ALIYUN::ALB::LoadBalancer is used to create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
"Type": "ALIYUN::ALB::LoadBalancer",
"Properties": {
"BandwidthPackageId": String,
"LoadBalancerName": String,
"LoadBalancerEdition": String,
"VpcId": String,
"ResourceGroupId": String,
"LoadBalancerBillingConfig": Map,
"AddressType": String,
"AddressAllocatedMode": String,
"ZoneMappings": List,
"DeletionProtectionEnabled": Boolean,
"AddressIpVersion": String,
"ModificationProtectionConfig": Map,
"Tags": List,
"AccessLogConfig": Map,
"SecurityGroupIds": List
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
AddressType | String | Yes | No | The address type of the ALB instance. | Valid values:
LoadBalancerBillingConfig | Map | Yes | No | The billing method. | For more information, see LoadBalancerBillingConfig property. |
LoadBalancerEdition | String | Yes | No | The edition of the ALB instance. | Valid values:
LoadBalancerName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the ALB instance. | The name must be 1 to 80 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), forward slashes (/), periods (.), and underscores (_). If you do not specify this property, the system assigns a name to the instance. |
VpcId | String | Yes | No | The VPC ID. | None. |
ZoneMappings | List | Yes | No | The mappings between zones and vSwitches. | You must specify at least two zones. For more information, see ZoneMappings properties. |
AccessLogConfig | Map | No | Yes | The access log configurations. | For more information, see AccessLogConfig properties. |
AddressAllocatedMode | String | No | No | The mode in which an IP address is allocated to the ALB instance. | Valid values:
AddressIpVersion | String | No | No | The IP version of the ALB instance. | Valid values:
BandwidthPackageId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance. | This property takes effect when AddressType is set to Internet. |
DeletionProtectionEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable deletion protection. | Valid values:
ModificationProtectionConfig | Map | No | Yes | Details of the configuration read-only mode. | For more information, see ModificationProtectionConfig properties. |
ResourceGroupId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the resource group. | None. |
Tags | List | No | Yes | The tags that you want to add to the ALB instance. | You can add up to 20 tags. For more information, see Tags properties. |
SecurityGroupIds | List | No | Yes | The IDs of the security groups that you want to associate with the ALB instance. | By default, security groups are unavailable. To use security groups, contact your account manager. |
AccessLogConfig syntax
"AccessLogConfig": {
"Enable": Boolean,
"LogStore": String,
"LogProject": String
AccessLogConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
LogProject | String | Yes | No | The project of Simple Log Service (SLS). | None. |
LogStore | String | Yes | No | The Logstore. | None. |
Enable | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable the access log feature. | Valid values:
LoadBalancerBillingConfig syntax
"LoadBalancerBillingConfig": {
"PayType": String
LoadBalancerBillingConfig property
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
PayType | String | Yes | No | The billing method of the ALB instance. | Set the value to PostPay, which specifies the pay-as-you-go billing method. |
ZoneMappings syntax
"ZoneMappings": [
"ZoneId": String,
"VSwitchId": String,
"AllocationId": String,
"LoadBalancerAddresses": List,
"IntranetAddress": String,
"EipType": String
ZoneMappings properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
VSwitchId | String | Yes | No | The vSwitch ID. | Each zone can contain only one vSwitch. |
ZoneId | String | Yes | No | The zone ID. | None. |
AllocationId | String | No | No | The ID of the elastic IP address (EIP) that you want to associate with the ALB instance. | None. |
LoadBalancerAddresses | List | No | No | The addresses of the ALB instance. | For more information, see LoadBalancerAddresses properties. |
IntranetAddress | String | No | No | The private IPv4 address. | None. |
EipType | String | No | No | The EIP type. | Valid values:
Note For more information about the regions in which you can associate Anycast EIPs with ALB instances, see Associate Anycast EIPs with an ALB instance to enable access through the nearest access point. |
LoadBalancerAddresses syntax
"ModificationProtectionConfig": {
"AllocationId": String,
"IntranetAddress": String,
"EipType": String
LoadBalancerAddresses properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
AllocationId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the EIP that you want to associate with the ALB instance. | None. |
IntranetAddress | String | No | No | The private IPv4 address. | None. |
EipType | String | No | No | The EIP type. | Valid values:
Note For more information about the regions in which you can associate Anycast EIPs with ALB instances, see Associate Anycast EIPs with an ALB instance to enable access through the nearest access point. |
ModificationProtectionConfig syntax
"ModificationProtectionConfig": {
"Status": String,
"Reason": String
ModificationProtectionConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Status | String | Yes | Yes | The status of the configuration read-only mode. | Valid values:
Reason | String | No | Yes | The reason why you want to enable the configuration read-only mode. | The reason must be 2 to 128 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter. Note This property takes effect when Status is set to ConsoleProtection. |
Tags syntax
"Tags": [
"Value": String,
"Key": String
Tags properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Key | String | Yes | No | The tag key. | The tag key must be 1 to 128 characters in length and cannot contain |
Value | String | No | No | The tag value. | The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain |
Return values
LoadBalancerEdition: the edition of the ALB instance.
VpcId: the VPC ID.
LoadBalancerId: the ID of the ALB instance.
AddressType: the address type of the ALB instance.
DNSName: the domain name of the ALB instance.
ZoneMappings: the mappings between zones and vSwitches.
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Type: String
AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VPC::VPCId
Type: Json
Description: The zones and the vSwitches in the zones. You must specify at least two zones.
- ZoneId: cn-hangzhou-h
VSwitchId: vsw-bp1jhj254nwc7i0ge****
- ZoneId: cn-hangzhou-i
VSwitchId: vsw-bp1llps83qqb30znp****
Type: ALIYUN::ALB::LoadBalancer
LoadBalancerName: TestLoadBalancer
LoadBalancerEdition: Basic
Ref: VpcId
PayType: PostPay
Ref: ZoneMappings
AddressType: Internet
Description: The edition of the ALB instance.
- LoadBalancer
- LoadBalancerEdition
Description: The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) where the ALB instance is deployed.
- LoadBalancer
- VpcId
Description: The ID of the ALB instance.
- LoadBalancer
- LoadBalancerId
Description: The type of IP address that the ALB instance uses to provide services.
- LoadBalancer
- AddressType
Description: The domain name of the ALB instance.
- LoadBalancer
- DNSName
Description: The zones, vSwitches and addresses which are mapped to the zones.
- LoadBalancer
- ZoneMappings
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Parameters": {
"VpcId": {
"Type": "String",
"AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ECS::VPC::VPCId"
"ZoneMappings": {
"Type": "Json",
"Description": "The zones and the vSwitches in the zones. You must specify at least two zones.",
"Default": [
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-h",
"VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1jhj254nwc7i0ge****"
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-i",
"VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1llps83qqb30znp****"
"Resources": {
"LoadBalancer": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::ALB::LoadBalancer",
"Properties": {
"LoadBalancerName": "TestLoadBalancer",
"LoadBalancerEdition": "Basic",
"VpcId": {
"Ref": "VpcId"
"LoadBalancerBillingConfig": {
"PayType": "PostPay"
"ZoneMappings": {
"Ref": "ZoneMappings"
"AddressType": "Internet"
"Outputs": {
"LoadBalancerEdition": {
"Description": "The edition of the ALB instance.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"VpcId": {
"Description": "The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) where the ALB instance is deployed.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"LoadBalancerId": {
"Description": "The ID of the ALB instance.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"AddressType": {
"Description": "The type of IP address that the ALB instance uses to provide services.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"DNSName": {
"Description": "The domain name of the ALB instance.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"ZoneMappings": {
"Description": "The zones, vSwitches and addresses which are mapped to the zones.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [