Community Blog ACK Cloud Native AI Suite | Simplifying GPU Cluster Operations and Improving GPU Utilization

ACK Cloud Native AI Suite | Simplifying GPU Cluster Operations and Improving GPU Utilization

The second episode of ACK Cloud Native AI Suite series introduces how to simplify the complexity of GPU cluster operations and improve GPU resource utilization through the ACK Cloud-Native AI suite.

Welcome to Cloud Forward, where we go back to basics and talk about everything cloud-centric, from Infrastructure, Computing, Storage, Network, Security, to Database, AI, and Machine Learning.

In this series, we will talk about Alibaba Cloud's Cloud-Native AI Suite. Cloud-Native AI Suite is a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) solution powered by Cloud-Native AI technologies and products. The Cloud-Native AI Suite can help you fully utilize cloud-native architectures and technologies to quickly develop an AI-assisted production system in ACK. The Cloud-Native AI Suite also provides full-stack optimization for AI or machine learning applications and systems.

With the development and application of technologies such as AI, enterprises have a greater demand for heterogeneous computing power, surpassing the general-purpose computing power represented by CPUs. 

As a result, many heterogeneous computing devices such as GPUs and FPGAs play crucial roles in these business domains. However, the operational management of GPU clusters faces numerous challenges.

Data scientists, algorithm engineers, and platform operators often ask questions such as: How is my GPU resource utilization? Where are the available GPU resources? Is my GPU still functioning correctly?

Hello and welcome to this episode of Cloud Forward. Today, this video will explain how to simplify the complexity of GPU cluster operations and improve GPU resource utilization through the ACK Cloud-Native AI suite.

Watch the videos below for a comprehensive understanding.

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