This topic describes how to deploy OBCloud Exporter and Prometheus to monitor ApsaraDB for OceanBase.
OBCloud Exporter is a tool provided by ApsaraDB for OceanBase for processing database data. You can use this tool to authenticate with ApsaraDB for OceanBase and obtain data, and then use Prometheus to monitor the database.
You can directly run Prometheus in the system or deploy it by using Docker.
You have installed Java 8 or later.
You have deployed Docker.
Run Prometheus in the system to monitor ApsaraDB for OceanBase
Download OBCloud Exporter.
At present, you cannot directly download OBCloud Exporter. To download the tool, contact OceanBase Technical Support.
Deploy OBCloud Exporter.
Decompress the installation package of OBCloud Exporter to the /opt/obcloud-exporter
mkdir /opt/obcloud-exporter
tar -zxvf Obcloud_Exporter.tar.gz -C /opt/obcloud-exporter --strip-components=1
The following files will be extracted from the installation package:
Dockerfile: the Docker container build file.
muticloud_metric_config.yaml: the metric configuration file. By default, this file does not need to be modified.
application.yaml: the collection configuration file.
obcloud-exporter-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar: the program of OBCloud Exporter. the project description.
Edit the application.yaml configuration file.
# Monitor name.
# Identity credentials.
access_key_id: xxx
access_key_secret: xx
region_id: ap-southeast-1
# Endpoint.
end_point: xxx
# Whether to periodically refresh metrics. The default value is false.
metric_meta_auto_refresh: false
# Instance ID.
- instance_id: xxx
# To query data of a specified tenant in the cluster, you must configure tenant_id.
tenant_id: xxx
# Instance type, which can be cluster (cluster instance) or tenant (tenant instance or serverless instance).
instance_type: tenant
The parameters are described as follows:
access_key_id and access_key_secret: the AccessKey pair for authentication. You can apply for an AccessKey pair from the corresponding platform. For more information, see Create an AccessKey pair.
region_id and end_point: For more information, see Regions (ApsaraDB for OceanBase).
metric_meta_auto_refresh: specifies whether to periodically refresh metrics. The default value is false.
instances: the instances to be monitored. Separate the cluster or tenant instances with hyphens (-).
instance_id: the ID of the cluster instance, serverless instance, or tenant instance.
The value cannot be a tenant ID in a cluster.
instance_type: Valid values are cluster and tenant. When the value of instance_id is a cluster instance ID, set this parameter to cluster. When the value of instance_id is a tenant instance ID or serverless instance ID, set this parameter to tenant.
tenant_id: This parameter is required when you want to query data of a specified tenant in a cluster.
metrics: the metrics to be collected. If this parameter is not specified, all metrics are collected. Specify the metrics in the following format:
-instance_id: xxx
tenant_id: xxx
instance_type: cluster
- sql_all_rt
- sql_delete_rt
If a large number of metrics are collected, the collection speed may be affected. In this case, you can use multiple exporters to collect the metrics.
Run the JAR file of OBCloud Exporter.
java -jar /opt/obcloud-exporter/obcloud-exporter-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Verify the deployment result in a browser. Specifically, access the port 9400 at the corresponding IP address in the browser to verify whether monitoring data is received.
In practice, use the configured IP address and port number for access.
Download Prometheus of the required version from the official website. Here is an example of downloading Prometheus 2.50.1 for Linux:
Deploy Prometheus.
Decompress the installation package of Prometheus to the /opt/prometheus
mkdir -p /opt/prometheus
tar -zxvf prometheus-2.50.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt/prometheus --strip-components=1
Move the prometheus.yml configuration file to the working directory and edit the file as needed.
mv /opt/prometheus/prometheus.yml /usr/local/bin/
vi /usr/local/bin/prometheus.yml
Modify the following parameters:
scrape_interval: 30s
scrape_timeout: 20s
- job_name: "nodes"
- targets: ['localhost:9400']
Create the service file and data storage directory of Prometheus.
mkdir /var/lib/prometheus/
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/Prometheus.service
Enter the save the following content.
The User and Group parameters are optional. For information about how to configure a username and a user group, see the next step.
ExecStart=/opt/prometheus/prometheus \
--config.file /usr/local/bin/prometheus.yml \
--storage.tsdb.path /var/lib/prometheus/
(Optional) Configure a username and a user group. If the username and user group specified in the previous step already exist, or no username and user group are specified, you can skip this step.
sudo groupadd prometheus
sudo useradd -r -g prometheus prometheus
sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /opt/prometheus /var/lib/prometheus
sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/prometheus /var/lib/prometheus
Start the Prometheus service.
# Reload systemd configurations.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Start the Prometheus service.
sudo systemctl start prometheus
# Enable the Prometheus service to start at boot.
sudo systemctl enable prometheus
# Check the service status.
sudo systemctl status prometheus
Check whether Prometheus has started.
sudo netstat -ntlp | grep 9090
Deploy Prometheus by using Docker to monitor ApsaraDB for OceanBase
Download OBCloud Exporter.
At present, you cannot directly download OBCloud Exporter. To download the tool, contact OceanBase Technical Support.
Deploy OBCloud Exporter.
Decompress the installation package of OBCloud Exporter to the /opt/obcloud-exporter
mkdir /opt/obcloud-exporter
tar -zxvf Obcloud_Exporter.tar.gz -C /opt/obcloud-exporter --strip-components=1
The following files will be extracted from the installation package:
Dockerfile: the Docker container build file.
muticloud_metric_config.yaml: the metric configuration file. By default, this file does not need to be modified.
application.yaml: the collection configuration file.
obcloud-exporter-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar: the program of OBCloud Exporter. the project description.
Edit the application.yaml configuration file.
# Monitor name.
# Identity credentials.
access_key_id: xxx
access_key_secret: xx
region_id: ap-southeast-1
# Endpoint.
end_point: xxx
# Whether to periodically refresh metrics. The default value is false.
metric_meta_auto_refresh: false
# Instance ID.
- instance_id: xxx
# To query data of a specified tenant in the cluster, you must configure tenant_id.
tenant_id: xxx
# Instance type, which can be cluster (cluster instance) or tenant (tenant instance or serverless instance).
instance_type: tenant
The parameters are described as follows:
access_key_id and access_key_secret: the AccessKey pair for authentication. You can apply for an AccessKey pair from the corresponding platform. For more information, see Create an AccessKey pair.
region_id and end_point: For more information, see Regions (ApsaraDB for OceanBase).
metric_meta_auto_refresh: specifies whether to periodically refresh metrics. The default value is false.
instances: the instances to be monitored. Separate the cluster or tenant instances with hyphens (-).
instance_id: the ID of the cluster instance, serverless instance, or tenant instance.
The value cannot be a tenant ID in a cluster.
instance_type: Valid values are cluster and tenant. When the value of instance_id is a cluster instance ID, set this parameter to cluster. When the value of instance_id is a tenant instance ID or serverless instance ID, set this parameter to tenant.
tenant_id: This parameter is required when you want to query data of a specified tenant in a cluster.
metrics: the metrics to be collected. If this parameter is not specified, all metrics are collected. Specify the metrics in the following format:
-instance_id: xxx
tenant_id: xxx
instance_type: cluster
- sql_all_rt
- sql_delete_rt
For more information, see Monitoring metrics.
If a large number of metrics are collected, the collection speed may be affected. In this case, you can use multiple exporters to collect the metrics.
Start OBCloud Exporter by using Docker.
In the /opt/obcloud-exporter
directory, build the Docker container obcloud-exporter.
cd /opt/obcloud-exporter
docker build -t obcloud-exporter:1.0 .
Start the Docker container directly or by using an external configuration file.
Start the Docker container directly.
docker run -itd -p9400:9400 --name obcloud-exporter obcloud-exporter:1.0
Start the Docker container by using an external configuration file.
docker run -itd -p9400:9400 -v /opt/obcloud-exporter/application.yaml:/app/application.yaml --name obcloud-exporter obcloud-exporter:1.0
Verify the deployment result in a browser. Specifically, access the port 9400 at the corresponding IP address in the browser to verify whether monitoring data is received.
In practice, use the configured IP address and port number for access.
Create the prometheus.yml configuration file of Prometheus.
vi /usr/local/bin/prometheus.yml
Edit the configuration file.
scrape_interval: 30s
evaluation_interval: 30s
- job_name: obcloud-exporter-test
# Local server and port number.
- targets: ['obcloud-exporter:9400']
instance: obcloud-exporter
Start the Prometheus service.
docker run -d \
-p 9090:9090 \
-v /usr/local/bin/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
--link obcloud-exporter \
--name prometheus \
Check whether Prometheus has started.
sudo netstat -ntlp | grep 9090
View database monitoring data through Prometheus
Visit the Prometheus service URL http://localhost:9090/targets
in a browser to view corresponding monitoring data.
Monitoring metrics
When you configure OBCloud Exporter, specify the monitoring metrics supported by ApsaraDB for OceanBase, so that the metrics will be collected by OBCloud Exporter. When OBCloud Exporter is running, the system synchronizes these monitoring metrics, including cluster host monitoring metrics and tenant-level monitoring metrics, to OBCloud Exporter. For more information, see cluster monitoring metrics and tenant monitoring metrics.
When the metric_meta_auto_refresh parameter in the application.yaml configuration file is set to false, supported monitoring metrics are those returned at initial access. When the metric_meta_auto_refresh parameter is set to true, the list of supported monitoring metrics is refreshed every 10 minutes.