Data structure | Format | Command for inserting data into a Tair sink table |
TairString | If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has two columns. |
If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has only one column and the column lists keys of the STRING type. |
exincrby/exincrbyfloat key incrValue
If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has two columns. |
exincrby/exincrbyfloat key incrValue
TairHash | If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has three columns. The first column lists keys of the STRING type. The second column lists fields of the STRING type. The third column lists field values of the STRING type.
If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has two columns. |
exhincrby/exincrbyfloat key field incrValue
If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has three columns. The first column lists keys of the STRING type. The second column lists fields of the STRING type. The third column lists incrValue values of the STRING type that correspond to fields.
exhincrby/exincrbyfloat key field incrValue
TairZset | If the incrMode parameter is set to None, TairZset supports multi-dimensional data sorting. TairZset allows you to sort data of the DOUBLE type from a maximum of 256 dimensions. Therefore, a DDL statement has 3 to 258 columns. The first column lists keys of the STRING type. The second column lists members of the STRING type. The remaining columns list scores of the DOUBLE type.
Note If you want to sort data from multiple dimensions, make sure that the score formats of all dimensions are the same. |
If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has two columns. |
exzincyby key member incrValue
If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has three columns. The first column lists keys of the STRING type. The second column lists members of the STRING type. The third column lists incrValue values of the STRING type.
exzincyby key member incrValue
TairBloom | The incrMode parameter must be set to None. When data is inserted into a Tair sink table for the first time, a TairBloom key that has a default capacity of 100 elements and an error rate of 0.01 is created. A DDL statement has two columns. |
TairDoc | The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has three columns. The first column lists keys of the STRING type. The second column lists paths of the STRING type. The third column lists JSON elements of the STRING type.
TairSearch | If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has four columns. The first column lists indexes of the STRING type. The second column lists document IDs of the STRING type. The third column lists documents of the STRING type. The documents must be in the JSON format. The fourth column lists mappings of the STRING type.
TFT.ADDDOC index document docid
Note Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:
TFT.CREATEINDEX index mappings
If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has four columns. The first column lists indexes of the STRING type. The second column lists document IDs of the STRING type. The third column lists fields of the STRING type. The fourth column lists mappings of the STRING type.
| Sample command for document operations:
Note Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:
TFT.CREATEINDEX index mappings
If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has five columns. The first column lists indexes of the STRING type. The second column lists document IDs of the STRING type. The third column lists fields of the STRING type. The fourth column lists mappings of the STRING type. The fifth column lists incrValue values of the STRING type.
| Sample command for document operations:
Note Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:
TFT.CREATEINDEX index mappings
TairCpc | The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has two columns. |
TairGis | The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has three columns. The first column lists keys of the STRING type. The second column lists polygon names of the STRING type. The third column lists Well-known Text (WKT) values of polygons. The values are of the STRING type.
GIS.ADD area polygonName polygonWkt
TairRoaring | The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has three columns. The first column lists keys of the STRING type. The second column lists the specified offsets of the BIGINT type. The third column lists values of the BIGINT type. Valid values: 0 and 1.
TR.SETBIT key offset value
TairVector | The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has six columns. The first column lists index names of the STRING type. The second column lists the primary keys of records. The values are of the STRING type. The third column lists vector data of the STRING type. The fourth column lists vector dimensions of the INT type. The fifth column lists algorithms that are used to build and query indexes. The values are of the STRING type. The sixth column lists distance methods that are used to calculate the vector distance. The values are of the STRING type.
TVS.HSET index_name key VECTOR vector_data
Note Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:
TVS.CREATEINDEX index_name dims algorithm distance_method
TairTs | If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has four columns. The first column lists pkeys of the STRING type. A pkey indicates a group of timelines. The second column lists skeys of the STRING type. An skey indicates a timeline. The third column lists timestamps of the STRING type. The fourth column lists values of the STRING type.
EXTS.S.RAW_MODIFY Pkey Skey timestamp value
If the incrMode parameter is set to float, a DDL statement has three columns. The first column lists pkeys of the STRING type. The second column lists skeys of the STRING type. The third column lists timestamps of the STRING type.
EXTS.S.RAW_INCRBY Pkey Skey timestamp incrValue
If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_float, a DDL statement has four columns. The first column lists pkeys of the STRING type. The second column lists skeys of the STRING type. The third column lists timestamps of the STRING type. The fourth column lists incrValue values of the STRING type. The incrValue values correspond to the timestamps that are listed in the third column.
EXTS.S.RAW_INCRBY Pkey Skey timestamp incrValue