
Updated at: 2022-05-23 13:38

As a database development platform for enterprises, OceanBase Developer Center (ODC) provides a public resource console to enable the ODC administrator to manage users, grant permissions, and allocate resources.

The ODC administrator can see the Public Resource Console tab on the right side of the ODC homepage. The console enables the ODC administrator to manage users, roles, public connections, resource groups, and system settings.

After ODC users obtain the database access information, they can create private connections in ODC. A private connection is accessible only to the user who creates it. For the security of the enterprise, database access information is not shared with all users. The administrator can create public connections in ODC, combine multiple public connections to create resource groups, and grant the access permission of public connections or resource groups to specific roles. As the public connections of a role are shared to all users with the role, the administrator does not need to share the access information with all users.

The administrator can configure global settings on the System Settings page.

This chapter describes the following features of the public resource console:
