This topic describes the current cluster parameters.
Parameter | Description |
Parameter | Description |
sys_bkgd_io_low_percentage | Specifies the minimum percentage of system background I/Os. If the value is 0, the system automatically sets this parameter based on the environment. |
clog_transport_compress_all | Specifies whether to compress transaction logs for transfer. |
enable_rebalance | Specifies whether to enable automatic load balancing among partitions. |
location_refresh_thread_count | Specifies the number of threads for refreshing the location cache. |
location_cache_expire_time | Specifies the retention time of cached objects in the location cache. |
force_refresh_location_cache_threshold | specifies the maximum numbers of location cache refreshes allowed in one second. Throttling is triggered when this threshold is reached. |
max_stale_time_for_weak_consistency | Specifies the maximum delay allowed in weak consistency reads. |
multiblock_read_gap_size | Specifies the maximum size of data that can be read from the block cache in one I/O aggregate read. |
user_tab_col_stat_cache_priority | Specifies the priority of the statistics cache in the cache system. |
multiblock_read_size | Specifies the I/O aggregate throughput in data access. |
sys_bkgd_io_high_percentage | Specifies the maximum percentage of system background I/Os. |
fuse_row_cache_priority | Specifies the priority of the fuse row cache in the cache system. |
force_refresh_location_cache_interval | Specifies the maximum interval for refreshing the location cache. |
sys_bkgd_net_percentage | Specifies the percentage of network bandwidth for background tasks. |
index_cache_priority | Specifies the priority of the index in the cache system. |
clog_cache_priority | Specifies the caching priority of transaction logs. |
large_query_threshold | Specifies the execution time threshold at which a query is deemed a large query. When this threshold is reached, large query scheduling policies are executed. |
micro_block_merge_verify_level | Specifies the validation level of macro blocks in a major compaction. |
bf_cache_priority | Specifies the caching priority of the Bloom filter. |
bf_cache_miss_count_threshold | Specifies the number of macro block misses that triggers the creation of the Bloom filter cache. When the value is set to 0, this feature is disabled. |
user_block_cache_priority | Specifies the priority of the block index in the cache system. |
memory_reserved | Specifies the size of the reserved memory. |
builtin_db_data_verify_cycle | Specifies the cycle of bad block check in the unit of days. When the value is set to 0, bad block check is not performed. |
partition_table_scan_batch_count | Specifies the number of replicas that can be pre-read in a batch during a partition table traversal. |
sys_cpu_limit_trigger | Specifies the CPU utilization threshold at which background tasks will be suspended. |
location_fetch_concurrency | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent location cache information updates. |
index_clog_cache_priority | Specifies the priority of the transaction log index in the cache system. |
virtual_table_location_cache_expire_time | Specifies the expiration time of the location cache of the virtual table. |
location_cache_refresh_min_interval | Specifies the minimum interval for sending location cache refresh requests, to prevent excessive refresh requests from overloading the system. |
clog_transport_compress_func | Specifies the algorithm for compressing transaction logs for internal transfer. |
trx_try_wait_lock_timeout | Specifies the maximum amount of time that a statement waits for a locked row to be unlocked. |