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Cloud Backup:FAQ about SAP HANA backup

更新時間:Mar 11, 2024

This topic provides answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the SAP HANA backup feature of Cloud Backup.

What is SAP HANA backup?

SAP HANA backup is a backup feature provided by Cloud Backup that allows you to manage your SAP system on Alibaba Cloud.

SAP has certified Cloud Backup for integration with SAP HANA Backint. Cloud Backup is compatible with SAP HANA 1.0 and 2.0. You can use a Cloud Backup client to back up SAP HANA databases deployed on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances and restore the databases based on your business requirements. For more information, see Overview of the SAP HANA backup feature.

You can also back up on-premises files and VMWare virtual machines (VMs) in data centers to backup vaults on Alibaba Cloud. Cloud Backup provides simple and easy-to-use native data protection features for various types of data on Alibaba Cloud, such as ECS files, Oracle databases, SQL Server databases, Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS) file systems, and Object Storage Service (OSS) objects. For more information, see What is Cloud Backup?

Application scope of SAP HANA backup

  • SAP HANA databases deployed on ECS instances

  • Backint supports multitenant database containers (MDCs) in SAP HANA 1.0 SPS 09 (revision 94) and later and SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 01 and later. Backint does not support single-container systems in SAP HANA 1.0.

How do I view the status and logs of the Cloud Backup client after I register an SAP HANA database?

After you register an SAP HANA database in the Cloud Backup console, the SAP HANA database is in the Registered state.

The default log path is /opt/alibabacloud/hbrclient/logs.

You can run the ps axu|grep hybrid command to view the status of the Cloud Backup client. If the process information exists, the Cloud Backup client is started and running properly.

root     11472  0.0  0.0   9288  1552 pts/2    S+   16:11   0:00 grep --color=auto hybrid
root     30480  0.0  0.2  56296 17028 ?        Ssl  13:26   0:04 /opt/alibabacloud/hbr/client/hybridbackup -p 0

Does Cloud Backup support backup of the SAP HANA databases deployed in a self-managed data center?

No, Cloud Backup does not support backup of the SAP HANA databases deployed in a self-managed data center. However, you can back up the SAP HANA databases to an on-premises storage, and then back up the databases to the cloud by using the on-premises file backup feature. For more information, see Back up on-premises files.

Do I need to purchase another Alibaba Cloud storage service to back up SAP HANA databases?

No, you do not need to purchase another Alibaba Cloud storage service. Cloud Backup uses Backint to directly call the API for SAP HANA backup. Data is backed up to the cloud storage at the Cloud Backup backend through pipes. This does not occupy the storage space of the ECS instances where the SAP HANA databases are deployed. Therefore, you do not need to purchase another Alibaba Cloud storage service.

Can I use Cloud Backup to back up SAP HANA databases that are deployed in single-container systems?

No, the SAP HANA backup feature in the Cloud Backup console uses the Backint API. To back up an SAP HANA database that is deployed in a single-container system, you can adopt either of the following solutions:

  • Solution 1: Back up the SAP HANA database to the disk of an ECS instance, and then use the on-premises file backup feature of Cloud Backup to back up the database. For more information, see Back up on-premises files.

  • Solution 2: Convert the SAP HANA single-container system to an SAP HANA MDC system. For more information, see SAP official documentation or consult your SAP partner.

Can I store the backup data of SAP HANA databases for different environments in separate backup vaults?

Yes, you can store the backup data of SAP HANA databases for different environments in separate backup vaults. When you register an SAP HANA database in the Cloud Backup console, you can create a backup vault or select an existing backup vault. The following restoration methods are supported:

Does SAP HANA backup support the cross-region (remote) backup feature?

Yes, SAP HANA backup supports the cross-region (remote) backup feature. For more information, see Back up data across regions.

What are the precautions for configuring the SAP HANA backup feature?

  • If your SAP HANA database is deployed in a high-availability architecture, you must specify a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP) for the ECS instance where the SAP HANA database is registered. This ensures that backup jobs can run properly when a failover is triggered in the cluster.

  • By default, the Use Backint for Catalog Backup and Auto Log Backup settings are not enabled in the backup parameters. You must manually enable the settings for the SAP HANA system database and each tenant database to ensure that the databases can be restored when required.



Tenant databases inherit the parameter settings of the system database. Check that the parameter settings of each database meet your business requirements.

How do I configure the retention period of backup data for an SAP HANA database?

  1. Log on to the Cloud Backup console and select the SAP HANA instance.


  2. On the Databases tab, select a system database or tenant database, and then choose More > Configure Retention Policy in the Actions column.


  3. The default backup retention period is 10 years. You can change the value based on your business requirements.




    Retention Policy

    • Custom

      Select this option if you need to specify a limited retention period. You must also specify an interval at which retention jobs are run.

    • Permanent

      If you select this option, Cloud Backup permanently retains your backup data.

    Retention Job Interval

    This parameter is required only if you set the Retention Policy parameter to Custom. The interval at which retention jobs are run. The time is accurate to seconds.


    We recommend that you back up your data during off-peak hours.

    Retention Period

    This parameter is required only if you set the Retention Policy parameter to Custom. The retention period of backup data.

    Unit: days, weeks, months, or years. The minimum retention period is one day, and the maximum retention period is 10 years.


    Cloud Backup deletes the expired catalogs and data that are related to Backint and file backup. The deleted catalogs and data cannot be restored. We recommend that you set the retention period based on your business requirements.


What do I do if a Cloud Backup client cannot be installed for SAP HANA backup because multiple /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt directories exist?

  1. Connect to the ECS instance.

  2. Change the names of the /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt directories for the SAP HANA databases that do not require backup to /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt_backup.

  3. Log on to the Cloud Backup console, and then reinstall the Cloud Backup client for the SAP HANA database.