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Elastic Desktop Service:Manage convenience accounts

Last Updated:Aug 06, 2024

This topic describes how to manage convenience accounts.


A convenience account is created. For more information, see Create a convenience account.

Assign cloud computers or cloud computer pools

After you assign cloud computers or cloud computer pools to convenience accounts, end users can use the convenience accounts to log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals and connect to and use the cloud computers or cloud computer pools.

  • You can assign multiple cloud computers to a convenience account, and all the assigned cloud computers can be used at the same time as expected.

  • If a cloud computer is assigned to multiple convenience accounts and one of the convenience accounts is using the cloud computer, another assigned convenience account cannot connect to the cloud computer until the current convenience account is disconnected from the cloud computer.



  1. Log on to the Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  3. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, find the convenience account that you want to manage and click View/Assign Cloud Computer (Pool) in the Actions column.

  4. In the View/Assign Cloud Computer (Pool) panel, perform the following operations based on your business requirements:

    Assign cloud computers or cloud computer pools

    1. Select a region from the Region drop-down list.

    2. Select an office network from the Office Network drop-down list.

    3. On the Cloud Computer Information or Cloud Computer Pool Information tab, select cloud computers or cloud computer pools that you want to assign in the Unassigned Cloud Computer or Unassigned Cloud Computer Pool list.

    4. Click Assign in the lower part of the panel.

    Unassign cloud computers or cloud computer pools

    1. On the Cloud Computer Information or Cloud Computer Pool Information tab, select cloud computers or cloud computer pools that you want to unassign in the Assigned Cloud Computer or Assigned Cloud Computer Pool list.

    2. Click Unassign in the lower part of the panel.


    The assignment or unassignment takes effect after a while due to latency. Wait for a while before you refresh the user list to check the assignment or unassignment result.

You can also assign cloud computers or cloud computer pools on the Cloud Computers or Cloud Computer Pools page. For more information, see Assign cloud computers to users or Manage authorized users.

Manage passwords

If end users forget passwords, you can reset or change the passwords in the EDS console.

Reset passwords

You can reset passwords for user-activated convenience accounts.


End users can also apply for resetting passwords on Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals. For more information, see Use a client.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, perform one of the following operations based on your business requirements:

    • Reset the password for one convenience account: Find the convenience account, click the ⋮ icon in the Actions column, and then choose Reset Password.

    • Reset passwords for multiple convenience accounts: Select the convenience accounts and click Reset Password below the list.

Change passwords

You can change passwords for administrator-activated convenience accounts.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, find the administrator-activated convenience account for which you want to change the password and click Change Password in the Actions column.

  3. In the Change Password dialog box, specify a new password as prompted and click Confirm.

If you specify a user administrator for the convenience account, the new password is sent to the email address of the administrator, from which end users must obtain the new password. If you do not specify a user administrator for the convenience account, you must forward the password to end users on your own.

Add convenience accounts to organizations

You can add a convenience account to an organization when or after you create the account. After you add the convenience account to the organization, you can view the organization structure and manage convenience accounts based on the structure.


An organization is created. For more information, see Create an organization.


  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, perform one of the following operations based on your business requirements:

    • Add a single convenience account: Find the convenience account that you want to add to an organization and click Move in the Actions column.

    • Add multiple convenience accounts: Select the convenience accounts that you want to add to an organization and click Move Users below the list.

  3. In the Move User dialog box, select an organization and click Confirm.

If you want to move a convenience account from an organization to another organization, perform the same operation.

Grant local administrator permissions to convenience accounts

A convenience account with the local administrator permissions can install software or change specific system settings in the associated cloud computer. You can grant the permissions when you create a convenience account. You can also grant or revoke the permissions after you create the convenience account.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, perform one of the following operations based on your business requirements:

    • Grant the permissions to a single convenience account: Find the convenience account that you want to manage and click the 修改.png icon in the Local Administrator column.

    • Grant the permissions to multiple convenience account: Select the convenience accounts that you want to manage and choose More > Configure Local Administrator below the list.

  3. In the Configure Local Administrator dialog box, select Yes or No based on your business requirements and then click Confirm.

Lock or unlock convenience accounts

Lock convenience accounts

You can lock a convenience account if you want to temporarily disable it.

  • For an administrator-activated convenience account, you can specify a date to lock when you create it. You can also manually lock it afterward. For a user-activated convenience user, you can lock it only manually after you create it.

  • If end users enter invalid passwords of convenience accounts for 10 consecutive times when logging on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals, the convenience accounts are automatically locked for 20 minutes. During this period, end users cannot enter passwords. The system automatically unlocks the convenience accounts when the 20 minutes elapse.

To manually lock convenience accounts, perform the following steps:

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, perform one of the following operations based on your business requirements:

    • Lock a single convenience account: Find the convenience account that you want to lock and click Lock in the Actions column.

    • Lock multiple convenience accounts: Select the convenience accounts that you want to lock and click Lock below the list.


      You can lock multiple convenience accounts at a time only if the accounts are of the same activation type.

  3. In the message that appears, click Confirm.


    After you lock a convenience account, end users can no longer use the account to log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals. Proceed with caution.

Unlock convenience accounts

End users cannot use locked convenience accounts to log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals. If you want end users to use the convenience accounts to proceed, unlock the accounts first.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, perform one of the following operations based on your business requirements:

    • Unlock a single convenience account: Find the convenience account that you want to unlock and click Unlock in the Actions column.

    • Unlock multiple convenience accounts: Select the convenience accounts that you want to unlock and click Unlock below the list.


      You can lock multiple convenience accounts at a time only if the accounts are of the same activation type.

  3. In the message that appears, click Confirm.

Bind terminals to convenience accounts

After you bind Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals to convenience accounts, end users that use the convenience accounts can log on to only the specified terminals.


  • The trusted device authentication feature is enabled. For more information, see Trusted device authentication.

  • Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals are added. When end users use organization IDs to log on to software clients of Alibaba Cloud Workspace, only involving the Windows client and macOS client, from local teminals, the information about the terminals are added to the EDS console.


  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, find the convenience account to which you want to bind a terminal, click the ⋮ icon in the Actions column, and then click Bind Terminal.

  3. In the Manage Terminal panel, click Add Terminal.

  4. In the Add Terminal dialog box, select UUID that corresponds to the desired terminal and click Confirm.

    To unbind a terminal from a convenience account, select the desired terminal and click Unbind.

Manage convenience accounts by user property

Each user property of convenience accounts consists of a key, which is also known as a property name, and multiple values. User properties are used to label convenience accounts. You can use user properties to filter, view, and perform batch operations on convenience accounts. The following section describes how to manage convenience accounts by user property.

Create a user property.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, find the Property column and click the property icon.

  3. In the Manage User Property panel, click Add Property.

  4. In the Add Property dialog box, configure the Property and Property Value parameters and then click OK.

    You can add up to 50 different values to a property.

After you create a property, you can edit or delete the property based on your business requirements.


If a property is bound to a convenience account, deleting the property causes the property value of the convenience user to be deleted at the same time. Exercise caution when you delete the property.

Bind a property to convenience accounts

  1. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, perform one of the following operations based on your business requirements:

    • Bind a property to a single convenience account: Find the convenience account to which you want to bind a property and click Edit in the Property column.

    • Bind a property to multiple convenience accounts: Select the convenience accounts to which you want to bind a property and choose More > Bind Property below the list.

  2. In the Modify Property dialog box, select the property and property value to be bound, and click Confirm.


    You can bind a maximum of 20 properties to each convenience account. For each of the properties, you can select only one property value.

If you want to unbind a property from a convenience account, remove the corresponding pair of the property and its property value in the Modify Property dialog box, and then click Confirm to save the change.

Filter convenience accounts by user property

  1. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, click Filter by Property above the list.

  2. In the dialog box that appears, configure the Property and Property Value parameters and click OK.


    If you want to filter convenience accounts by more than one pair of property and its property value, you can click Add Property to specify more pairs.

Convenience accounts that meet the selected filter criteria are displayed in the account list. If you want to view all convenience accounts, click Reset and OK to clear the filter criteria.

Export a convenience account list

You can follow these steps to export the information of all convenience accounts as a .csv file.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, click Export in the upper-right corner.

Delete convenience accounts

You can delete convenience accounts that are no longer in use to free up the convenience account quota.


No cloud computer or cloud computer pool is assigned to the convenience account that you want to delete.


  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  2. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, perform one of the following operations based on your business requirements:

    • Delete a single convenience account: Find the convenience account that you want to delete, click the ⋮ icon in the Actions column, and then select Delete.

    • Delete multiple convenience accounts: Select the convenience accounts that you want to delete and click Delete below the list.


      You can lock multiple convenience accounts at a time only if the accounts are of the same activation type.

  3. In the message that appears, click Confirm.