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Elastic Desktop Service:Create a convenience account

Last Updated:Jun 18, 2024

Elastic Desktop Service has an exclusive account system that offers two types of accounts: convenience accounts and enterprise Active Directory (AD) accounts. Users that are created based on convenience accounts are convenience users. End users can log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals and connect to cloud computers by using convenience accounts. This topic describes how to create a convenience user.


The corresponding organization is created if you want to add the convenience user that you want to create to an organization. For more information, see Create an organization.


Convenience accounts are dedicated Elastic Desktop Service accounts that are suitable for scenarios in which you have no need to connect to enterprise AD systems. For more information about the account system of Elastic Desktop Service, see end user account system.

Convenience users can be activated by end users or administrators.

  • User-activated: Administrators specify usernames and email addresses to create users. End users retrieve logon credentials, such as initial passwords, from the specified email addresses and use the logon credentials to log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals. Upon their first logon to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals by using the usernames, end users are required to change the initial passwords to secure private ones.

  • Administrator-activated: Administrators specify usernames and passwords to create users. The users are automatically activated after they are created. Then, the administrators forward the usernames and passwords to the intended end users. End users can directly use the passwords to log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals. You can specify a user-activated user as the user administrator. Then, information about administrator-activated users, including logon credentials and password reset notifications, is sent to the email address of the user administrator.

Create a convenience user

  1. Log on to the Elastic Desktop Service console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Users & Logons > Users & Organizations.

  3. On the Users & Organizations page, click the User tab and click Create User. Then, use one of the following methods to create a convenience account:

    Manually create a user

    1. Click the Manual Entry tab.

    2. Select a user type based on your business requirements.

      Valid values: User-activated and Administrator-activated.

    3. Enter the account information based on the user type.


      Email addresses are used for end users to receive notifications such as cloud computer assignment, logon information, initial passwords, or password reset links. Make sure that you specify correct email addresses.

      • User-activated: Enter a username and an email address for the convenience user that you want to create.

      • Administrator-activated: Enter a username and a password for the convenience user that you want to create.

    4. (Optional) Enter supplementary information about the convenience user based on your business requirements.

    5. (Optional) Select the organization to which you want to add the convenience user.

      You can select an organization in this step or add the convenience user to an organization after you create the user.

    6. (Optional) Specify whether to grant local administrator permissions to the user. By default, the Grant Admin Permission parameter is set to Yes. If you do not want to grant the permissions, select No.


      Local administrators can install software and modify system settings in cloud computers.

    7. (Optional) Configure the password validity period. By default, the password is permanently valid. You can also enter a validity period ranging from 30 to 365 days. When the password expires, you must change the password before you can proceed to log on.


      The feature is in invitational preview. If you want to use this feature, submit a ticket.

    8. (Conditional) Specify a point in time to lock the user if you want to create an administrator-activated user.

      After the user is locked, end users cannot use this account to log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals.

    Batch create users

    1. Click the Batch Entry tab.

    2. Select a user type based on your business requirements.

      Valid values: User-activated and Administrator-activated.

    3. (Optional) Configure the password validity period. By default, the password is permanently valid. You can also enter a validity period ranging from 30 to 365 days. When the password expires, you must change the password before you can proceed to log on.


      The feature is in invitational preview. If you want to use this feature, submit a ticket.

    4. Select one of the following methods to create a user information file:

      • Click Download to download a template for importing users. Open the template, enter user information in the format that is provided by the template, and then save the template.

        • If you want to create user-activated users, specify values in the first column Username and the second column Email in the template.

        • If you want to create administrator-activated users, specify the first column Username and the fourth column Password in the template.

      • Use Excel to open the template, enter user information, and then save the template as a .csv file.

    5. Click Select File to select the .csv file and follow the on-screen instructions to import users.

      After the file is imported to the WUYING Workspace console, a message indicating that users are created appears in the Create User panel. Then, you can click View Account to check whether all users that you entered are imported. If you fail to import the file, check whether the user information in the file is in a valid format.

  4. Click Close.

    After you create the convenience user, you can view the user information on the User tab. The user is in the Normal state.


    The system does not send notifications when convenience users are created. It sends notifications to specified email addresses when you assign cloud computers or cloud computer pools to the users.

Specify a user administrator

For administrator-activated users, you must forward usernames and passwords to end users offline. You can specify a user-activated user as the user administrator to receive notifications such as logon passwords. This helps end users obtain passwords at the earliest opportunity.

  1. On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, find the user that you want to appoint as the user administrator. The user must be a user-activated convenience user.

  2. Click Grant Administrator Permission in the Actions column.


    If the Grant Administrator Permission option is dimmed, the user is already a user administrator. If you still want to specify the user as the user administrator, you must first revoke the existing administrator permissions from the user.

  3. In the message that appears, click OK.

What to do next

For information about how to assign cloud computers to convenience users, lock and unlock convenience users, and manage convenience users by property, see Manage convenience accounts.