Starting June 1, 2023, new WhatsApp message templates will be adopted. This topic details these templates.
Utility templates
Utility templates are used to accomplish one of the following activities related to a specific agreed-upon transaction: confirm, suspend, or change the transaction or subscription.
A template that contains content related to transactions and marketing will be categorized as a marketing template.
Definition | Example |
Confirm or suspend an existing transaction |
Change or update a transaction |
Send notifications about an account, bill, or payment |
The preceding examples are for illustration only. The actual categorization is subject to WhatsApp. Templates that contain similar content or content included in the preceding examples may be categorized differently based on their exact content.
Authentication templates
Starting May 29, 2023, authentication templates must comply with the following requirements:
Authentication templates allow enterprises to authenticate users by using one-time passwords.
Authentication templates are the most restricted templates of WhatsApp. Enterprises must use the pre-set authentication templates of WhatsApp. These templates contain optional add-ons including security disclaimers and expiration warnings. In addition, an authentication template must be configured with a one-time password button such as a copy code button or an autofill button.
URLs, media resources, and emojis are not allowed for the content or parameters of authentication templates. The parameter values can be up to 15 characters in length.
Definition | Example |
Provide an authentication code to the user |
Marketing templates
Marketing templates are the most flexible templates of WhatsApp. The templates are not related to specific agreed-upon transactions but may be related to enterprises or their products or services. Marketing templates may contain information about promotions or discounts, welcoming or closing messages, updates, invitations or recommendations, or requests for responses or transaction completion.
A template that contains content related to transactions and marketing will be categorized as a marketing template.
Definition | Example |
Promotion or discount information |
Welcoming or closing messages |
Updates, invitations, newsletters, or recommendations |
Requests for responses or transaction completion |
The preceding examples are for illustration only. The actual categorization is subject to WhatsApp. Templates that contain similar content or content included in the preceding examples may be categorized differently based on their exact content.