Feature | Description | Release date | Region | References |
Instance family | The d2c compute-intensive big data instance family is released. | 2020-06-23 | Some | Overview of instance families |
Instance family | The scchfc6 compute-optimized Super Computing Cluster (SCC) instance family with high clock speeds, scchfg6 general-purpose SCC instance family with high clock speeds, and scchfr6 memory-optimized SCC instance family with high clock speeds are released. | 2020-06-23 | All | Overview of instance families |
Instance family | The ebmc6e compute-optimized ECS Bare Metal Instance family with enhanced performance, ebmg6e general-purpose ECS Bare Metal Instance family with enhanced performance, and ebmr6e memory-optimized ECS Bare Metal Instance family with enhanced performance are released. | 2020-06-23 | All | Overview of instance families |
Storage capacity unit (SCU) | SCUs can be used to offset the pay-as-you-go bills of different storage resources, such as disks, Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets, Apsara File Storage NAS file systems, and snapshots. | 2020-06-23 | All | |
Elastic Block Storage (EBS) | The sequence numbers of disks attached to ECS instances can be queried. | 2020-06-16 | All | Query the serial numbers of block storage devices |
Network | Virtual private clouds (VPCs) of ECS instances can be changed in the ECS console. This feature is in invitational preview. | 2020-06-10 | Some | Change the VPC of an ECS instance |
Enhanced SSD (ESSD) | ESSDs at the performance level 0 (PL0 ESSDs) are in public preview in the China (Hangzhou) and China (Beijing) regions. | 2020-06-10 | Some | |
Local disk-related system event | System events about local disk damages can be queried and damaged local disks can be isolated in the ECS console. | 2020-06-09 | All | Isolate damaged local disks |
Instance family | The hfg7 general-purpose instance family with high clock speeds, hfc7 compute-optimized instance family with high clock speeds, and hfr7 memory-optimized instance family with high clock speeds are released. | 2020-06-09 | Some | Overview of instance families |
Instance family | The g6e general-purpose instance family with enhanced performance, c6e compute-optimized instance family with enhanced performance, and r6e memory-optimized instance family with enhanced performance are released. | 2020-06-09 | All | Overview of instance families |
Instance family | The ebmre6p non-volatile memory-optimized ECS Bare Metal Instance family with enhanced performance is released. | 2020-06-09 | Some | Overview of instance families |