Published on March 01, 2024.
ZOLOZ Feature Release
Feature Enhancements
Newly added the type of Operation Log in thePortal: "MYPROFILE_LOGIN", which means successful login.
ForRealID, Web SDK supported tablet devices.
ForID Recognition,Face Capture,Connect, newly added the verification function for input parameter
incheckresultAPI. When transactionId error is detected,INVALID_ARGUMENT
and its corresponding resultMessage are returned.ForRealIDandID Recognition, optimized the OCR recognition rate for the
field of theChina Exit – Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macaudocument(docType=00860000011).
New Features
ForConnect,newly addedunenrollAPI, which is used to delete thepre-captured face image that is uploaded when callingenrollAPI. For more information, please refer tounenroll.
Native SDK Version Release
Enhanced security capabilities and stability for Native SDKs.
Split the SDK dependencies into a main package and optional packages. If you require the NFC andEagleFaceIDcapabilities, please be aware of the additional integration. For more details, please refer toApp SDK-mode integration.
The above feature require the Native SDK to be upgraded to the latest version:
iOS SDK Version: link for new features:
Android SDK Version: (Demo link for new features: