
ZOLOZ eKYC SaaS updates 2022-12-05

更新時間:2024-12-05 19:12

This topic describes the Zoloz eKYC SaaS updates in November 2022.

Date of Release:


New Features:


Feature Enhancements:

  1. Added support to return face images with eyes closed for Face Capture (both native SDK and web SDK).

    Firstly set the parameter “serviceLevel” ininitializeAPI to "FACECAPTURE0005" for native SDK (or "FACECAPTURE0010" for web SDK).

Then set the parameter "isReturnImage" to "Y" and set the parameter "extraImageControlList"

with "FACE_EYE_CLOSE" in checkresult v1a API request to return the face eye-close image.

  1. Added new OCR fields for Thailand IDs - issue and expiry dates. Issue and expiry dates are now available for Thailand ID OCR returned results, under ZOLOZ's RealID and ID Recognition products.

Bug Fixes:


Other Changes:

  1. Improved algorithm performance through optimizing the accuracy of OCR recognition for the Philippines' health cards and driver licenses. It is now mandatory to verify the number of digits in an ID number, and that the date of birth and gender information is not empty. This will avoid low-level errors such as incomplete field recognition.

Notes to Client:

  1. Kindly pay attention to the newly added OCR result key for Thailand IDs in thecheckresultAPI response. Please double check if this change impacts the thecheckresultAPI usage on your application side.

  2. For the Philippines' health cards and driver licenses, if the OCR field value and format do not meet the verification requirements, the user will be prompted to take their ID photo again.

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