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Elastic Desktop Service:Create cloud computers

Last Updated:Sep 19, 2024

This topic describes how to create cloud computers in the Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) console.


Quick purchase

This section describes how to create cloud computers in a quick manner. Quick purchase streamlines the purchase process and is suitable for general customers who do not have special requirements.

  1. Log on to the EDS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resources & Terminals > Cloud Computers.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. On the Cloud Computers page, click Create Cloud Computer.

  5. Click the Quick Purchase tab and configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.




    The region in which you want to deploy a cloud computer. To reduce latency, we recommend that you select a region that is closest to users.


    After you purchase cloud computers, the region of the cloud computers cannot be changed. Proceed with caution.


    The operating system that you want the cloud computer to run.

    • Windows Server 2022

    • Windows Server 2019

    • Ubuntu 20.04


    The type of the specifications for the cloud computer that you want to create. In the lower part of this parameter, you can refer to the on-screen information, including the intended users, scenarios, and inapplicable scenarios, to choose the optimal type.


    If no specifications can meet your business requirements, you can switch to the Custom Purchase tab to proceed.

    Billing Method

    The billing method that you want to use.

    • Monthly Subscription

    • Pay-as-you-go

    Computing Plan

    If you set Billing Method to Monthly Subscription, you must select one of the following computing plans:

    • 120 Hours/Month

    • 250 Hours/Month

    • Unlimited


    If you select the 120 Hours/Month or 250 Hours/Month plan, take note of the following items:

    • The plan does not support cloud computers of the Graphics Workstation type.

    • The hours in a plan indicate the available running hours of a cloud computer. The running hours in a plan expire at the end of each month, and the remaining running hours in a month do not roll over to the subsequent month.

    • By default, a cloud computer continues running if the monthly running hours of the cloud computer are exhausted in advance. In this case, extra fees are generated. If you want the cloud computer to stop running upon hour exhaustion, select When the monthly running hours of a cloud computer are exhausted in advance, the system automatically stops or hibernates the cloud computer....

    • If you continue to use a cloud computer upon hour exhaustion, you are charged for the cloud computer based on the hourly price of the selected plan. The actual price on the buy page shall prevail. A fee cap is in place for cloud computers. When the fee reaches the amount equivalent to the amount of the Unlimited plan, no additional fees are incurred. This is equivalent to buying the Unlimited plan. Make sure that your account balance is sufficient.

    • After you purchase cloud computers, the cloud computers are started by default. If end users do not connect to the cloud computers in 10 minutes, the cloud computers stop or hibernate to reduce running hour consumption. You can also change the scheduled task policies of cloud computers. For more information, see Configure a scheduled task and Configure a scheduled stop policy for a cloud computer.


    The subscription duration. If you set the Billing Method parameter to Monthly Subscription, specify a subscription duration.

    Storage Capacity

    The capacities of the system disk and data disk for a cloud computer.

    Public Bandwidth

    Cloud computers cannot access the Internet over the network of your local devices. By default, the peak bandwidth of each cloud computer is 5 Mbit/s, which is free of charge. End users can access the Internet from cloud computers.


    The peak bandwidth only indicates the upper limit of bandwidth and is only for reference. The peak bandwidth may vary based on usage scenarios. In scenarios in which demand exceeds available resources, the bandwidth may be lower than the specified value.

    (Optional) Assign User

    You can assign cloud computers to users when or after the cloud computers are created.

    You can assign cloud computers to existing or new users. To create a user, follow the on-screen instructions.


    In quick purchase mode, you can assign a cloud computer only to one user. If you want to assign a cloud computer to more users, proceed after you purchase the cloud computer or switch to the Custom Purchase tab.

    Service Agreement

    The service agreement. You need to read and agree to Service Agreement.


    The number of cloud computers you want to purchase.

  6. Confirm the configurations and fees, and click Buy Now.

  7. (Conditional) If your cloud computers are billed on a Monthly Subscription basis, complete the payment as prompted.

Custom purchase

Custom purchase allows you to configure the settings of cloud computers based on your business requirements, which is more flexible than quick purchase. When you create cloud computers, you can configure the settings such as the cloud environments, cloud computers, networks, security policies, and tags.

  1. Log on to the EDS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resources & Terminals > Cloud Computers.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. On the Cloud Computers page, click Create Cloud Computer.

  5. On the Custom Purchase tab, configure the parameters in the following sections as prompted:

    Configure Cloud Environment

    1. Select the region in which you want to deploy cloud computers. To reduce latency, we recommend that you select a region that is closest to users.

    2. Note

      After you purchase cloud computers, the region of the cloud computers cannot be changed. Proceed with caution.

    3. Configure the Office Network parameter to specify the office network in which cloud computers reside.

      You can select an existing convenience office network or an enterprise Active Directory (AD) office network. You can also click Create Office Network to create a new office network. For more information, see Create and manage convenience office networks or Create and manage an enterprise AD office network.


      After you create an office network, click the icon on the right side of the Office Network drop-down list to update the office network list.

    Configure Cloud Computer

    1. Configure the Determine Cloud Computer Quantity By parameter to determine the number of cloud computers that you want to purchase.

      • Cloud computer templates fall into popular templates (system templates) and custom templates. If existing templates cannot meet your business requirements, click Create a cloud computer template to create a template. After you create a template, refresh the page to update the custom template list.

      • You can select only one template in a region each time, and use the template to create up to 100 cloud computers. If you want to create more than 100 cloud computers, place multiple orders.

      Custom Value

      If you set this parameter to Custom Value, find the desired cloud computer template and specify a value in the Quantity column in the Popular Templates or Custom Templates section.

      Then, you must create users and assign the cloud computers to them after the cloud computers are created.

      Number of Authorized Users

      If you set the Determine Cloud Computer Quantity By parameter to Number of Authorized Users, find the desired template and select the users for which you want to create cloud computers. Then, specify the number of cloud computers that you want to purchase for each user in the Per-user Quantity column.

      The operations vary based on the account type of your office network. You can perform related operations based on your business requirements.

      • Office network of the convenience account type (convenience office network)

        You must find the desired cloud computer template in the Popular Templates or Custom Templates section. Then, click Select User in the Authorized User column, select the users to which you want to assign cloud computers, and then specify a value in the Per-user Quantity column.


        If you cannot find the desired user, click Create User in the Authorized User column to create new users. For more information, see Create a convenience account.

      • Office network of the enterprise AD account type (enterprise AD office network)

        You can create AD accounts on an AD domain controller or by importing AD accounts specified in a .csv file.

        • Select users

          1. In the Authorize User panel, select the Select tab.

          2. Select AD accounts and click OK.

            If no AD account is available on the Select tab, log on to the AD domain controller to create an AD account.

        • Import users

          1. In the Select Users panel, select the Upload tab.

          2. Use one of the following methods to create a .csv file that contains user information.


            When you enter user information in a .csv file, you must specify the SamAccountName column for user logon names and the DisplayName column for user display names.

            • Click Download, open the downloaded template, enter the user information in the format provided by the template, and then save the file.

            • Use spreadsheet software to open a blank document, specify user information, and then save the document as a .csv file.

          3. Click Select File, select the file that contains the information about AD accounts, and then follow the on-screen instructions to import the users.

            • The system checks whether the AD accounts in the uploaded .csv file match the AD accounts created on the AD domain controller. You can click View Match Details to view the result.

            • You can assign cloud computers only to users in the Matched User list.

            • You can modify the user information about users that are displayed in the Mismatched User list and click Resubmit.

    2. Select a billing method.

      Cloud computers support Monthly Subscription and Pay-as-you-go billing methods. For more information about the differences between the billing methods, see Monthly subscription.

    3. (Conditional) Determine whether to enable auto-renewal for cloud computers.

      • If you select Monthly Subscription and the subscription duration is more than one month, you can enable auto-renewal to prevent unexpected service suspension.

      • The auto-renewal duration is consistent with the subscription duration. For example, if the subscription duration of a cloud computer is two months and you enable the auto-renewal feature for the cloud computer, the system renews the cloud computer for another two months after the subscription duration elapses.

      • If you enable the auto-renewal feature, you can change the auto-renewal cycle on the Renewal page.

    Configure Network

    Cloud computers cannot access the Internet over the network of your local devices. By default, the peak bandwidth of each cloud computer is 5 Mbit/s, which is free of charge. End users can access the Internet from cloud computers.


    The peak bandwidth only indicates the upper limit of bandwidth and is only for reference. The peak bandwidth may vary based on usage scenarios. In scenarios in which demand exceeds available resources, the bandwidth may be lower than the specified value.

    Billing on premium bandwidth plans

    You are charged for premium bandwidth plans. For more information, see Billable items. The billing method of a premium bandwidth plan is consistent with that of your cloud computers. The following billing methods of premium bandwidth plans are provided:

    • If the billing method of a cloud computer is Monthly Subscription, the billing method of the related premium bandwidth plan is Pay-by-bandwidth (Subscription).

    • If the billing method of a cloud computer is Pay-as-you-go, the billing method of the related premium bandwidth plan is Pay-by-data-transfer (Pay-as-you-go) or Pay-by-bandwidth (Pay-as-you-go).

    If you want to cancel the billing method consistency between cloud computers and premium bandwidth plans, clear Same Billing Method below the Billing Method parameter.

    Automatic renewal of premium bandwidth plans

    • If you select Pay-by-bandwidth (Subscription) for a premium bandwidth plan, you can enable auto-renewal for the plan to prevent Internet access failures after the plan expires.

    • If you enable auto-renewal for a premium bandwidth plan, we recommend that you enable the auto-renewal feature for related cloud computers at the earliest opportunity to prevent resource waste.

    • After you purchase premium bandwidth plans for office networks, all cloud computers in the office networks can access the Internet. If you want to manage the Internet access of cloud computers in a fine-grained manner, configure network settings in the Internet Access Control section on the office network details page. For more information, see FAQ.

    Internet access permissions of cloud computers

    By default, the cloud computers that you create are allowed to access the Internet. If you do not want the cloud computers in the current order to access the Internet, clear Cloud computers in this order can access the Internet below the Internet Access Control parameter.

    Advanced Options

    • Select a security policy.

      In the Security Policy section, you can select an existing policy from the policy list or click Create Policy in the lower part of the section to create a policy. After the policy is created, click Refresh to update the policy list. For more information, see Policy overview.

    • Select a resource group to which the cloud computers belong.

      A resource group is a collection of cloud computer resources and is used to isolate the data permissions of sub-administrators. You can select an existing resource group from the Resource Group drop-down list, or click Create Resource Group in the lower part of the section to create a resource group. After you create a resource group, click the icon on the right side of the Resource Group drop-down list to load the newly created resource group. For more information, see Procedure.

    • Configure a scheduled task.

      To configure a scheduled task for cloud computers in an order, click Configure Scheduled Task for Cloud Computer in This Order. In the Configure Scheduled Task panel, configure the tasks that you want the system to perform on the cloud computers at scheduled points in time. You can also configure scheduled tasks after you create cloud computers. For more information, see Configure a scheduled task.

    • Select an automatic snapshot policy.

      You can select an existing snapshot policy from the Snapshot Policy drop-down list or click create an automatic snapshot policy to create one. After the new snapshot policy is created, click the icon on the right side of the Snapshot Policy drop-down list to load the newly created snapshot policy. For more information, see Create an automatic snapshot policy and associate it with cloud computers.

    • Add tags to cloud computers.

      A tag is a key-value pair that consists of a tag key and tag value. Tags are used to identify resources. You can use tags to manage cloud computers by group. Tags help you search for and perform batch operations on cloud computers with ease. For more information, see Use tags to manage cloud computers.

  6. Confirm the preceding configurations and the fees of the cloud computers that you want to create, and click Confirm Order.

    In the Shopping Cart section on the right side of the page, you can view the information about the cloud computers that you want to create in an order. You can also change the names of cloud computers based on your business requirements.

  7. Confirm the configurations of the cloud computers, read and agree to Service Agreement, and then click Create Order.

  8. (Conditional) If your cloud computers are billed on a Monthly Subscription basis, complete the payment as prompted.

What to do next

  • Associate a premium bandwidth plan with an office network. If you do not enable premium bandwidth when you create cloud computers, you can associate a premium bandwidth plan with the office network in which the cloud computers reside. For more information, see Manage Internet access.

  • Back up and restore data. You can create snapshots for cloud computers to back up data and use the snapshots to restore cloud computers. For more information, see Use snapshots (public preview).

  • Perform remote O&M. If you want to perform O&M on cloud computers without the need to connect to the cloud computers, you can send remote commands for O&M. For more information, see Send remote commands.

  • Configure scheduled tasks. You can configure scheduled tasks for cloud computers at specific points in time to complete periodic tasks. For more information, see Configure a scheduled task.