
Updated at: 2023-01-03 08:52

A sequence is a serial arrangement of numbers that automatically increase based on specific rules in the database. A sequence is generally used as the primary key or unique key of a table because it does not contain duplicate values.


After you connect OceanBase Developer Center (ODC) to OceanBase Database V2.1.0 or a later version in Oracle mode, you can create sequence objects in ODC. The MySQL mode does not support this feature.

Log on to ODC and click the name of the target connection in Oracle mode to go to the corresponding connection management page. You can click Sequence in the left-side navigation pane to get a list of sequences. You can double-click a sequence name in the sequence list to go to the sequence management page. On this page, you can view the basic information, parameters, and DDL statements of the sequence.

This chapter describes in different topics the operations you can perform on sequence objects in ODC.

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