Parameter | Description | Required | Data type | Default value | Remarks | | The IP address or hostname of the OceanBase log proxy (OBLogProxy). | Yes | STRING | No default value | N/A. |
logproxy.port | The port number of OBLogProxy. | Yes | INTEGER | No default value | N/A. |
scan.startup.mode | The mode in which the OceanBase CDC connector starts to read data from an OceanBase database. | Yes | STRING | No default value | Valid values: initial: pulls all data from the initial offset. latest-offset: pulls change data from the current offset. timestamp: pulls change data from a specific timestamp.
tenant-name | The name of the tenant to which the OceanBase database belongs. | Yes | STRING | No default value | N/A. |
database-name | The name of the OceanBase database. | No | STRING | No default value | You can use a regular expression to specify a database name. Note This parameter is required only when the scan.startup.mode parameter is set to initial. |
table-name | The name of the table in the OceanBase database. | No | STRING | No default value | You can use a regular expression to specify a table name. Note This parameter is required only when the scan.startup.mode parameter is set to initial. |
table-list | The names of tables in the full path of the OceanBase database. | No | STRING | No default value | Separate multiple table names with commas (,). Example: db1.table1, db2.table2 . |
hostname | The IP address or hostname of the OceanBase database or OceanBase Database Proxy. | No | STRING | No default value | N/A. |
port | The port number of the OceanBase database server. | No | INTEGER | No default value | The value of this parameter can be the SQL port number of the OceanBase server. Default value: 2881. The value of this parameter can also be the port number of OceanBase Database Proxy. Default value: 2883. |
connect.timeout | The timeout period before Realtime Compute for Apache Flink connects to the OceanBase database server. | No | DURATION | 30s | N/A. |
server-time-zone | The session time zone in the database server. | No | STRING | +00:00 | The session time zone is in the ±hh:mm format. The value of this parameter represents the time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Note If you specify the session time zone, the display and storage of data of a time type are affected. Therefore, if you want to control the conversion of data of a time type in the OceanBase database into strings, you must specify a proper session time zone. This helps ensure that the correct local time is displayed. If a table that stores time zone data already exists in the MySQL database, you can use the time zone created in the table as a valid value of this parameter when you specify the session time zone.
| | The client ID of OBLogProxy. | No | STRING | Generated by rules | If you do not specify this parameter, Realtime Compute for Apache Flink automatically generates the client ID based on the {flink_ip}_{process_id}_{timestamp}_{thread_id}_{tenant} rule. |
rootserver-list | The OceanBase root servers. | No | STRING | No default value | The value of this parameter is in the ip:rpc_port:sql_port format. You can execute the SHOW PARAMETERS LIKE 'rootservice_list'; statement to obtain the root servers. |
config-url | The URL that is used to obtain server information from the Config server. | No | STRING | No default value | This parameter is required in OceanBase Enterprise Edition. |
working-mode | The working mode of libobcdc in OBLogProxy. | No | STRING | storage | Valid values: |
compatible-mode | The compatibility mode of the OceanBase database. | No | STRING | mysql | Valid values: |
jdbc.driver | The class name of a JDBC driver that is used to read all data from the source table. | No | STRING | com.mysql.jdbc.Driver | N/A. |* | Custom JDBC URL parameters. | No | STRING | No default value | For example, if you set the parameter to false, SSL encryption is not enabled. |* | Pass custom OBCDC parameters to libobcdc. | No | STRING | No default value | Example: '' = '1' . For more information about the parameters, see obcdc parameters. |