If resources that you specify in templates are billable items, you may want to estimate the resource prices. You can estimate the prices by using the Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) console or by calling the specified API operation. This topic describes how to estimate the resource prices.
You can use one of the following methods to estimate resource prices:
ROS console: If the resources specified in the templates that you use to create stacks support price inquiry, the estimated prices appear in the Check and Confirm step of the stack creation wizard in the console. The prices in the console are for reference only. The actual prices shall prevail.
API operation: You can call the GetTemplateEstimateCost operation to estimate resource prices.
Resource types that support price inquiry
The billing method of a resource varies based on the billing parameter that you specify in the template. For example, if you set the InstanceChargeType parameter to PrePaid in ALIYUN::ECS::Instance, you are charged for the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance based on the subscription billing method.
Service | Resource type |
Application Load Balancer (ALB) | |
ApsaraDB MyBase | |
Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) | |
Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) |
PolarDB-X 1.0 | |
Elastic Container Instance | |
ECS | |
Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) | |
Elasticsearch | |
E-MapReduce (EMR) | |
Edge Node Service (ENS) | |
Alibaba Cloud Marketplace | |
ApsaraDB for Memcache (OCS) | |
ApsaraDB for MongoDB | |
PolarDB | |
ApsaraDB for Redis | |
ApsaraDB RDS | |
ROS | |
Serverless App Engine (SAE) | |
Smart Access Gateway (SAG) | |
SLB | |
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) | |
AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL | |
API Gateway | |
Message Queue for Apache Kafka | |
File Storage NAS (NAS) | |
ApsaraDB for ClickHouse | |
Global Accelerator (GA) | |
Time Series Database (TSDB) | |
Microservices Engine (MSE) | |
Web Application Firewall (WAF) | |
AnalyticDB for MySQL |