Connector | Table type | Running mode | API type | Data update or deletion in a sink table |
Source table | Dimension table | Sink table |
Kafka connector | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API, DataStream API, and YAML API for data ingestion | Data in a sink table cannot be updated or deleted. Data can only be inserted into a sink table. |
Hologres connector | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API, DataStream API, and YAML API for data ingestion | Supported. |
Simple Log Service connector | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API and DataStream API | Data in a sink table cannot be updated or deleted. Data can only be inserted into a sink table. |
MySQL connector Note The MySQL connector supports ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL, PolarDB for MySQL, and self-managed MySQL databases. | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API, DataStream API, and YAML API for data ingestion | Supported. |
ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL connector Note The ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL connector will not be supported in the future. We recommend that you use the MySQL connector instead of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL connector. | × | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
MaxCompute connector | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API and DataStream API | Data in a sink table cannot be updated or deleted. Data can only be inserted into a sink table. |
Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) connector | × | √ | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API | Supported. |
Upsert Kafka connector | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API and YAML API for data ingestion | Supported. |
Elasticsearch connector | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API and DataStream API | Supported. |
AnalyticDB for MySQL V3.0 connector | × | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
ClickHouse connector | × | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
Print connector | × | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API and YAML API for data ingestion | Supported. |
Blackhole connector | × | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
ApsaraDB for HBase connector | × | √ | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API | Supported. |
Datagen connector | √ | × | × | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | N/A. |
ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ connector | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API and DataStream API | Data in a sink table cannot be updated or deleted. Data can only be inserted into a sink table. |
Tablestore connector | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API | Supported. |
JDBC connector | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
SelectDB connector (public preview) | × | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | DataStream API and SQL API | Supported. |
StarRocks connector | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API, DataStream API, and YAML API for data ingestion | Supported. |
PostgreSQL CDC connector (public preview) | √ | × | × | Streaming mode | SQL API | N/A. |
AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL connector | × | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
Lindorm connector | × | √ | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API | Supported. |
OSS connector | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API and DataStream API | Data in a sink table cannot be updated or deleted. Data can only be inserted into a sink table. |
Faker connector | √ | √ | × | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | N/A. |
Apache Iceberg connector | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
TSDB for InfluxDB connector | × | × | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API | Not supported. |
Apache Paimon connector | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API and YAML API for data ingestion | Supported. |
Hudi connector (to be retired) | √ | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API and DataStream API | Supported. |
Tair connector | × | × | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API | Supported. |
OceanBase connector (public preview) | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |
MongoDB connector | √ | √ | √ | Streaming mode | SQL API and DataStream API | Supported. |
PolarDB for Oracle 1.0 connector | × | × | √ | Streaming mode and batch mode | SQL API | Supported. |