Tair (Enterprise Edition) connector

Updated at: 2024-12-13 02:36

This topic describes how to use the Tair (Enterprise Edition) connector.

Background information

Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) is a database service that is compatible with the protocols of the open source Redis system. Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) supports a hybrid of memory and hard disks for storage. Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) provides a hot standby architecture to ensure high availability, and uses the scalable cluster architecture to meet business requirements for high throughputs, low-latency operations, and flexible configuration modifications.

The following table describes the capabilities supported by the Tair connector.





Table type

Sink table

Running mode

Streaming mode

Data format



  • numBytesSend

  • numBytesSendPerSecond

  • numRecordsSend

  • numRecordsSendPerSecond

  • numRecordSendErrors

  • currentSendTime


For more information about the metrics, see Metrics.

API type


Data update or deletion in a sink table




  • Only Realtime Compute for Apache Flink that uses Ververica Runtime (VVR) 6.0.6 or later supports the Tair (Enterprise Edition) connector.

  • The Tair (Enterprise Edition) connector does not allow you to configure multiple hosts.


Tair (Enterprise Edition) supports all self-developed Tair data structures based on the compatibility with the following Redis data structures: STRING, LIST, SET, HASHMAP, and SORTEDSET.

To create a Tair sink table, execute the following DDL statement:

CREATE TABLE tair_table (
  PRIMARY KEY (a) NOT ENFORCED -- Required. 
) WITH (
  'connector'= 'tair',
  'host' = '<yourHost>'

Tair is compatible with Redis data structures. For more information about the syntax examples of Redis data structures, see Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) connector.

Parameters in the WITH clause



Data type


Default value




Data type


Default value



The type of the table.



No default value

Set the value to tair.


The endpoint of the Tair server.



No default value

We recommend that you use an internal endpoint.


When you access the Tair database over the Internet, the network may be unstable due to issues, such as network latency and limits on bandwidth.


The data structure of Tair.



No default value

Valid values:

  • string

  • list

  • set

  • hashmap

  • sortedset

  • tairstring

  • tairhash

  • tairzset

  • tairbloom

  • tairdoc

  • tairsearch

  • tairts

  • taircpc

  • tairroaring

  • tairgis

  • tairvector

Tair supports Redis data structures and self-developed Tair data structures. For more information about the valid values, see Data structures supported by an ApsaraDB for Redis sink table and Formats of Tair data structures.

  • Only Realtime Compute for Apache Flink that uses VVR 8.0.1 or later supports TairTs, TairCpc, TairRoaring, TairVector, and TairGis.

  • Tair sink tables support self-developed Tair data structures. The DDL statement that is used to create a Tair sink table must define the table based on the specified format and a primary key must be specified for the table.


The port number of the Tair server.






The password that is used to access the Tair database.



An empty string

An empty string indicates that no verification is performed.


The ID of the destination database.






Specifies whether to use the cluster architecture.




Valid values:

  • true: uses the cluster architecture.

  • false: uses the standalone architecture.


Specifies whether to ignore retraction messages.




Valid values:

  • false: When a retraction message is received, the inserted data and the key of the data are deleted. This is the default value.

  • true: When a retraction message is received, the inserted data and the key of the data are retained.


The time-to-live (TTL) that is specified for the keys of the inserted data.




The value 0 indicates that the TTL is not configured. If the value of this parameter is greater than 0, the TTL is configured for the key of the inserted data. Unit: milliseconds.


The absolute expiration time that is specified for the keys of the inserted data.




Unit: milliseconds. Default value: 0. The default value indicates that no expiration time is specified.

If the value of this parameter is greater than 0 and the expiration parameter is set to 0, an absolute expiration time is specified for the keys of the inserted data.


The sink mode of the Tair database.




Valid values:

  • None: indicates the insert operation. This is the default value.

  • int: indicates the INCRBY operation. The value of INCR is fixed to the value of the incrValue parameter.

  • float: indicates the INCRBYFLOAT operation. The value of INCR is fixed to the value of the incrValue parameter.

  • dynamic_int: indicates the INCRBY operation. The value of INCR is the name of the column to which the value of INCR belongs in a DDL statement.

  • dynamic_float: indicates the INCRBYFLOAT operation. The value of INCR is the name of the column to which the value of INCR belongs in a DDL statement.


The value of INCR that is determined based on the value of the incrMode parameter.



No default value

The value of the incrValue parameter varies based on the value of the incrMode parameter.

  • If the incrMode parameter is set to None, you do not need to configure the incrValue parameter.

  • If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, the value of the incrValue parameter is the value of INCR.

  • If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, the value of the incrValue parameter is the name of the column to which the value of INCR belongs in a DDL statement.


The expiration mode of the fields in TairHash or skeys in TairTS.




Valid values:

  • None: No expiration time is specified.

  • millisecond: A relative expiration time is specified. The expiration time is fixed to the value of the fieldExpireValue parameter.


    The expiration mode of the skeys in TairTS must be millisecond.

  • unixtime: An absolute expiration time is specified. The expiration time is fixed to the value of the fieldExpireValue parameter.

  • dynamic_millisecond: A relative expiration time is specified. The expiration time is the name of the column to which the value of fieldExpireValue belongs in a DDL statement.

  • dynamic_unixtime: An absolute expiration time is specified. The expiration time is the name of the column to which the value of fieldExpireValue belongs in a DDL statement.


The expiration time of the fields in TairHash or skeys in TairTS.



No default value

Valid values:

  • If the fieldExpireMode parameter is set to None, no expiration time is specified.

  • If the fieldExpireMode parameter is set to millisecond or unixtime, the value of the fieldExpireValue parameter is the expiration time.

  • If the fieldExpireMode parameter is set to dynamic_millisecond or dynamic_unixtime, the value of the fieldExpireValue parameter is the name of the column to which the value of the fieldExpireValue parameter belongs in a DDL statement.

Data type mappings

Data type of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink

Data type of Tair

Data type of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink

Data type of Tair





Formats of Tair data structures

Data structure


Command for inserting data into a Tair sink table

Data structure


Command for inserting data into a Tair sink table


If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has two columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists values of the STRING type.

exset key value

If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has only one column and the column lists keys of the STRING type.

exincrby/exincrbyfloat key incrValue

If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has two columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists incrValue values of the STRING type.

exincrby/exincrbyfloat key incrValue


If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has three columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists fields of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists field values of the STRING type.

exhset key field value

If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has two columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists fields of the STRING type.

 exhincrby/exincrbyfloat key field incrValue

If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has three columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists fields of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists incrValue values of the STRING type that correspond to fields.

exhincrby/exincrbyfloat key field incrValue


If the incrMode parameter is set to None, TairZset supports multi-dimensional data sorting. TairZset allows you to sort data of the DOUBLE type from a maximum of 256 dimensions. Therefore, a DDL statement has 3 to 258 columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists members of the STRING type.

  • The remaining columns list scores of the DOUBLE type.

exzadd key score member

If you want to sort data from multiple dimensions, make sure that the score formats of all dimensions are the same.

If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has two columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists members of the STRING type.

exzincyby key member incrValue

If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has three columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists members of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists incrValue values of the STRING type.

exzincyby key member incrValue


The incrMode parameter must be set to None.

When data is inserted into a Tair sink table for the first time, a TairBloom key that has a default capacity of 100 elements and an error rate of 0.01 is created. A DDL statement has two columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists items of the STRING type.

BF.ADD key item


The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has three columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists paths of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists JSON elements of the STRING type.

JSON.SET key path json


If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has four columns.

  • The first column lists indexes of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists document IDs of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists documents of the STRING type. The documents must be in the JSON format.

  • The fourth column lists mappings of the STRING type.

TFT.ADDDOC index document docid

Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:

TFT.CREATEINDEX index mappings

If the incrMode parameter is set to int or float, a DDL statement has four columns.

  • The first column lists indexes of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists document IDs of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists fields of the STRING type.

  • The fourth column lists mappings of the STRING type.

Sample command for document operations:


Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:

TFT.CREATEINDEX index mappings

If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_int or dynamic_float, a DDL statement has five columns.

  • The first column lists indexes of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists document IDs of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists fields of the STRING type.

  • The fourth column lists mappings of the STRING type.

  • The fifth column lists incrValue values of the STRING type.

Sample command for document operations:


Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:

TFT.CREATEINDEX index mappings


The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has two columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists items of the STRING type.

CPC.UPDATE key item


The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has three columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists polygon names of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists Well-known Text (WKT) values of polygons. The values are of the STRING type.

GIS.ADD area polygonName polygonWkt


The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has three columns.

  • The first column lists keys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists the specified offsets of the BIGINT type.

  • The third column lists values of the BIGINT type. Valid values: 0 and 1.

TR.SETBIT key offset value


The incrMode parameter must be set to None. A DDL statement has six columns.

  • The first column lists index names of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists the primary keys of records. The values are of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists vector data of the STRING type.

  • The fourth column lists vector dimensions of the INT type.

  • The fifth column lists algorithms that are used to build and query indexes. The values are of the STRING type.

  • The sixth column lists distance methods that are used to calculate the vector distance. The values are of the STRING type.

TVS.HSET index_name key VECTOR vector_data

Before you insert data into a Tair sink table, you must create an index and add a mapping. Sample command:

TVS.CREATEINDEX index_name dims algorithm distance_method


If the incrMode parameter is set to None, a DDL statement has four columns.

  • The first column lists pkeys of the STRING type. A pkey indicates a group of timelines.

  • The second column lists skeys of the STRING type. An skey indicates a timeline.

  • The third column lists timestamps of the STRING type.

  • The fourth column lists values of the STRING type.

EXTS.S.RAW_MODIFY Pkey Skey timestamp value

If the incrMode parameter is set to float, a DDL statement has three columns.

  • The first column lists pkeys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists skeys of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists timestamps of the STRING type.

EXTS.S.RAW_INCRBY Pkey Skey timestamp incrValue

If the incrMode parameter is set to dynamic_float, a DDL statement has four columns.

  • The first column lists pkeys of the STRING type.

  • The second column lists skeys of the STRING type.

  • The third column lists timestamps of the STRING type.

  • The fourth column lists incrValue values of the STRING type. The incrValue values correspond to the timestamps that are listed in the third column.

EXTS.S.RAW_INCRBY Pkey Skey timestamp incrValue

Sample code

  • Sample code for inserting data into a Tair sink table in common mode

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE datagen_stream (
      v STRING,
      p STRING
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'datagen'
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tair_output (
      index_name STRING,
      doc_id STRING,
      doc STRING,
      mapping STRING,
      PRIMARY KEY(index_name) NOT ENFORCED
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'tair',
      'mode' = 'tairsearch',
      'host' = '${tairHost}',
      'port' = '${tairPort}',
      'password' = '${password}'
    INSERT INTO tair_output
    SELECT 'index' as index,v,p,'{"mappings":{"_source":{"enabled":true},"properties":{"product_id":{"type":"keyword","ignore_above":128},"product_name":{"type":"text"}}}}' as mapping
    FROM datagen_stream;
  • Sample code for inserting data into a Tair sink table when the incrMode parameter is configured

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE datagen_stream (
      v STRING,
      p STRING
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'datagen'
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tair_output (
      key STRING,
      step STRING,
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'tair',
      'mode' = 'tairstring',
      'host' = '${tairHost}',
      'port' = '${tairPort}',
      'password' = '${password}',
      'incrMode' = 'dynamic_float',
      'incrValue' = 'step'
    INSERT INTO tair_output
    SELECT *
    FROM datagen_stream;           
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE datagen_stream (
      v STRING,
      p STRING
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'datagen'
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tair_output (
      key STRING,
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'tair',
      'mode' = 'tairstring',
      'host' = '${tairHost}',
      'port' = '${tairPort}',
      'password' = '${password}',
      'incrMode' = 'float',
      'incrValue' = '11.11'
    INSERT INTO tair_output
    SELECT v
    FROM datagen_stream;
  • Sample code for inserting data into a Tair sink table when the fieldExpireMode parameter is configured

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE datagen_stream (
      v STRING,
      p STRING,
      s STRING
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'datagen'
    	key STRING,
    	field STRING,
    	value STRING,
    ) WITH (
      'connector' = 'tair',
      'mode' = 'tairhash',
      'host' = '${tairHost}',
      'port' = '${tairPort}',
      'password' = '${password}',
      'fieldExpireMode' = 'millisecond',
      'fieldExpireValue' = '1000'
    INSERT INTO tair_output
    SELECT v, p, s
    FROM datagen_stream;
  • On this page (1, T)
  • Background information
  • Prerequisites
  • Limits
  • Syntax
  • Parameters in the WITH clause
  • Data type mappings
  • Formats of Tair data structures
  • Sample code
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