Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Description | String | No | No | The description of the NAT gateway. | The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length, and cannot start with http:// or https:// . |
NatGatewayName | String | No | No | The name of the NAT gateway. | The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length. The name must start with a letter and cannot start with http:// or https:// . The name can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). If you leave this property empty, the gateway ID is used as the gateway name. |
InstanceChargeType | String | No | No | The billing method of the NAT gateway. | Valid values: PostPaid (default) PrePaid
VSwitchId | String | Yes | No | The vSwitch ID of the NAT gateway. | When you create an enhanced NAT gateway, you must specify a vSwitch for the NAT gateway. Then, the system assigns an idle private IP address from the vSwitch to the NAT gateway. If you want to create an enhanced NAT gateway and attach the gateway to an existing vSwitch, make sure that the zone to which the vSwitch belongs supports enhanced NAT gateways. In addition, the vSwitch must have idle private IP addresses. If you want to create an enhanced NAT gateway when you do not have a vSwitch, you must create a vSwitch in a zone that supports enhanced NAT gateways. Then, you can specify the vSwitch for the enhanced NAT gateway.
You can call the ListEnhanhcedNatGatewayAvailableZones operation to query the zones that support enhanced NAT gateways and call the DescribeVSwitches to query the number of idle private IP addresses in a vSwitch. |
DeletionProtection | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable the deletion protection feature. | Valid values: |
InternetChargeType | String | No | No | The metering method of the NAT gateway. | Set the value to PayByLcu. A value of PayByLcu specifies the pay-by-CU metering method. |
AutoPay | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable the automatic payment feature. | Valid values: false: disables the automatic payment feature. After an order is generated, you must go to the order center to complete the payment. true (default): enables the automatic payment feature. After an order is generated, the system automatically completes the payment.
You must specify this property when InstanceChargeType is set to PrePaid. |
NatType | String | No | No | The type of the NAT gateway. | Set the value to Enhanced. A value of Enhanced specifies an enhanced NAT gateway. |
DeletionForce | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to forcefully delete the NAT gateway. | Valid values: |
VpcId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) in which you want to create the NAT gateway. | If you want to create a standard NAT gateway in a VPC, make sure that the route table of the VPC does not contain a route entry whose destination CIDR block is set to If a route entry whose destination CIDR block is set to exists, you must delete the route entry before you create the standard NAT gateway. Note The preceding limit does not apply when you create an enhanced NAT gateway in a VPC. |
NetworkType | String | No | No | The network type of the NAT gateway. | Valid values: |
Tags | List | No | Yes | The tags of the NAT gateway. | You can add up to 20 tags. For more information, see Tags syntax and Tags properties. |
EipBindMode | String | No | No | The mode in which you want to associate the NAT gateway with an elastic IP address (EIP). | Valid values: MULTI_BINDED (default): Multi-EIP-to-ENI mode. NAT: NAT mode. IPv4 gateways are supported. In NAT mode, you can associate a NAT gateway with up to 50 EIPs. The EIP occupies one private IP address in the vSwitch of the NAT gateway. Note If the vSwitch of the NAT gateway does not have idle private IP addresses, the NAT gateway fails to be associated with the EIP.
IcmpReplyEnabled | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) non-retrieval feature. | Valid values: |
SecurityProtectionEnabled | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable the firewall feature. | Valid values: |