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Elastic Desktop Service:Assign cloud computers to users

Last Updated:Jun 17, 2024

After a cloud computer is assigned to a user, the user can connect to and use the cloud computer. You can assign a cloud computer when or after you create the cloud computer. This topic describes how to assign cloud computers to users and view users to whom a cloud computer is assigned.

Background information

If you assign a cloud computer to a user, the user can connect to and use the cloud computer. A cloud computer can be assigned to multiple users, and a user can be assigned multiple cloud computers.

  • If a cloud computer is assigned to multiple users, the cloud computer can be used by only one user at a time. The connection cannot be preempted by other users.

  • The system requires a specific period of time to complete the cloud computer assignment and update the user list. If end users log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace clients but find no cloud computers are assigned, ask them to try again later.


Assign a cloud computer

You can perform the following steps to assign a cloud computer to users:

  1. Log on to the Elastic Desktop Service console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resources & Terminals > Cloud Computers.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. On the Cloud Computers page, find the cloud computer that you want to assign, click the ⋮ icon in the Actions column, and then click View/Assign Users.

  5. In the View/Assign Users panel, click Authorize User.

  6. In the Authorize User dialog box, select one or more users to whom you want to assign the cloud computer and click OK.

    You can view the users who are assigned the cloud computer in the Authorized User for Cloud Computer section in the View/Assign Users panel. If you want to unassign the cloud computer from a user, select the user and click Revoke Authorization. In the dialog box that appears, click OK.

Assign multiple cloud computers

  • Only cloud computers that reside in convenience office networks can be assigned to users in batches.

  • You can assign up to 500 cloud computers in a region to up to 500 users at a time.

Assign multiple cloud computers to a user

You can assign multiple cloud computers to a user at a time.

  1. Log on to the Elastic Desktop Service console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resources & Terminals > Cloud Computers.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. In the upper-right corner of the Cloud Computers page, click Cloud Computer Authorization.

  5. In the Select Cloud Computers section, select multiple cloud computers that you want to assign.

    You can filter cloud computers by cloud computer ID, name, or username.

  6. Select a user to whom you want to assign the cloud computers in the Select Users section.

  7. In the lower-left corner of the page, click Preview Assignment. On the page that appears, confirm the information about the cloud computers and user in the Assignment Summary section and click Confirm.

Assign multiple cloud computers to multiple users

If you assign multiple cloud computers to multiple users, the cloud computers are randomly assigned.

  1. Log on to the Elastic Desktop Service console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resources & Terminals > Cloud Computers.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. In the upper-right corner of the Cloud Computers page, click Cloud Computer Authorization.

  5. In the Select Cloud Computers section, select multiple cloud computers that you want to assign.

    You can filter cloud computers by cloud computer ID, name, or username.

  6. In the Select Users section, select the users to whom you want to assign the cloud computers.

  7. In the How to Assign section, select the logic for assigning the cloud computers.



    Automatically assign each cloud computer to N users

    You must specify the number of users to whom each cloud compute is assigned.

    • Assign cloud computers to each user with preference

      This option ensures that each cloud computer is assigned to users. However, the number of users to whom each cloud computer is assigned is not the same.

    • Assign the specified number of users to cloud computers

      This option ensures that each cloud computer is assigned to the same number of users. However, specific cloud computers may not be assigned to users.

    For example, the logic is Automatically assign each cloud computer to 2 users. The following figure shows the result if you assign 5 cloud computers to 8 users.


    Automatically assign M cloud computers to each user

    You must specify the number of cloud computers that are assigned to each user.

    • Assign cloud computers to each user

      This option ensures that each user is assigned cloud computers. However, the number of cloud computers assigned to each user is not the same.

    • Assign a fixed number of cloud computers to users

      This option ensures that each user is assigned a fixed number of cloud computers. However, specific users may not be assigned cloud computers.

    For example, the logic is Automatically assign 2 cloud computers to each user. The following figure shows the result if you assign 8 cloud computers to 5 users.

  8. In the lower-left corner of the page, click Preview Assignment. On the page that appears, confirm the information about the cloud computers and user in the Assignment Summary section and click Confirm.

View assignment details

After you assign a cloud computer to users, you can view the assignment details on the following console pages:

  • Cloud Computers page

    On the Cloud Computers page, find the cloud computer that you want to manage, click the ⋮ icon in the Actions column, and then click View/Assign Users to view the details.

  • Users & Organizations page

    On the User tab of the Users & Organizations page, find the user that you want to manage and click View/Assign Cloud Computer (Pool) in the Actions column to view the details.