
Updated at: 2023-01-03 08:53

A package is a combination of related PL programming elements, such as functions, procedures, variables, and cursors. Packages are similar to classes in Java. Variables in a package are similar to member variables in a class, and functions and procedures are similar to methods in a Java class. A package is used to group identical or similar objects, to facilitate maintenance and management and improve development efficiency and performance.


After you connect OceanBase Developer Center (ODC) to OceanBase Database V2.2.20 or a later version in Oracle mode, you can create package objects in ODC. The MySQL mode does not support this feature.

Log on to ODC and click the name of the target connection in Oracle mode to go to the corresponding connection management page. You can click package in the left-side navigation pane to get a list of packages. Double-click a package name in the package list to go to the package management page. On this page, you can view information such as the basic information and codes of the package header and package body.

This chapter describes in different topics the operations you can perform on package objects in ODC.

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