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Chat App Message Service:Work with Chat Flow

Last Updated:Nov 28, 2024

This topic describes how to use the process editor. You can create a process, orchestrate a process on canvas, and publish the process editor.


The procedure of the process editor is roughly divided into five steps:

  1. Create a flow: You can create a new flow or upload JSON files that are exported from other flows in the process editor.

  2. Arrange on canvas: Drag and drop components to the canvas and configure the data of the components based on your business requirements.

  3. Launch: launches the flow after the canvas is choreographed.

  4. Edit flow (optional): After you save the flow orchestration on canvas or publish the flow, you can edit the flow and modify the basic information of the flow.

  5. Delete a flow (optional): After the flow is saved, you can delete the flow if it is no longer needed.


Since the components of the process editor involve the use of WhatsApp Message Service, Viber Message Service, Messenger Message Service, and Instagram message channels, please complete the following operations before using the process editor:


Create a chat flow

You can create a chat flow in different ways based on your business requirements. To create a chat flow, perform the following steps:

  1. Create an entry: In the In the Chat App Message Service console, choose Process Editor > Process Management and click Create Process. image

  2. Select Creation Method: Select a creation method as required. You can select Create by using blank canvas, Import Process, or Create by using template. image

    Create a blank canvas

    Create a flow in a blank canvas.

    Basic Setting


    Trigger Type-Manual

    Triggered by OpenAPI or marketing activities.

    Trigger type-WhatsApp

    Triggered by WhatsApp messages.

    Trigger type-Instagram

    Triggered by Instagram messages.

    Trigger type-Viber

    Triggered by Viber messages.

    Trigger type-Messenger

    Triggered by Messenger messages.

    Import Flow

    Upload the JSON exported from other processes in the process editor. After import, you can quickly create a process that is the same as the source process.

    Create by using a template

    In the dialog box, click View Template, select a template, and then click OK.


    To create a flow, choose Process Editor > View Template. On the View Template tab, edit the components in the template and click Create Flow.

  3. Set Process Information: Select a method, enter a process name and description, and then click OK.



    You need to set the process editing information when you use a blank canvas to create and import a process.

2. Canvas orchestration

Design and orchestrate the canvas according to your needs.

  1. Go to the canvas page: In the Chat App Message Service Console > Process Editor > Process Management. Click the name of the process that you want to edit. The orchestration page appears on the canvas. image

  2. Orchestration on canvas: On the canvas, click the Component Library icon and drag the required component to the canvas for editing. You can also drag the component between the start and end components or click the imagesign between the start and end components.


  3. Component configuration: Configure the component data as required. For more information, see Process editor component description.


  4. Save: After the canvas orchestration is complete, click Save to save the canvas orchestration process.



    To prevent accidental data loss, we recommend that you use the Save button properly during canvas orchestration to save data in a timely manner.

Publish the chat flow

Launched the canvas process for orchestration. A process that requires a user to reply to a message. A process can be triggered only when it is launched and associated with a marketing activity. For more information about how to associate a process with a marketing activity, see Marketing activity management.

  1. Go to the canvas page: In the Chat App Message Service Console > Process Editor > Process Management. Click the name of the process that you want to publish. The orchestration page appears on the canvas. image

  2. Publish Process: Click Publish in the Publish dialog box to publish the process. After the online success, a success message appears. To unpublish a flow, choose Process Editor > Process Management > Process Name. Click Unpublish. In the message that appears, click OK.


  3. View the process status: In the Chat App Message Service Console > Process Editor > Process Management tab to check whether the process is online. image

4. Process editing (optional)

After you publish the flow or save the flow on canvas, you can edit the flow. You can modify the Basic Information, Waba Binding, and Logs of the flow.

  1. Edit entry:In the Chat App Message Service console, choose Process Editor > Process Management and click Edit. 7F409FFF-1DD0-4941-9A4B-89C29D7B02F0

  2. Edit Basic Information: In the Edit Flow dialog box, modify the Basic Information of the flow to be modified, including the Flow Name and Remarks. AC4D68BC-7DB0-49e1-AA3F-5F34E3276823

  3. Binding editing: Click Bind in the corresponding flow trigger dialog box to modify the binding information.



    In the Edit Process dialog box, the Bind tab is available only when the trigger type is WhatsApp, Viber, Instagram. Manual triggers do not have the Bind tab. The binding operation can be operated only when the process is in the unpublished state.

  4. Logs: You can click Logs in the dialog box to enable or disable logs. After the log feature is enabled, the content of ChatFlow triggers and runs is collected by Alibaba Cloud Log Service. At that time, you can view logs to facilitate your code debugging, fault analysis, and data analysis. Log Service is activated. For more information, see Quick start of Log Service. image

  5. After the modification is complete, click OK in the Edit Flow dialog box.

5. Process deletion (optional)

After you save the canvas orchestration, you can delete the flow if you no longer need it. You can delete only processes that are in the unpublished state. YesIn the Chat App Message Service console, choose Process Editor > Process Management and click Delete. In the message that appears, click OK.


The deletion operation cannot be undone. After the deletion, the process cannot be used. Exercise caution when performing this operation.



For more information about the features and component configurations of the process editor canvas, see the following documentation.