To connect the Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for MySQL database with Quick BI, add a PolarDB for MySQL data source. Successful integration enables data analysis and visualization in Quick BI. Quick BI supports connections to Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for MySQL through either a public network or Alibaba Cloud VPC. This topic describes the steps to add an Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for MySQL data source.
You have created a PolarDB MySQL engine cluster. For more information, see Quick Start.
Background information
If you use a PolarDB database with a MySQL engine, namely PolarDB for MySQL, you can integrate it with Quick BI for data analysis. For more details about PolarDB MySQL, see What is PolarDB.
To prevent data access failures due to data source whitelist constraints, you should include Quick BI's IP address in your data source's whitelist. For more information on integration configuration, see Setting a Whitelist.
Only space administrators and developers can add data sources.
Creating PolarDB for MySQL data sources is supported only in the Professional Edition and Pro.
Supports versions 5.6, 5.7, 8.0.1, and 8.0.2.
Log on to the or the international Quick BI console.
Follow the steps in the image below to add a data source.
Access the data source creation interface through the data source creation entry.
Select the Alibaba PolarDB for MySQL data source option.
In the Configure Connection dialog box, configure the connection according to your business needs.
Display Name
The display name in the datasource config list.
The name cannot contain special characters or start or end with spaces.
Database Address and Port
The public address of the PolarDB for MySQL database cluster deployment (if using a VPC data source, you need to fill in the internal address and internal port of the database deployment).
Log on to the PolarDB console, and in the basic information area, click Request on the right side of the public network to obtain the database address. Example:
The custom database name when deploying the PolarDB for MySQL database cluster.
Log on to the PolarDB console, and in Database Management, obtain the Database Name.
Username and Password
The username and password for logging on to the PolarDB for MySQL database cluster.
Database Version
The version number of the MySQL engine in the PolarDB database cluster deployment.
Log on to the PolarDB console, and in the Cluster List, obtain the version number of the MySQL engine in Compatibility.
If the version number of the MySQL engine is MySQL 5.7 or below, select 5.7.
If the version number of the MySQL engine is MySQL 8.0, select 8.0.
VPC Data Source
When using Alibaba Cloud VPC network, select VPC Data Source and configure the following parameters:
Purchaser Accessid and Purchaser Accesskey: AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret with access privileges to the target PolarDB for MySQL database. Ensure that the account has Read permission for the destination instance. Additionally, if Write permission is granted, the system will automatically add a whitelist. Otherwise, you need to add it manually. For related operation instructions, see Create a Custom Policy.
Log on to the RAM console to obtain the AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret.
Instance ID and Region: PolarDB for MySQL database cluster ID and its region.
Log on to the PolarDB console, and in the basic information area, obtain the instance ID.
NoteIf you select VPC Data Source, you need to fill in the internal address and internal port for the database address and port.
If the target data source is configured with SSL, you can select the security protocol SSL to protect data security.
Initialize SQL
The SQL statement executed after each data source connection is initialized. Only SET statements are allowed, separated by periods.
Enable File Upload Entry
Once enabled, it supports uploading files to the current database.
Click Connection Test to verify the data source connectivity.
Once the test is successful, click OK.
What to Do next
After the data source is created, proceed to create datasets and analyze data.
Incorporate data tables or custom SQL from the PolarDB for MySQL data source into Quick BI. For more information, see Create and Manage Datasets.
Add visualization charts and conduct data analysis. For more information, see Create a Dashboard and Visualization Chart Overview.
Explore deeper data analysis through drilling. For more information, see Drill Settings and Display.