This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
Tag Management
API | Title | Description |
ModifyTagValueName | ModifyTagValueName | You can call this operation to rename a tag. |
ModifyTagName | ModifyTagName | |
DescribeTagValues | DescribeTagValues | You can call this operation to query tags. |
DeleteTagValue | DeleteTagValue | You can call this operation to delete a tag from a tag group. |
DeleteTag | DeleteTag | You can call this operation to delete a tag group. |
CreateTagValue | CreateTagValue | You can call this operation to create a tag. |
CreateTag | CreateTag | You can call this operation to create a tag group. |
ModifyInstanceTags | ModifyInstanceTags | You can call this operation to modify the tags of a cluster. |
DescribeTenantTags | DescribeTenantTags | You can call this operation to query the tags of tenants in a cluster. |
ModifyTenantTags | ModifyTenantTags | You can call this operation to modify the tags of a tenant. |
DescribeInstanceTags | DescribeInstanceTags | You can call this operation to query the tags of clusters. |
Cluster management
API | Title | Description |
CreateInstance | CreateInstance | You can call this operation to create an OceanBase cluster. |
DescribeInstance | DescribeInstance | You can call this operation to query the detailed information of an OceanBase cluster. |
DescribeInstances | DescribeInstances | You can call this operation to obtain the list of OceanBase clusters. |
DescribeInstanceTopology | DescribeInstanceTopology | You can call this operation to query the topology of an OceanBase cluster. |
ModifyInstanceName | ModifyInstanceName | You can call this operation to change the name of an OceanBase cluster. |
ModifyInstanceSpec | ModifyInstanceSpec | You can call this operation to modify the cluster specifications and storage space. |
ModifyInstanceNodeNum | ModifyInstanceNodeNum | You can call this operation to modify the number of nodes in a cluster. |
ModifyInstanceTemporaryCapacity | ModifyInstanceTemporaryCapacity | You can call this operation to modify the temporary capacity of the OceanBase cluster. |
SwitchoverInstance | SwitchoverInstance | You can call this operation to switch between the primary and standby instances of OceanBase. |
DeleteInstances | DeleteInstances | You can call this operation to release an OceanBase cluster. |
DescribeInstanceSummary | DescribeInstanceSummary | Obtains the overview information about OceanBase instances. |
Tenant management
API | Title | Description |
DescribeTenantReadableScn | DescribeTenantReadableScn | You can call this operation to query the maximum readable timestamp of a tenant. |
CreateTenant | CreateTenant | You can call this operation to create a tenant. |
CreateTenantReadOnlyConnection | CreateTenantReadOnlyConnection | You can call this operation to create a read-only address for a specified tenant. |
CreateTenantSecurityIpGroup | CreateTenantSecurityIpGroup | You can call this operation to create the security whitelist for the tenant. |
DescribeTenants | DescribeTenants | You can call this operation to query the tenants in an OceanBase cluster. |
DescribeInstanceTenantModes | DescribeInstanceTenantModes | You can call this operation to query the modes of tenants. |
DescribeTenant | DescribeTenant | You can call this operation to query the information of a specific tenant in a specific cluster. |
DescribeAvailableCpuResource | DescribeAvailableCpuResource | You can call this operation to query the CPU resources available for a tenant. |
DescribeAvailableMemResource | DescribeAvailableMemResource | You can call this operation to query the available memory resource of an OceanBase Database tenant. |
DescribeCharset | DescribeCharset | You can call this operation to query the character set of an OceanBase Database tenant. |
DescribeInstanceCreatableZone | DescribeInstanceCreatableZone | You can call this operation to query the zones of a cluster that can be set as the primary zone. |
DescribeTenantZonesRead | DescribeTenantZonesRead | You can call this operation to query the information about read-only zones of a tenant. |
DescribeTimeZones | DescribeTimeZones | You can call this API to query the time zones supported by an OceanBase Database tenant. |
DescribeTenantSecurityIpGroups | DescribeTenantSecurityIpGroups | You can call this operation to view the list of whitelist groups of the tenant. |
DescribeZones | DescribeZones | You can call this operation to learn of zones where a cluster can be created in an Alibaba Cloud region. |
ModifyTenantPrimaryZone | ModifyTenantPrimaryZone | You can call this operation to switch the primary zone of the tenant. |
ModifyTenantResource | ModifyTenantResource | You can call this operation to modify the specifications of a tenant in an OceanBase cluster. |
ModifyTenantSecurityIpGroup | ModifyTenantSecurityIpGroup | You can call this operation to modify the information on the whitelist group of the tenant. |
DeleteTenants | DeleteTenants | You can call this operation to delete one or more tenants from an OceanBase cluster. |
DeleteTenantSecurityIpGroup | DeleteTenantSecurityIpGroup | You can call this operation to delete the information on the whitelist group of the tenant. |
Tenant user management
API | Title | Description |
CreateTenantUser | CreateTenantUser | You can call this operation to create an account in a tenant that has access to a database. |
DescribeTenantUsers | DescribeTenantUsers | You can call this operation to query all accounts in a tenant that have access to the database. |
DescribeTenantUserRoles | DescribeTenantUserRoles | You can call this operation to obtain the account authorization information of the tenant. |
ModifyTenantUserDescription | ModifyTenantUserDescription | You can call this operation to modify the description of a specified account in a tenant. |
ModifyTenantUserPassword | ModifyTenantUserPassword | You can call this operation to change the logon password of a specified account in a tenant. |
ModifyTenantUserRoles | ModifyTenantUserRoles | You can call this operation to modify the database privileges of a specified account in a tenant. |
DeleteTenantUsers | DeleteTenantUsers | You can call this operation to delete one or more database accounts. |
Database management
API | Title | Description |
CreateDatabase | CreateDatabase | You can call this operation to create a database in a tenant. |
DescribeDatabases | DescribeDatabases | You can call this operation to query databases in a tenant. |
ModifyDatabaseDescription | ModifyDatabaseDescription | You can call this operation to modify the description of an OceanBase database. |
ModifyTenantUserStatus | ModifyTenantUserStatus | You can call this operation to lock or unlock a specified database account. |
ModifyDatabaseUserRoles | ModifyDatabaseUserRoles | You can call this operation to modify the privileges of an account on a database. |
DeleteDatabases | DeleteDatabases | You can call this operation to delete one or more tenants from an OceanBase cluster. |
Parameter management
API | Title | Description |
DescribeParameters | DescribeParameters | You can call this operation to query the information of cluster or tenant parameters. |
DescribeParametersHistory | DescribeParametersHistory | You can call this operation to query the modification history of cluster or tenant parameters. |
ModifyParameters | ModifyParameters | You can call this operation to modify the parameters of a cluster or tenant. |
Session management
API | Title | Description |
DescribeSessionList | DescribeSessionList | You can call this operation to query sessions between the ApsaraDB for OceanBase and the application. |
BatchKillSessionList | BatchKillSessionList | You can call this operation to close sessions between the ApsaraDB for OceanBase and the application in batches. Please note that this operation is executed asynchronously. After calling this operation, you need to verify it by calling DescribeSessionList. |
BatchKillProcessList | BatchKillProcessList | You can call this operation to close sessions in batches. Please note that this operation is executed asynchronously. After calling this operation, you need to verify it by calling DescribeProcessStatsComposition. |
DescribeProcessStatsComposition | DescribeProcessStatsComposition | You can call this operation to query session information. |
KillProcessList | KillProcessList | You can call this operation to close a session. |
Diagnostic management
API | Title | Description |
DescribeOasAnomalySQLList | DescribeOasAnomalySQLList | You can call this API to view the list of SQL statements that are identified as having performance issues by the diagnostic system. |
DescribeOasSQLDetails | DescribeOasSQLDetails | You can call this API to query detailed information about the SQL, including the SQL text, related table names, and so on. |
DescribeOasSQLPlans | DescribeOasSQLPlans | You can call this API to retrieve information about the SQL execution plan stored in the diagnostic system based on the SQL ID. |
DescribeSQLSamples | DescribeSQLSamples | You can call this API to view the sample data of the execution details of the slow queries. |
DescribeOasSQLHistoryList | DescribeOasSQLHistoryList | You can call this API to view the SQL execution history. |
DescribeOasTopSQLList | DescribeOasTopSQLList | You can call this API to retrieve the list of data on the SQL execution performance collected by the diagnostic system. |
DescribeOasSlowSQLList | DescribeOasSlowSQLList | You can call this API to view a list of slow queries. |
DescribeOutlineBinding | DescribeOutlineBinding | You can call this operation to query the outline binding information or throttling information of an SQL statement in the database based on an SQLID. |
Security settings
API | Title | Description |
ModifyInstanceSSL | ModifyInstanceSSL | You can call this operation to modify the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) setting for an OceanBase cluster instance. |
CreateSecurityIpGroup | CreateSecurityIpGroup | You can call this operation to create an IP address whitelist group. |
DescribeSecurityIpGroups | DescribeSecurityIpGroups | You can call this operation to view the list of IP address whitelist groups. |
DescribeTenantSecurityConfigs | DescribeTenantSecurityConfigs | You can call this operation to query security check items of an OceanBase Database tenant. |
DescribeInstanceSecurityConfigs | DescribeInstanceSecurityConfigs | You can call this operation to query security check items of an OceanBase cluster. |
ModifySecurityIps | ModifySecurityIps | You can call this operation to modify the IP address list in a group. |
DeleteSecurityIpGroup | DeleteSecurityIpGroup | You can call this operation to delete an IP address whitelist group of an OceanBase cluster. |
Metrics management
API | Title | Description |
DescribeNodeMetrics | DescribeNodeMetrics | You can call this operation to query the detailed metrics information of an OceanBase Database node. |
DescribeTenantMetrics | DescribeTenantMetrics | You can call this operation to query the metrics of a specified OceanBase Database tenant. |
Data migration
API | Title | Description |
CreateOmsMysqlDataSource | You can call this operation to create a MySQL data source. |
Backup and restoration management
API | Title | Description |
DescribeBackupSetDownloadLink | DescribeBackupSetDownloadLink | You can call this operation to query the link for downloading a backup set of OceanBase Database. |
DescribeRestorableTenants | DescribeRestorableTenants | Queries information about restorable OceanBase Database tenants. |