
ZOLOZ eKYC SaaS updates 2023-06-08

更新時間:2024-12-05 19:12

Published on June 08, 2023.

New Features

  • Added additional server-side anti-deepfake algorithm capabilities forFace Capture.

  • The anti-deepfake algorithm effectively defends against attacks injected with face-swapping pictures and videos. To improve overall anti-injection security, enable the anti-injection algorithm to access the anti-deepfake algorithm on the server.

  • UpgradedinitializeandcheckresultAPI parameters.The liveness action algorithm, as well as the anti-presentation attack and anti-injection attack algorithms can be flexibly controlled throughinitializeandcheckresultAPIparameters. There is no need to useserviceLevelandoperationModeparameters for configuration in this case. Please refer toAPI Referencefor more details.

  • As the upgrade is fully compatible, there will be no impact on the existing users using the parameters serviceLevel and operationMode.

  • Added direct support for H5 mode face-swiping through open parameters inConnect,improving overall risk control capabilities. Please refer toAPI Referencefor more details.

  • Added UI configurability for WebSDKs.

  • WebSDKs forReal ID,ID Recognition,ConnectandFace Capturenow have UI configuration capabilities from the Chameleon platform on ZOLOZ Portal, allowing for better user experience through various visual UI and copywriting styles. Please refer toIntegration Guidefor more usage info.

  • Added new WebSDK ID document capture scanning support. Based on this new method, the ID document will be automatically identified, scanned and captured without the need to tap on a button.

  • New serviceLevel: RealID0012, ID Recognition0010 added to enable this feature.

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  • New Features
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