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Quick BI:Add a Hive Data Source

Last Updated:Jan 20, 2025

This topic explains how to create a Hive data source.


Supports Apache Hive versions 2.0.1 to 2.3.3.


  • Ensure your network connectivity:

    • If you are connecting Quick BI to the Hive database over the Internet, add Quick BI's IP address to the database whitelist. For more information, see Add security group rules.

    • If you are connecting Quick BI to the Hive database over an internal network, deploy a jump server and access the database via an SSH tunnel.

  • A Hive database has been created.

  • You have obtained the Hive database's username and password.


  1. Log on to the Quick BI console.

  2. Add a data source by following these steps:

    1. Navigate to the data source creation page via the data source creation entry.

    2. Click Show more.


    3. Select the Hive data source.


  3. In the Configure Connection dialog box, enter the required configurations:



    Display Name

    The display name in the data source configuration list.

    The name cannot contain special characters or start or end with spaces.

    Database Address

    The address where the Hive database is deployed, including the IP address or domain name.


    Enter the correct port number. The default port is 10000.


    The name of the database that you want to access.


    The username that is used to access the database.


    The password that is used to access the database.


    Specify whether to access the data source over an SSH tunnel based on your business requirements. If you select SSH, configure the following parameters:

    • SSH Host: The hostname or IP address.

    • SSH Username: The SSH username of the database.

    • SSH Password: The password of the SSH username.

    • SSH Port: The port of the database. The default value is 22.

    Initialization SQL

    After you select this option, you can set initialization SQL.

    The SQL statements that are executed after each data source connection is initialized. Only SET statements are allowed. Separate statements with periods.

    VPC data source

    Select this option only if the database is deployed on Alibaba Cloud ECS and uses the Alibaba Cloud VPC network. If you select VPC data source, you must enter the internal address and port of the database.

    • Purchaser Accessid and Purchaser Accesskey: The AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret of the purchaser. Ensure that the account has Read permissions on the destination instance. If the account has Write permissions, the system automatically adds the whitelist. Otherwise, you must manually add it. For more information, see Create a custom policy.

      For more information, see Obtain an AccessKey.

    • Instance ID: The instance ID of the ECS. Log on to the ECS console and obtain the instance ID on the Instances tab.

      For more information, see View instance information.

    • Region: The region where the ECS instance is located. Log on to the ECS console and obtain the region in the upper-left corner of the page.

      For more information, see View instance information.

  4. Click Connection Test to verify the data source's connectivity.


  5. After a successful test, click OK to finalize the data source addition.

What to Do next

Once the data source is created, proceed to create datasets and analyze data.