Feature | Description | Release date | Region | References |
Webhook integration | The webhook integration feature is supported. You can use the feature to manage webhook notification methods. When you configure an action policy, you can use the webhooks that you created. Simple Log Service supports DingTalk webhooks, WeCom webhooks, Lark webhooks, Slack webhooks, and universal webhooks. | 2021-06-30 | All regions supported by Simple Log Service | Create a webhook |
Alert ingestion from Zabbix | Alerts from Zabbix can be ingested into Simple Log Service. Zabbix is a commonly used, open source monitoring system. Zabbix provides various alert rules for system monitoring and supports multiple alert notification channels. You need to only configure the alert ingestion system of Simple Log Service as a notification channel in Zabbix. After you configure the settings, Zabbix can send alerts to the alerting system of Simple Log Service. Then, the alerting system of Simple Log Service can process the alerts, such as denoising the alerts and sending alert notifications. | 2021-06-29 | All regions supported by Simple Log Service | Ingest Zabbix (Zabbix 4.4 or later) alerts into Simple Log Service |
RDS Audit Center | The RDS Audit Center application is provided. Simple Log Service and ApsaraDB RDS jointly launch the RDS Audit Center application. You can use the application to view the collection status of RDS audit logs in real time and manage collection configurations in a centralized manner. You can also audit and analyze collected logs and configure alerts for the logs. | 2021-06-28 | Some regions supported by Simple Log Service | Usage notes of RDS Audit Center |
Flow Log Center | The Flow Log Center application is provided. Simple Log Service and VPC jointly launch the Flow Log Center application. You can use the application to query the policies of the VPC that is used, traffic of elastic network interfaces (ENIs), and traffic between CIDR blocks. This way, you can analyze the flow logs of your VPC in an efficient manner. | 2021-06-21 | All regions supported by Simple Log Service | Usage notes of Flow Log Center |
Alerting feature upgrade | The alerting feature of Simple Log Service is upgraded. Simple Log Service provides an intelligent alerting system that is used to monitor log data and time series data. If an exception occurs, an alert is triggered. You can denoise alerts, manage alert incidents, and configure alert notifications. The alerting feature of Simple Log Service can meet the requirements of developers, O&M engineers, security engineers, and operations personnel in more than 40 scenarios. | 2021-06-04 | All regions supported by Simple Log Service | Introduction to the alerting feature |