Name | Description |
Display name | The display name in the data source configuration list. Enter a valid name. Do not use special characters or start or end with spaces. |
Database address | The address of the deployed SelectDB database, including the IP address or domain name. |
Port | The port corresponding to the address of the deployed SelectDB database. |
Database | The database name that is specified when the SelectDB database is deployed. |
Username and Password | The username and password for logging on to the SelectDB database. Ensure that the username has the create, insert, update, and delete permissions on tables in the database. |
VPC data source | If the SelectDB database is deployed on Alibaba Cloud ECS and the network type is Alibaba Cloud VPC, select VPC data source and configure the following parameters: Buyer AccessId: The AccessKey ID of the buyer of the instance. For more information, see Obtain an AccessKey. Note Ensure that the AccessKey ID has the Read permission on the destination instance. If the AccessKey ID also has the Write permission on the corresponding security group, the system automatically adds the whitelist. Otherwise, you must manually add it. For more information, see Create a custom policy. Buyer AccessKey: The AccessKey Secret of the buyer of the instance. For more information, see Obtain an AccessKey. Instance ID: The ECS instance ID. For more information, see View instance information. Area: The area where the ECS instance is located. For more information, see View instance information.
SSH | If you select SSH, configure the following parameters: You can deploy a jump server and access the database over an SSH tunnel. To obtain the jump server information, contact O&M personnel or system administrators. SSH Host: Enter the IP address of the jump server. SSH Username: The username for logging on to the jump server. SSH Password: The password corresponding to the username for logging on to the jump server. SSH Port: The port of the jump server. Default value: 22.
For more information, see Log on to a Linux instance by using password authentication. |