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Function Compute:Trigger management

Last Updated:May 24, 2024

You can create a trigger in a function and define a set of rules for the trigger. When an event that meets the conditions occurs, the associated function is triggered. This topic lists triggers that are supported by Function Compute.

Before you start

Create a function

Create a trigger


You can create a maximum of 10 triggers for a function.

Two-way integrated triggers

Event triggers for Alibaba Cloud services

Modify a trigger


The method described in this section to modify a trigger do not apply to created MNS topic triggers or Tablestore triggers.

  1. Log on to the Function Compute console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Functions.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select a region. On the Functions page, click the function that you want to manage.

  3. On the function details page, click the Configurations tab. In the left-side navigation pane, click Triggers.

  4. On the Triggers tab, find the trigger that you want to manage and click Modify in the Actions column.

  5. In the Modify Trigger panel, modify the configurations of the trigger based on your businesses requirements and click OK.

You can also delete triggers that are no longer used as prompted.