Recycle bin

Updated at: 2023-01-03 08:50

Log on to OceanBase Developer Center (ODC) and click the name of the target connection to go to the corresponding database object management page. Click Recycle Bin in the upper-right corner to go to the recycle bin page.

The recycle bin temporarily stores deleted database objects and allows you to search for and restore the deleted objects.

Technically, the recycle bin is a data dictionary table that stores the information about deleted database objects. Deletion here refers to the DROP operation. Data that is deleted by the DELETE operation will not be moved to the recycle bin. Therefore, an object deleted by the DROP operation is not permanently deleted and still occupies storage space. You can use the PURGE operation or empty the recycle bin in ODC to release the space.

The following figure shows the recycle bin page.Recycle bin





Original Name

The name of the deleted object specified by its creator.

You can click Original Name to sort the objects by original name in ascending or descending order.

Object Name

The name that ODC gives to the object.

Unlike the original name, the object name is never repeated and can uniquely identify an object.

Object Type

The type of the deleted object.

Recycled At

The timestamp when the object was deleted. The timestamps help you track deleted objects with ease.

In addition, the navigation bar on the recycle bin page provides buttons with the following features.






Click Clear to clear the recycle bin so that all the deleted objects in the recycle bin are purged and the storage space is released.


Click Refresh to refresh the list of deleted objects in the recycle bin.


Click Purge to purge the selected objects from the recycle bin and release the storage space.


Click Restore to restore the selected objects from the recycle bin to its original location.


Enter the name of a deleted object in the search box to search for it.


Click Settings to specify whether to enable the recycle bin and the Truncate Table feature.

  • If the recycle bin is enabled, the structure of deleted objects will be moved to the recycle bin.

  • If the Truncate Table feature is enabled, the data of deleted objects will be retained.

Select All

Click the check box icon Check box to select or deselect all objects.

Recycle Bin  / /> Select All

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