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Elastic Compute Service:Run a Cloud Assistant command to stop or restart instances

Last Updated:Nov 27, 2024

This topic describes how to stop or restart Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances by running a Cloud Assistant command.


  • The instances that you want to stop or restart are in the Running (Running) state.

  • Cloud Assistance Agent is installed on the instances. For more information, see Install Cloud Assistant Agent.

(Recommended) Use an exit code to stop or restart instances

When you run a Cloud Assistant command to stop or restart instances, we recommend that you append a specific exit code to the end of the command to ensure real-time accuracy in the execution status of the command. If you run a Cloud Assistant command without an exit code to stop or restart instances, the execution status of the command may not be correctly updated even if the command finishes with the stop or restart operation. This occurs because Cloud Assistant Agent does not save the execution status of the command before the command is run to stop or restart the instances.


Make sure that the installed version of Cloud Assistant Agent is not earlier than the following versions:

  • Linux:

  • Windows:

If an error is reported when you run a Cloud Assistant command with an exit code, upgrade Cloud Assistant Agent to the latest version. For more information, see Upgrade or disable upgrades for Cloud Assistant Agent.

  1. Log on to the ECS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Maintenance & Monitoring > Cloud Assistant.

  3. In the top navigation bar, select the region and resource group to which the resource belongs. 地域

  4. In the upper-right corner of the ECS Cloud Assistant page, click Create/Run Command.

  5. In the Command Information section, configure the parameters. For more information, see Create and run a Cloud Assistant command.

  6. In the Command content code editor, add an exit code to the end of the command script.

    • To stop instances by running a command, specify one of the exit codes in the following table based on the operating system type of the instances.

      Operating system

      Exit code

      Sample command



      # If the following shell command returns an exit code of 193, an operation is triggered to stop the specified instances.
      exit 193



      # If the following PowerShell command returns an exit code of 3009, an operation is triggered to stop the specified instances.
      exit 3009
    • To restart instances by running a command, specify one of the exit codes in the following table based on the operating system type of the instances.

      Operating system

      Exit code

      Sample command



      # If the following shell command returns an exit code of 194, an operation is triggered to restart the specified instances.
      exit 194



      # If the following PowerShell command returns an exit code of 3010, an operation is triggered to restart the specified instances.
      exit 3010
  7. In the Select Instance or Select Managed Instances section, select the instances on which you want to run the command.


    A managed instance is an instance that is not provided by Alibaba Cloud but is managed by Cloud Assistant. For more information, see Alibaba Cloud managed instances.

  8. Click Run and Save or Run to immediately run the command.

Call API operations to run a Cloud Assistant command to batch restart instances

Alibaba Cloud provides a variety of API operations for you to manage your cloud resources. This section describes how to call API operations by running Python code in an on-premises Linux environment to run a Cloud Assistant command to batch restart instances.

  1. Prepare the information required to run a Cloud Assistant command.

    1. Obtain an AccessKey pair.

      We recommend that you obtain the AccessKey pair of a Resource Access Management (RAM) user. For more information, see Create an AccessKey pair.

    2. Obtain the region ID of the instances on which you want to run the Cloud Assistant command.

      You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. For information about the parameters in the DescribeRegions operation, see DescribeRegions.

    3. Obtain the IDs of the instances on which you want to run the Cloud Assistant command.

      You can call the DescribeInstances operation to query the instances that meet specific conditions. For example, you can query the instances that are in the Running state or have specific tags added. For information about the parameters in the DescribeInstances operation, see DescribeInstances.

  2. Configure the on-premises environment and run the sample code.

    1. Install Alibaba Cloud ECS SDK for Python.

      sudo pip install aliyun-python-sdk-ecs
    2. Update ECS SDK for Python to the latest version.

      sudo pip install --upgrade aliyun-python-sdk-ecs
    3. Create a .py file and write the following sample code to the file.

      Replace the following parameters in the sample code with the actual values obtained in the preceding step:

      • AccessKey ID:

        access_key = os.environ['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID']

      • AccessKey secret:

        access_key_secret = os.environ['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET']

      • Region ID:

        region_id = '<yourRegionId>'

      • Instance IDs:

        ins_ids= ["i-bp185fcs****","i-bp14wwh****","i-bp13jbr****"]

      Sample code:

      # coding=utf-8
      # If ECS SDK for Python is not installed, run the sudo pip install aliyun-python-sdk-ecs command.
      # Make sure that you use the latest version of ECS SDK for Python.
      # Run the sudo pip install --upgrade aliyun-python-sdk-ecs command to upgrade the version of ECS SDK for Python.
      import json
      import sys
      import base64
      import time
      import logging
      import os
      from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
      from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ClientException
      from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ServerException
      from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.RunCommandRequest import RunCommandRequest
      from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.DescribeInvocationResultsRequest import DescribeInvocationResultsRequest
      from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.RebootInstancesRequest import RebootInstancesRequest
      from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.DescribeInstancesRequest import DescribeInstancesRequest
      # Configure the log output formatter.
                          format="%(asctime)s %(name)s [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s",
                          datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M')
      logger = logging.getLogger()
      # Make sure that the ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured in the code runtime environment. 
      # If the project code is leaked, the AccessKey pair may be leaked and the security of all resources in your account may be compromised. The following sample code is only for reference. We recommend that you use Security Token Service (STS) tokens, which provide higher security. 
      access_key = os.environ['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID']  
      access_key_secret = os.environ['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET']  
      region_id = '<yourRegionId>'  # Specify the region ID that you obtained.
      client = AcsClient(access_key, access_key_secret, region_id)
      def base64_decode(content, code='utf-8'):
          if sys.version_info.major == 2:
              return base64.b64decode(content)
              return base64.b64decode(content).decode(code)
      def get_invoke_result(invoke_id):
          request = DescribeInvocationResultsRequest()
          response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
          response_details = json.loads(response)["Invocation"]["InvocationResults"]["InvocationResult"]
          dict_res = { detail.get("InstanceId",""):{"status": detail.get("InvocationStatus",""),"output":base64_decode(detail.get("Output",""))}  for detail in response_details }
          return dict_res
      def get_instances_status(instance_ids):
          request = DescribeInstancesRequest()
          response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
          response_details = json.loads(response)["Instances"]["Instance"]
          dict_res = { detail.get("InstanceId",""):{"status":detail.get("Status","")} for detail in response_details }
          return dict_res
      def run_command(cmdtype,cmdcontent,instance_ids,timeout=60):
          cmdtype: the type of the command. Valid values: RunBatScript, RunPowerShellScript, and RunShellScript.
          cmdcontent: the content of the command.
          instance_ids: the IDs of the instances on which you want to run the command.
              request = RunCommandRequest()
              # The timeout period for running the command. Unit: seconds. Default value: 60. Specify this parameter based on the command that you want to run.
              response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
              invoke_id = json.loads(response).get("InvokeId")
              return invoke_id
          except Exception as e:
              logger.error("run command failed")
      def reboot_instances(instance_ids,Force=False):
          instance_ids: the IDs of the instances that you want to restart.
          Force: specifies whether to forcefully restart the instances. Default value: False.
          request = RebootInstancesRequest()
          response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
      def wait_invoke_finished_get_out(invoke_id,wait_count,wait_interval):
          for i in range(wait_count):
              result = get_invoke_result(invoke_id)
              if set([res["status"] for _,res in result.items()]) & set(["Running","Pending","Stopping"]):
                  return result
          return result
      def wait_instance_reboot_ready(ins_ids,wait_count,wait_interval):
          for i in range(wait_count):
              result = get_instances_status(ins_ids)
              if set([res["status"] for _,res in result.items()]) != set(["Running"]):
                  return result
          return result
      def run_task():
          # Specify the type of the Cloud Assistant command.
          cmdtype = "RunShellScript"
          # Specify the content of the Cloud Assistant command.
          cmdcontent = """
          echo helloworld
          # Specify the timeout period for running the command.
          timeout = 60
          # Specify the IDs of the instances on which you want to run the command.
          ins_ids= ["i-bp185fcs****","i-bp14wwh****","i-bp13jbr****"]
          # Run the command.
          invoke_id = run_command(cmdtype,cmdcontent,ins_ids,timeout)
"run command,invoke-id:%s" % invoke_id)
          # Wait for the command to be run. Query the execution status of the command 10 times at an interval of 5 seconds. You can specify the number of times the command execution status is queried and the query interval based on your business requirements.
          invoke_result = wait_invoke_finished_get_out(invoke_id,10,5)
          for ins_id,res in invoke_result.items():
    "instance %s command execute finished,status: %s,output:%s" %(ins_id,res["status"],res["output"]))
          # Restart the instances.
          logger.warn("reboot instance Now")
          # Wait for the instances to enter the Running state. Query the status of the instance 30 times at an interval of 10 seconds.
          reboot_result = wait_instance_reboot_ready(ins_ids,30,10)
          logger.warn("reboot instance Finished")
          for ins_id,res in reboot_result.items():
    "instance %s status: %s" %(ins_id,res["status"]))
      if __name__ == '__main__':
    4. Run the .py file.

      The following figure shows a sample result after the .py file is run. In this example, a command is run on three instances and helloworld is returned, and then the three instances are restarted.openapi-exec-reboot

Use OOS to run a Cloud Assistant command to batch restart instances

CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS) is an automated O&M service provided by Alibaba Cloud. You can use OOS templates to configure and execute O&M tasks.

  1. Go to the Create Template page.

    1. Log on to the OOS console.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Automated Task > Custom Template.

    3. Click Create Template.

  2. Configure the parameters.

    1. On the Create Template page, keep the default template choice and click Next Step.

    2. Click the YAML tab and enter the following code.

      Sample code:

      FormatVersion: OOS-2019-06-01
        en: Runs a Cloud Assistant command to batch restart multiple ECS instances.
        name-en: ACS-ECS-BulkyRunCommandRboot
          - run_command
          Type: String
            en: The region ID
            en: Region
          AssociationProperty: RegionId
          Default: '{{ ACS::RegionId }}'
          Type: JSON
            en: TargetInstance
          AssociationProperty: Targets
            ResourceType: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance
            RegionId: regionId
            en: The type of the Cloud Assistant command
            en: CommandType
          Type: String
            - RunBatScript
            - RunPowerShellScript
            - RunShellScript
          Default: RunShellScript
            en: The content of the command that you want to run on the ECS instances
            en: CommandContent
          Type: String
          MaxLength: 16384
          AssociationProperty: Code
          Default: echo hello
            en: 'The directory where the created Cloud Assistant command runs on the ECS instances. For Linux instances, the default directory is under the home directory of the administrator (root user), which is /root. For Windows instances, the default directory is under the directory where the process of Cloud Assistant Agent is located, such as C:\Windows\System32.'
            en: WorkingDir
          Type: String
          Default: ''
            en: The timeout period for running the command on the ECS instances
            en: Timeout
          Type: Number
          Default: 600
            en: Whether to include secret parameters or custom parameters in the command.
            en: EnableParameter
          Type: Boolean
          Default: false
            en: The username that is used to run the command on the ECS instances
            en: Username
          Type: String
          Default: ''
            en: The name of the password used to run the command on a Windows instance
            en: WindowsPasswordName
          Type: String
          Default: ''
          AssociationProperty: SecretParameterName
            en: The concurrency ratio of task execution
            en: RateControl
          Type: JSON
          AssociationProperty: RateControl
            Mode: Concurrency
            MaxErrors: 0
            Concurrency: 10
            en: The RAM role to be assumed by OOS
            en: OOSAssumeRole
          Type: String
          Default: OOSServiceRole
      RamRole: '{{ OOSAssumeRole }}'
        - Name: getInstance
            en: Obtains the ECS instances.
          Action: ACS::SelectTargets
            ResourceType: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance
            RegionId: '{{ regionId }}'
              - '{{ targets }}'
              Type: List
              ValueSelector: Instances.Instance[].InstanceId
        - Name: runCommand
          Action: ACS::ECS::RunCommand
            en: Runs the Cloud Assistant command.
            regionId: '{{ regionId }}'
            commandContent: '{{ commandContent }}'
            instanceId: '{{ ACS::TaskLoopItem }}'
            commandType: '{{ commandType }}'
            workingDir: '{{ workingDir }}'
            timeout: '{{ timeout }}'
            enableParameter: '{{ enableParameter }}'
            username: '{{ username }}'
            windowsPasswordName: '{{ windowsPasswordName }}'
            RateControl: '{{ rateControl }}'
            Items: '{{ getInstance.instanceIds }}'
                AggregateType: Fn::ListJoin
                AggregateField: commandOutput
              Type: String
              ValueSelector: invocationOutput
        - Name: rebootInstance
          Action: ACS::ECS::RebootInstance
            en: Restarts the ECS instances.
            regionId: '{{ regionId }}'
            instanceId: '{{ ACS::TaskLoopItem }}'
            RateControl: '{{ rateControl }}'
            Items: '{{ getInstance.instanceIds }}'
          Type: List
          Value: '{{ getInstance.instanceIds }}'
    3. Click Create Template.

    4. In the dialog box that appears, enter a template name and click OK. In this example, the template name is runcommand_reboot_instances.

  3. Execute the template.

    1. Find the template that you created and click Create Execution in the Actions column.

    2. Configure the execution.

      Complete the execution configurations as prompted. In the Parameter Settings step, set the TargetInstance parameter to Manually Select Instances and select multiple instances. Use the default values for other parameters.exec-temp

    3. In the OK step, click Create.

      After the execution is created, the execution starts and you are automatically directed to the Basic Information tab on the execution details page. If the template is executed, Success is displayed next to Execution Status.

  4. View the execution procedure and the details of each task node.

    1. In the Execution Steps and Results section, click View Execution Flowchart to view the execution process.


    2. Click the Execute cloud assistant command step and then click the circular Task List tab to view the execution details of each task node. The following figure shows that the operations specified in the template are performed.
