On the Parameters page of a cluster, you can search for a cluster parameter to view information such as the current value, default value, whether a restart is required to take effect, and value range of the parameter. You can also modify parameters and cancel the modifications.
Background information
You can set cluster parameters to control the load balancing, resource allocation, and module switches of a cluster. This ensures that the behaviors of ApsaraDB for OceanBase meet your business requirements.
Click the target cluster in the Clusters list to go to the Cluster Workspace page.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Parameter Management to go to the Parameters page.
The Parameters list contains the following columns: Parameter Name, Current Value, Default Value, Effective upon Restart, and Valid Values. You can enter a parameter in the search box and click the search icon to view details of the parameter.
Click Modify Parameter in the upper-right corner and modify the values in the Current Value column.
After the modification, click Submit to submit the modification. To restore the default settings, click Revoke All.