Community Blog Create an Interactive Roadmap Web App on Alibaba Cloud

Create an Interactive Roadmap Web App on Alibaba Cloud

This tutorial explains the steps of building and deploying on Alibaba Cloud ECS and MongoDB.

You can access the tutorial artifact, including the deployment script (Terraform), related source code, sample data, and instruction guidance from this GitHub project.

Please refer to this link for more tutorials around Alibaba Cloud Database.

Database Deployment Tutorials Series: https://community.alibabacloud.com/series/118


This is an interesting web application to create an interactive roadmap, timeline, or milestone graph with Node.js and React. The backend data store is on MongoDB. This tutorial explains the steps of building and deploying on Alibaba Cloud ECS and MongoDB.


Live Demo: . If you cannot open the domain URL, please make sure your VPN or network proxy is set properly.

These are the key features of this web application:

  • Register and log in with the user
  • Create, update and save custom roadmaps
  • Download and Load the created map in unregistered mode via JSON
  • Download and Load the created map in user registered mode via JSON
  • Nodes have editable comment-, title-, date-, recommendation-indication- and status fields
  • Relationship between tasks displayed by svg lines

Deployment Architecture:



Step 1. Use Terraform to Provision ECS and MongoDB Database on Alibaba Cloud

Run the Terraform script to initialize the resources. In this tutorial, we use MongoDB as the backend database, so ECS and MongoDB are included in the Terraform script. Please specify the necessary information and region to deploy it.


After the Terraform script execution finishes, the ECS instance information is listed as below:


  • eip_ecs: The public EIP of the ECS for web app host

Please go to the Alibaba Cloud MongoDB web console for the MongoDB instance information and the connection URI.


The username and password are root and N1cetest by default. They are preset in the Terraform provision script. If you've already changed it, please update it accordingly.

Please replace the string **** with N1cetest in the connection URI string, such as:


The MongoDB connection URI will be used later when deploying the web application.

Step 2. Deploy and Set up Node.js and Other Basic Components on ECS

Please log on to ECS with ECS EIP. The password is N1cetest by default, which is preset in the Terraform provision script in Step 1. If you've already changed it, please update it accordingly.

ssh root@<ECS_EIP>


Execute the following commands to install the Git client, Node.js:

dnf install -y git
dnf install -y npm

Step 3. Build and Deploy the Web Application

Execute the command to check the project from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/alibabacloud-howto/solution-mongodb-labs.git

Execute the commands and edit the .env file to set up the MongoDB connection URI from Step 1. Then, save the changes to the .env file. I will use 5000 as the web app port by default. If you change it, please update it accordingly.

cd ~/solution-mongodb-labs/interactive-roadmap
vim backend/.env


Execute the following commands to build and install the backend component:

cd ~/solution-mongodb-labs/interactive-roadmap/backend
npm install


Execute the following commands to build the client component:

cd ~/solution-mongodb-labs/interactive-roadmap/client
npm install -g create-react-app
npm install --save react react-dom
npm run-script build


Then, the backend and client components are built successfully. Now, execute the following commands to start the web app:

cd ~/solution-mongodb-labs/interactive-roadmap/backend
npm start


Open http://<ECS_EIP>:5000/ in your web browser to visit the web app:


Usually, we need to run the Node.js app as a daemon process. Now, let's install pm2 to start or manage the lifecycle of the Node.js web app.

First, enter Ctrl + C to stop the web app process started by executing npm start before. Then, please execute the following commands to install pm2 and start the web app via pm2:

cd ~/solution-mongodb-labs/interactive-roadmap/backend
npm i -g pm2
pm2 start server.js


Open http://<ECS_EIP>:5000/ again in your web browser to visit the web app:

Step 4. Install Mongoku on ECS to Manage Data on MongoDB

Execute the following commands to install the open-source MongoDB web admin tool Mongoku on ECS to manage data on MongoDB:

cd ~
npm install -g mongoku
mongoku start --pm2


Open http://<ECS_EIP>:3100/ again in your web browser to visit the Mongoku web admin. Mongoku uses the 3100 port for web apps by default. I've already set this in the security group rule within the Terraform script.

Now, we can add the MongoDB connection URI here as the server to navigate and manage the data for this interactive roadmap web app via Mongoku. Please enjoy!


This tutorial is modified based on an app to create custom roadmap graphs to run on Alibaba Cloud. I've done some modifications and customization to make them all work on Alibaba Cloud.

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