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Data Transmission Service:Configure one-way data synchronization between ApsaraDB for Redis instances across Alibaba Cloud accounts

更新時間:Apr 02, 2024

You can use Data Transmission Service (DTS) to perform one-way data synchronization between ApsaraDB for Redis instances that belong to different Alibaba Cloud accounts. This feature is suitable for scenarios such as resource migration or merging across Alibaba Cloud accounts and business architecture adjustment.


  • If the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance is a Community Edition instance, the engine version is 4.0 or 5.0. If the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance is an Enhanced Edition (Tair) instance, the engine version is 5.0.


    The engine version of the destination ApsaraDB for Redis instance can be 4.0 or 5.0. The engine version of the destination ApsaraDB for Redis instance must be the same as or later than that of the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance. Before you synchronize data between two ApsaraDB for Redis instances that use different engine versions, check the compatibility of the two versions. For example, you can create a destination ApsaraDB for Redis instance that adopts the pay-as-you-go billing method to verify the compatibility between the source and destination instances. Then, you can release this instance or change the billing method of the instance to subscription.

  • The source or destination instance is a cluster, standard, or read/write splitting classic instance.

  • The source or destination instance is a standard cloud-native instance. A cluster cloud-native instance cannot be configured as the source or destination instance.

  • The source instance is deployed in a virtual private cloud (VPC). If the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance is deployed in the classic network, you can change the network type to VPC. For more information, see Switch the network type from classic network to VPC.

  • SSL encryption is disabled for the source instance. For more information, see Configure SSL encryption.

  • The available storage space of the destination instance is larger than the total size of the data in the source instance.

  • To ensure compatibility between the source and destination instances, if an ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair) instance is configured as the source instance, the destination instance must be an ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair) instance. This is because ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair) is integrated with more Redis modules than ApsaraDB for Redis Community Edition.

  • The appendonly parameter is set to yes if a persistent memory-optimized instance is configured as the source instance.

  • The source instance is not a storage-optimized ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair) instance. A storage-optimized ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair) instance can be used only as the destination instance.

Background information

In this example, two ApsaraDB for Redis instances are created by different Alibaba Cloud accounts. You want to synchronize data from the instance of Account A to the instance of Account B. The following figure shows the architecture of the synchronization solution.Redis跨账号迁移架构图

The following table describes how to configure a one-way data synchronization task for this scenario.



1. Use Account A to which the source instance belongs to log on to the Resource Access Management (RAM) console and grant the required permissions to a RAM role. For more information, see the Preparations section of this topic.

When you configure the RAM role, set Account B as the trusted account and authorize the RAM role to access the cloud resources of Account A.

2. Use Account B to which the destination instance belongs to log on to the DTS console and configure the data synchronization task. For more information, see the Procedure section of this topic.

DTS can read information about the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance across Alibaba Cloud accounts.

Supported source and destination databases

The following table describes the supported databases when you use DTS to perform one-way synchronization between ApsaraDB for Redis instances across Alibaba Cloud accounts.

Source database

Destination database

  • ApsaraDB for Redis instance

  • Self-managed database that is hosted on Elastic Compute Service (ECS)

  • Self-managed database that is connected over Express Connect, VPN Gateway, or Smart Access Gateway

  • Self-managed database that is connected over Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN)

  • ApsaraDB for Redis instance

  • Self-managed database that is hosted on ECS

  • Self-managed database that is connected over Express Connect, VPN Gateway, or Smart Access Gateway

  • Self-managed database that is connected over CEN




Limits on the source database

  • To ensure the synchronization quality, Data Transmission Service (DTS) adds a key prefixed with DTS_REDIS_TIMESTAMP_HEARTBEAT to the source database. This key is used to record the time when data is synchronized to the destination database. If the source database is deployed in a cluster architecture, DTS adds this key to each shard. The key is filtered out during data synchronization. After the data synchronization task is complete, the key expires.

  • If the source database is a read-only database or the source database account that is used to run the data synchronization task does not have the permissions to run the SETEX command, the reported latency may be inaccurate.

  • To ensure the stability of data synchronization, we recommend that you increase the value of the repl-backlog-size parameter in the redis.conf file.

  • You must enable the append-only file (AOF) logging feature for the source database.

  • If an expiration policy is enabled for specific keys in the source database, these keys may not be deleted at the earliest opportunity after they expire. Therefore, the number of keys in the destination database may be less than that in the source database. You can run the INFO command to view the number of keys in the destination database.

  • Limits on synchronizing data from a standalone Redis instance to a Redis cluster: Each command can be run only on a single slot in a Redis cluster. If you perform operations on multiple keys in the source database and the keys belong to different slots, the following error occurs:

    CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot

    We recommend that you perform operations on only one key during data synchronization. This prevents the data synchronization task from being interrupted.

  • If the source database is a Tair cloud-native persistent memory-optimized instance, you must set the appendonly parameter to yes for the instance.

Other limits

  • The timeout period for data replication between the master and replica nodes in the source Redis instance is specified by the repl-timeout parameter. If the source instance is a self-managed Redis database, we recommend that you run the config set repl-timeout 600 command to set this timeout period to 600 seconds. If the source database stores a large amount of data, you can increase the value of the repl-timeout parameter based on your business requirements.

  • During data synchronization, if the number of shards in the source Redis database is increased or decreased, or if you change the database specifications, such as scaling up the memory capacity, you must reconfigure the data synchronization task. To ensure data consistency, we recommend that you clear the data that has been synchronized to the destination Redis database before you reconfigure the data synchronization task.

  • During data synchronization, if the endpoint of the source Redis database is changed, you must reconfigure the data synchronization task.

  • To ensure compatibility, the version of the destination database must be the same as or later than that of the source database. If the version of the destination database is earlier than that of the source database, database compatibility issues may occur.

  • During initial full data synchronization, DTS uses the read and write resources of the source and destination databases. This may increase the loads on the database servers. Before you synchronize data, evaluate the impact of data synchronization on the performance of the source and destination databases. We recommend that you synchronize data during off-peak hours.

  • During data synchronization, we recommend that you use only DTS to write data to the destination database. This prevents data inconsistency between the source and destination databases.

  • If the destination instance is deployed in a cluster architecture and the amount of memory used by a shard in the destination instance reaches the upper limit, or if the available storage space of the destination instance is insufficient, the data synchronization task fails due to out of memory (OOM).

  • By default, the maxmemory-policy parameter that specifies how data is evicted is set to volatile-lru for ApsaraDB for Redis instances. If the destination instance has insufficient memory, data inconsistency may occur between the source and destination instances due to data eviction. In this case, the data synchronization task does not stop running.

    To prevent data inconsistency, we recommend that you set maxmemory-policy to noeviction for the destination instance. This way, the data synchronization task fails if the destination instance has insufficient memory, but data loss can be prevented for the destination instance.


    For more information about data eviction policies, see How does ApsaraDB for Redis evict data by default?

  • If the transparent data encryption (TDE) feature is enabled for the source or destination instance, you cannot use DTS to synchronize data from the source database to the destination database.

  • During data synchronization, if resumable upload fails due to transient connections that occur on the source Redis database, full data may be re-synchronized to the destination database. This may cause data inconsistency between the source and destination databases.


Synchronization typeTask configuration fee
Schema synchronization and full data synchronizationFree of charge.
Incremental data synchronizationCharged. For more information, see Billing overview.

Commands that can be synchronized



ApsaraDB for Redis Community Edition instance














  • SWAPDB and UNLINK (These two commands can be synchronized only if the engine version of the source instance is Redis 4.0.)


ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair) instance















  • PUBLISH operations cannot be synchronized.

  • If you run the EVAL or EVALSHA command to call Lua scripts, DTS cannot identify whether these Lua scripts are executed on the destination instance. This is because the destination instance does not explicitly return the execution results of Lua scripts during incremental data synchronization.

  • When DTS runs the SYNC or PSYNC command to transfer data of the LIST type, DTS does not clear the existing data in the destination instance. As a result, the destination instance may contain duplicate data records.


  1. Required. Obtain the IDs of the Alibaba Cloud accounts to which the source and destination instances belong.


    Skip the step if you have obtained the IDs of the Alibaba Cloud accounts to which the source and destination instances belong.

    1. Log on to the Account Management console by using the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source or destination instance belongs.

    2. Optional. In the left-side navigation pane, click Basic Information.

    3. View and record the value of the Account ID parameter.

  2. Create a RAM role.

    1. Log on to the RAM console by using the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Identities > Roles.

    3. On the Roles page, click Create Role.

    4. On the Create Role page, set the Select Trusted Entity parameter to Alibaba Cloud Account and click Next.创建角色

    5. In the Configure Role step, configure parameters for the RAM role.信任账号



      RAM Role Name

      The name of the RAM role. In this example, ram-for-dts is used.


      The name must be 1 to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-).


      Optional. The description for the RAM role.

      Select Trusted Alibaba Cloud Account

      Select Other Alibaba Cloud Account and enter the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs.

    6. Click OK.

  3. Grant permissions to the created RAM role.

    1. Click Input and Attach.创建角色

    2. On the Permissions tab, click Precise Permission.


    3. In the Precise Permission panel, set the Type parameter to System Policy.


    4. In the Policy Name field, enter AliyunDTSRolePolicy.

    5. Click OK.

    6. Click Close.

  4. Modify the trust policy.

    1. Optional. On the Roles page, find the created RAM role and click its name.


    2. On the details page of the RAM role, click the Trust Policy tab.


    3. On the Trust Policy tab, click Edit Trust Policy.

    4. Copy the following code to the code editor:

          "Statement": [
                  "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": {
                      "RAM": [
                          "acs:ram::<Alibaba Cloud account ID>:root"
                      "Service": [
                          "<Alibaba Cloud account ID>"
          "Version": "1"
    5. Replace <Alibaba Cloud account ID> in the preceding code with the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that is used to create the DTS task.

    6. Click Save trust policy document.


  1. Use the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination ApsaraDB for Redis instance belongs to log on to the new DTS console and go to the Data Synchronization page.

    1. Log on to the Data Management (DMS) console.

    2. In the top navigation bar, move the pointer over DTS.

    3. Choose DTS (DTS) > Data Synchronization.

  2. On the right side of Data Synchronization Tasks, select the region in which the data synchronization instance resides.


    If you use the new DTS console, you must select the region in which the data synchronization instance resides in the top navigation bar.

  3. On the Data Synchronization page, click Create Task. In the Create Task wizard, configure the source and destination databases.


    After you configure the source and destination databases, we recommend that you read the limits that are displayed on the page. Otherwise, the task may fail or data inconsistency may occur.





    Task Name

    The name of the DTS task. DTS automatically generates a task name. We recommend that you specify a descriptive name that makes it easy to identify the task. You do not need to specify a unique task name.

    Source Database

    Select an existing DMS database instance

    The database instance that you want to use. You can determine whether to select an existing instance based on your business requirements.

    • If you select an existing instance, DTS automatically populates the parameters for the instance.

    • If you do not select an existing instance, you must configure parameters for the source database.

    Database Type

    The type of the source database. Select ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair).

    Access Method

    The access method of the source database. Select Alibaba Cloud Instance.

    Instance Region

    The region in which the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance resides.

    Replicate Data Across Alibaba Cloud Accounts

    Specifies whether to synchronize data across Alibaba Cloud accounts. In this example, Yes is selected.


    The two accounts can be an Alibaba Cloud account on the China site ( and an Alibaba Cloud account on the International site (

    Alibaba Cloud Account

    The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance belongs.


    To obtain the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account, you can log on to the Account Management console by using this account. The account ID is displayed on the Basic Information page.


    RAM Role Name

    The name of the RAM role that you created by following the instructions in the Preparations section of this topic.

    Instance ID

    The ID of the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance.

    Database Password

    The database password of the source ApsaraDB for Redis instance. The database account that corresponds to the password must have the read permissions. If you forget the password, you can reset the password. For more information, see Change or reset the password.

    • If you use the default account whose username is the same as the instance ID, you need to enter only the password.

    • If you use a custom account, specify the password in the <Custom account username>:<Password> format. Example: testaccount:Test1234.


    This parameter is optional and can be left empty if no database password is set for the source ApsaraDB for Redis database.

    Destination Database

    Select an existing DMS database instance

    The database instance that you want to use. You can determine whether to select an existing instance based on your business requirements.

    • If you select an existing instance, DTS automatically populates the parameters for the instance.

    • If you do not select an existing instance, you must configure parameters for the destination database.

    Database Type

    The type of the destination database. Select ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair).

    Access Method

    The access method of the destination database. Select Alibaba Cloud Instance.

    Instance Region

    The region in which the destination ApsaraDB for Redis instance resides.

    Instance ID

    The ID of the destination ApsaraDB for Redis instance.

    Database Password

    The database password of the destination ApsaraDB for Redis instance. The database account that corresponds to the password must have the read permissions. If you forget the password, you can reset the password. For more information, see Change or reset the password.

    • If you use the default account whose username is the same as the instance ID, you need to enter only the password.

    • If you use a custom account, specify the password in the <Custom account username>:<Password> format. Example: testaccount:Test1234.

  4. In the lower part of the page, click Test Connectivity and Proceed.

    If the source or destination database is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, such as an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL or ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance, DTS automatically adds the CIDR blocks of DTS servers to the whitelist of the instance. If the source or destination database is a self-managed database hosted on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, DTS automatically adds the CIDR blocks of DTS servers to the security group rules of the ECS instance, and you must make sure that the ECS instance can access the database. If the database is deployed on multiple ECS instances, you must manually add the CIDR blocks of DTS servers to the security group rules of each ECS instance. If the source or destination database is a self-managed database that is deployed in a data center or provided by a third-party cloud service provider, you must manually add the CIDR blocks of DTS servers to the whitelist of the database to allow DTS to access the database. For more information, see Add the CIDR blocks of DTS servers.


    If the CIDR blocks of DTS servers are automatically or manually added to the whitelist of the database or instance, or to the ECS security group rules, security risks may arise. Therefore, before you use DTS to synchronize data, you must understand and acknowledge the potential risks and take preventive measures, including but not limited to the following measures: enhancing the security of your username and password, limiting the ports that are exposed, authenticating API calls, regularly checking the whitelist or ECS security group rules and forbidding unauthorized CIDR blocks, or connecting the database to DTS by using Express Connect, VPN Gateway, or Smart Access Gateway.

  5. Configure the objects to be synchronized and advanced settings.



    Synchronization Types

    The synchronization types. By default, Incremental Data Synchronization is selected. You must also select Full Data Synchronization. After the precheck, DTS synchronizes all the existing data of the selected objects from the source database to the destination database. The data is the basis for subsequent incremental synchronization.


    Full data synchronization is supported only for ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair) instances.

    Synchronization Topology

    The synchronization topology of the data synchronization task. Select One-way Synchronization.

    Processing Mode of Conflicting Tables

    • Precheck and Report Errors: checks whether data exists in the destination database. If no data exists in the destination database, the precheck is passed. If data exists in the destination database, an error is returned during the precheck, and the data synchronization task cannot be started.

    • Ignore Errors and Proceed: skips the Check the existence of objects in the destination database. check item.


      If you select Ignore Errors and Proceed, data loss may occur in the destination database because data records in the source database overwrite the data records that have the same keys in the destination database. Proceed with caution.

    Source Objects

    Select one or more objects from the Source Objects section and click the 向右 icon to move the objects to the Selected Objects section.


    You can select only databases as the objects to be synchronized. Keys cannot be selected as the objects to be synchronized.

    Selected Objects

    If you want to select a database to which data is synchronized from DB 0 to DB 255 or filter the data to be synchronized by prefix, you can use the object name mapping feature or the filtering feature. In the Selected Objects section, right-click the database that you want to synchronize. In the Edit Schema dialog box, configure the parameters. For more information, see Map object names and Set filter conditions.


    You cannot map multiple object names at a time.

  6. Click Next: Advanced Settings to configure advanced settings.

    • Data Verification Settings

      For more information about how to configure the data verification feature, see Configure data verification.

    • Advanced Settings



      Set Alerts

      Specifies whether to configure alerting for the data synchronization task. If the task fails or the synchronization latency exceeds the specified threshold, alert contacts will receive notifications. Valid values:

      • No: does not configure alerting.

      • Yes: configures alerting. In this case, you must also configure the alert threshold and alert contacts. For more information, see Configure monitoring and alerting.

      Retry Time for Failed Connections

      The retry time range for failed connections. If the source or destination database fails to be connected after the data synchronization task is started, DTS immediately retries a connection within the time range. Valid values: 10 to 1440. Unit: minutes. Default value: 720. We recommend that you set this parameter to a value greater than 30. If DTS reconnects to the source and destination databases within the specified time range, DTS resumes the data synchronization task. Otherwise, the data synchronization task fails.

      • If you specify different retry time ranges for multiple data synchronization tasks that have the same source or destination database, the shortest retry time range takes precedence.

      • When DTS retries a connection, you are charged for the DTS instance. We recommend that you specify the retry time range based on your business requirements. You can also release the DTS instance at your earliest opportunity after the source and destination instances are released.

      The wait time before a retry when other issues occur in the source and destination databases.

      The retry time range for other issues. For example, if the DDL or DML operations fail to be performed after the data synchronization task is started, DTS immediately retries the operations within the time range. Valid values: 1 to 1440. Unit: minutes. Default value: 10. We recommend that you set this parameter to a value greater than 10. If the failed operations are successfully performed within the specified time range, DTS resumes the data synchronization task. Otherwise, the data synchronization task fails.


      The value of the The wait time before a retry when other issues occur in the source and destination databases. parameter must be smaller than the value of the Retry Time for Failed Connections parameter.

      Enable Throttling for Full Data Migration

      During full data synchronization, DTS uses the read and write resources of the source and destination databases. This may increase the load on the database servers. You can configure the Queries per second (QPS) to the source database, RPS of Full Data Migration, and Data migration speed for full migration (MB/s) parameters for full data synchronization tasks to reduce the load on the destination database server.


      This parameter is displayed only if Full Data Synchronization is selected for the Synchronization Types parameter.

      Enable Throttling for Incremental Data Synchronization

      Specifies whether to enable throttling for incremental data synchronization. You can enable throttling for incremental data synchronization based on your business requirements. To configure throttling, you must configure the RPS of Incremental Data Synchronization and Data synchronization speed for incremental synchronization (MB/s) parameters. This reduces the load on the destination database server.

      Environment Tag

      The environment tag that is used to identify the DTS instance. You can select an environment tag based on your business requirements. In this example, no environment tag is selected.

      Extend Expiration Time of Destination Database Key

      The extended time period for keys synchronized from the source database to the destination database to remain valid. Unit: seconds. If specific commands such as the following commands are used, we recommend that you set this parameter to 600 to ensure data consistency.

      EXPIRE key seconds
      PEXPIRE key milliseconds
      EXPIREAT key timestamp
      PEXPIREAT key timestampMs

      Configure ETL

      Specifies whether to enable the extract, transform, and load (ETL) feature. For more information, see What is ETL? Valid values:

  7. Save the task settings and run a precheck.

    • To view the parameters to be specified when you call the relevant API operation to configure the DTS task, move the pointer over Next: Save Task Settings and Precheck and click Preview OpenAPI parameters.

    • If you do not need to view or have viewed the parameters, click Next: Save Task Settings and Precheck in the lower part of the page.

    • Before you can start the data synchronization task, DTS performs a precheck. You can start the data synchronization task only after the task passes the precheck.

    • If the task fails to pass the precheck, click View Details next to each failed item. After you analyze the causes based on the check results, troubleshoot the issues. Then, run a precheck again.

    • If an alert is triggered for an item during the precheck:

      • If an alert item cannot be ignored, click View Details next to the failed item and troubleshoot the issue. Then, run a precheck again.

      • If an alert item can be ignored, click Confirm Alert Details. In the View Details dialog box, click Ignore. In the message that appears, click OK. Then, click Precheck Again to run a precheck again. If you ignore the alert item, data inconsistency may occur and your business may be exposed to potential risks.

  8. Wait until the success rate becomes 100%. Then, click Next: Purchase Instance.

  9. On the Purchase Instance page, configure the Billing Method and Instance Class parameters for the data synchronization instance. The following table describes the parameters.




    New Instance Class

    Billing Method

    • Subscription: You pay for your subscription when you create an instance. The subscription billing method is more cost-effective than the pay-as-you-go billing method for long-term use.

    • Pay-as-you-go: A pay-as-you-go instance is billed on an hourly basis. We recommend that you select the pay-as-you-go billing method for short-term use. If you no longer require a pay-as-you-go instance, you can release the instance to reduce costs.

    Resource Group

    The resource group to which the instance belongs. Default value: default resource group. For more information, see What is Resource Management?

    Instance Class

    DTS provides various synchronization specifications that provide different performance. The synchronization speed varies based on the synchronization specifications that you select. You can select a synchronization specification based on your business requirements. For more information, see Specifications of data synchronization instances.


    If you select the subscription billing method, set the subscription duration and the number of instances that you want to create. The subscription duration can be one to nine months, one year, two years, three years, or five years.


    This parameter is displayed only if you select the subscription billing method.Subscription

  10. Read and select the Data Transmission Service (Pay-as-you-go) Service Terms.

  11. Click Buy and Start to start the data synchronization task. You can view the progress of the task in the task list.