to a Kafka instance

December 8, 2021



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New features

Commercialization of backup and restore

The backup and restore feature of ApsaraDB for OceanBase is free. However, the backup files will occupy storage space, which is provided by Object Storage Service (OSS).

After you purchase an OceanBase cluster, a backup and restore order is generated for you.

Billing for backup and restore

Service account authorization

You can use the service account authorization feature to grant permissions such as the configuration, query, and data permissions to technical support engineers at Alibaba Cloud.

Service account authorization

November 8, 2021



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Related Documentation


New APIs

You can manage clusters by using APIs, including APIs for creating and deleting tenants, users, and databases in a cluster. You can manage OceanBase clusters on the original system O&M platform.

API overview

Permission management in OceanBase Developer Center (ODC)

DBAs can configure permissions of general users, including creating personal connections, accessing public connections, and reading/writing public connections.


Data synchronization between MySQL tenants of OceanBase Database

Synchronizing physical or logical tables from a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database to another MySQL tenant is supported.

Create a project to synchronize data between two OceanBase databases

August 19, 2021



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8C32G server

8C32G servers are available for sale in the non-financial zones in Hangzhou. The servers can be deployed in a single IDC.


Deployment of a tenant in multiple units

When you create a tenant, you can specify the number of units to deploy the tenant in the units. This improves the distributed capability of the tenant.

Create a tenant

Data synchronization

The data synchronization feature allows you to synchronize data between an OceanBase physical table and a created Kafka data source or RocketMQ message queue in real time, extending the message processing capability. It also supports real-time data synchronization between Sybase ASE and created RocketMQ terminals.

Supported databases and migration types


Improvement of product operation easiness

The cluster and tenant management feature is changed to the graphical form to show you clear O&M information.


OceanBase Database as a data source in Quick BI/DataV

ApsaraDB for OceanBase allows you to use OceanBase Database as a data source in Quick BI and DataV and perform data interaction in the internal network.


July 19, 2021



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Database development and management

DBMS output in the SQL window

Database management system (DBMS) output is supported in the SQL window. After you execute PL/SQL statements in the SQL window, the returned information of the DBMS statement is displayed on the result tab.

SQL window

Result set interaction optimization

You can drag column names in a result set to adjust the sequence of the columns, and filter and arrange fields based on their values. The Copy and Set to Null buttons are provided.

SQL window

Schema switchover

In Oracle mode, you can open a connection and change the schema in the top navigation bar of the workspace.

Manage connections

Asynchronous execution

The asynchronous execution tool is added to Tools. Statements in the SQL window are executed synchronously, and the execution may time out when the statement runs for a long time. You can use the asynchronous execution tool to run time-consuming SQL statements to avoid execution timeout.

Asynchronous execution

Data mocking

ODC provides the data mocking feature that can generate data based on field types in a table. This can meet your requirement for generating a large amount of data during database performance tests or feature verification.

Mock data

June 16, 2021



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Support for log replicas

This feature allows you to set the third replica as a log replica. It improves cost efficiency in terms of storage and computing resource consumption without affecting the performance.

Standard cluster edition

Standard Edition (History Database)

Security group whitelist group

You may create and edit whitelist groups.

Create a whitelist group

SSL link encryption

ApsaraDB for OceanBase supports SSL link encryption to ensure secure data transmission between clients and servers.

SSL link encryption


ApsaraDB for OceanBase supports transparent data encryption (TDE) for data flushed to disks.


User experience optimization

The monitoring capability is improved, and the user experience of performing list and search operations is also optimized. For details, log on to the OceanBase console.


April 12, 2021



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Basic edition series services

A new billing method is provided, in which the storage fees are charged based on the actual usage on an hourly basis.

Create a cluster

Optimization of the backup and restore feature

  • The information displayed in the backup task list is optimized.

  • The backup policies are optimized.

  • A prompt for indicating to perform backup during off-peak hours is added to the backup policy and the backup now feature.


Initiate a restore task

Initiate a manual backup

Data backup

Backup strategies

Data restore

Major compaction

Manual compaction of cluster data is supported.

Tenant overview

January 28, 2021



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Tenant parameter management

You can view the parameters and parameter modification history of a tenant and can modify the parameters.

Manage tenant parameters

Support for vertical scaling, storage space scale-out, and subscription

  • You can scale out the storage space only when all tenants in the cluster are in the Running state. During the upgrade, services will be unavailable for several seconds. Therefore, perform this operation during off-peak hours.

  • Monthly renewal is supported.

Cluster workspace overview

Resource tagging

You can select up to 10 tags for each cluster. You can use the Manage Tags feature to create or delete tags.


Database development and management

The Config URL connection mode is canceled for OceanBase Database in MySQL mode.

Create a connection

The method for changing the connection password is optimized.

Manage connections

Execution plans can be viewed in text.

SQL window

December 23, 2020



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Cluster parameter management

The parameter management feature is provided. You can view the parameters and parameter modification history and can modify parameters.


Modification history

Cluster parameters

Support for disk space usage display

The node data of clusters is monitored and the disk space usage is displayed.


Account privileges

Several account privileges are added, and user privilege configuration is supported in RAM access control.

Create an account

Policy management

Multi-zone support

If you choose a multi-IDC deployment plan, you can deploy three nodes in three different availability zones (AZs) to achieve zone-level disaster recovery. This does not incur additional charges.

Create a cluster

December 8, 2020



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Monitoring and alerting

You can create alert rules and view, add, modify, and disable alert rules.

Add an alert rule

Manage alert rules

Whitelist modification entry optimization

The whitelist modification entry is added to the page to facilitate whitelist management.

Cluster workspace overview

Display of the subscription expiration date

The service subscription expiration date or status is displayed.

Cluster workspace overview

Database development and management

Program package object creation and management

Program package objects can be created and managed in a visualized manner.

Program package overview

Create a program package

Manage program packages

Sequence object creation and management

Sequence objects can be created and managed in a visualized manner.

Sequence overview

Create a sequence

Manage sequences

Table creation optimization

  • Column editing interaction during table creation is optimized.

  • Partition configuration interaction during table creation is optimized.

Create a table

SQL window optimization

  • PL/SQL statements can be edited in the window by using delimiters.

  • Some common tools are added to the toolbar. Some common management operations are available in the context menu.

  • You can drag the windows in the console to adjust their sequence.

  • Data on the Results tab can be flexibly selected and copied to an external file.

  • Long data in a cell that cannot be displayed in full can be previewed in full when you place the pointer over the target cell.

SQL window

Anonymous block window

The anonymous block window is a work area for database developers to edit anonymous block scripts and edit and execute PL/SQL statements.

Anonymous block window

Connection creation optimization

Advanced information can be configured. The timeout period and users with the privilege to access sys views can be customized.

Create a connection

Connection management optimization

  • The connection configuration card is optimized and directly displays the status of the current connection.

  • The automatic saving feature is added for sessions. When the connection is interrupted by force, the previous editing window is automatically displayed upon reconnection.

Manage connections

Session management

  • Allows you to view database sessions and perform fuzzy searches.

  • Allows you to close sessions in batches or one by one.

  • Allows you to close the current queries of the session in batches or one by one.

Manage sessions

Recycle bin management

  • Allows you to view objects in the recycle bin and perform fuzzy searches.

  • Allows you to purge the recycle bin.

  • Allows you to purge objects in batches or one by one.

  • Allows you to restore objects in batches or one by one.

Recycle bin

Database object management improvement

  • Allows you to create and view primary key constraints.

  • Allows you to create, view, and delete unique constraints.

  • Allows you to view the structure tree information of function, stored procedure, and program package objects and to compile and run these objects.

Create a table

Table list

Manage table attributes

Manage views

Manage functions

Manage stored procedures

Manage sequences

Manage program packages

SQL console feature improvement

  • Displays SQL execution plans.

  • Allows you to view the actual execution plans of executed SQL statements.

  • Allows you to view the resource consumption during SQL statement execution.

  • Allows you to edit the result set, for example, create, delete, and modify it.

  • Allows you to view the query results and supports the column mode.

  • Allows you to export the result set.

SQL window

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