This topic describes how to create a template in the Chat App Message Service console.
Alibaba Cloud account registration and enterprise authentication.
A WhatsApp channel is created. For more information, see Create a WhatsApp channel.
WABA onboarding is complete and the WABA is approved by WhatsApp. For more information about WABA onboarding, see WABA onboarding.
Create a template
Log on to the Chat App Message Service console.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Channel management.
On the Channel management page, click a channel ID or click Management in the Operation column that corresponds to the desired channel.
On the page that appears, click Template design in the left-side navigation pane.
On the template design page, click Add.
In the Add dialog box, set the following parameters: Template name, Category, Allow modify category, and Language.
NoteThe options of Category are Utility, Marketing, and Authentication. For more information about template categories, see WhatsApp message templates.
If you select Allow for the Allow modify category parameter, you agree that WhatsApp can change the template category you selected to the category that matches the message content during template review. If you select Not allowed for the Allow modify category parameter, WhatsApp rejects the template when WhatsApp determines that the template category you selected does not match the message content during template review.
ImportantWhatsApp may update the category of the template based on the content of the template, for example, after creating a template with a Utility type that passes the audit, WhatsApp's inspection mechanism will update the audited Utility template to a Marketing type template and bill the message as a Marketing type message if the content of the template is considered to be a marketing type.
The actual type of the message template is subject to billing.
Click OK.
Click Save in the upper-right corner of the page that appears.
Click Submit for audit. After WhatsApp approves the template, you can use the template to send messages.
Modify the template
On the template design page, click the name of the template you created or click Edit in the Operation column of the template you created.
On the page that appears, click Edit in the upper-right corner and modify the template based on your business requirements.
NoteYou can modify message templates in any review state. Note that you must submit the template for review again if you modify a template that has been approved by WhatsApp. This has the following impacts:
After you submit the template for review, this template cannot be used to send messages until it is approved.
The ongoing sending tasks that use this template fail after you submit the template for review.
Exercise caution when you modify a template that has been approved.
Delete a template
On the template design page, find the template that you want to delete and click Delete in the Operation column.
In the message that appears, click OK.
NoteAccording to WhatsApp requirements, you are not allowed to create a template with the same name within 30 days after you delete the template.
If you delete a template that has been approved, the ongoing sending tasks that use the template fail.
Exercise caution when you delete a template.
Template categorization
Marketing templates
Marketing templates are the most flexible templates of WhatsApp. The templates are not related to specific agreed-upon transactions but may be related to enterprises or their products or services. Marketing templates may contain information about promotions or special offers, welcoming or closing messages, updates, invitations or recommendations, or responses to requests or transaction completion.
Marketing templates support three formats: Custom message, Catalog message, and MPM message. If you use the Custom message format, you can specify message content and layout based on your business requirements. You can select a desired template format from the drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the template design page.
Custom templates
Button | Description |
Adds languages. | |
Undoes the most recent operation. | |
Cancels the most recent undo operation. | |
Creates a message header.
Note You can create only one header in a message template. | |
Creates a limited-time offer.
Note You can create only one limited-time offer in a message template. | |
Creates a message footer. Note
| |
Creates a link button. Specify the following parameters: Button text, URL type, and URL address. Note
| |
Creates a call button. Specify the following parameters: Button text, Country/region, and Telephone number. Note
| |
Creates an auto-reply button. Specify the Button text parameter, turn on the Add action switch, and then specify the Action parameter.
| |
Creates a coupon code button. The text of the coupon code button is Copy offer code by default and cannot be modified. You must select a text variable for the Copy offer code button. Note You can create only one coupon code button in a message template. If the coupon code button needs to work with a limited-time offer, the coupon code button must be the first button. | |
Creates a Stop promotions button. If you want to use the Stop promotions button, you must agree to the agreement in the Button setting section. Note You can create only one Stop promotions button in a message template. |
Catalog message templates and MPM templates
Catalog message templates and MPM templates are both marketing templates related to the Commerce Manager platform of Meta. Before you create such a template, you must obtain the permissions to bind the corresponding product catalog in the Chat App Message Service console. For more information, see Catalog management. For information about how to create a catalog message template and use the template to send messages, see Best practices for product catalog templates.
Utility templates
Utility templates are used to accomplish one of the following activities related to a specific agreed-upon transaction: confirm, suspend, or change the transaction or subscription.
Different from marketing templates, utility templates do not support certain marketing features, such as time-limited offers, coupon code buttons, and Stop promotions buttons.
ImportantAny template that contains content related to both transactions and marketing is categorized as a marketing template.
Authentication templates
Authentication templates are the most restricted templates of WhatsApp. Enterprises must use the pre-set authentication templates of WhatsApp. These templates contain optional add-ons such as security disclaimers and expiration warnings. In addition, an authentication template must be configured with a one-time password button such as a copy code button or an autofill button.
Authentication templates allow enterprises to authenticate users by using one-time passwords.
URLs, media resources, and emojis cannot be specified as the content or parameters of authentication templates. The parameter values can be up to 15 characters in length.
For more information about authentication templates, see Best practices for authentication templates.