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:Instance classes of data synchronization instances

更新時間:Jul 08, 2024

This topic describes the instance classes of data synchronization instances.

Usage notes

The instance classes described in this topic are only for reference and are not used as a criterion for service level agreement (SLA) evaluation.

Data Transmission Service (DTS) can synchronize data to the destination instance within seconds. However, synchronization latency may increase due to various reasons, such as the high workload of the source instance, the low bandwidth of the transmission network, the network latency, and the poor write performance of the destination instance. Therefore, DTS does not guarantee latency in seconds for data synchronization tasks.


  • Instance class: DTS provides different instance classes. The number of data records that can be synchronized by a data synchronization instance varies based on the instance class.

  • Rows per second (RPS): RPS stands for the rows of data that is incrementally synchronized to the destination table per second. For example, if a data synchronization instance incrementally synchronizes 5,000 rows of data to the destination table per second, the RPS of the instance is 5,000.

Instance classes of data synchronization instances

DTS provides four instance classes for data synchronization instances: micro, small, medium, and large. The instance class of a data synchronization instance determines the maximum RPS of the instance. The maximum RPS described in the following table can be reached only if the following requirements are met:

  • The number of rows that must be synchronized from the source instance per second is greater than or equal to the maximum RPS of the data synchronization instance.

  • The write performance of the destination instance is high enough to support the maximum RPS of the data synchronization instance.

  • The network latency between the DTS server and the source or destination instance is less than 2 milliseconds.

Instance class

Maximum RPS


Less than 200








The actual RPS of a data synchronization instance varies based on various factors, such as the network environment, the performance of the source and destination instances, and the latency. The maximum RPS listed in the preceding table is only for reference and is not covered by the SLA of DTS.