ALIYUN::CS::ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster is used to create a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) Edge cluster.
"Type": "ALIYUN::CS::ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster",
"Properties": {
"Profile": String,
"VpcId": String,
"ServiceCidr": String,
"Name": String,
"Tags": List,
"ProxyMode": String,
"SnatEntry": Boolean,
"LoginPassword": String,
"KeyPair": String,
"Addons": List,
"EndpointPublicAccess": Boolean,
"TimeoutMins": Number,
"ClusterSpec": String,
"ContainerCidr": String,
"CloudMonitorFlags": Boolean,
"IsEnterpriseSecurityGroup": Boolean,
"AutoRenewPeriod": Number,
"ChargeType": String,
"AutoRenew": Boolean,
"Period": Number,
"NodeCidrMask": String,
"PeriodUnit": String,
"DeletionProtection": Boolean,
"ZoneIds": List,
"ResourceGroupId": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Name | String | Yes | No | The cluster name. | The name must start with a letter or digit. It can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-). |
Addons | List | No | No | The components that you want to install in the cluster. |
For more information, see Addons properties. |
AutoRenew | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal. | This property takes effect when ChargeType is set to PrePaid. Valid values:
AutoRenewPeriod | Number | No | No | The auto-renewal period. | This property takes effect when ChargeType is set to PrePaid and AutoRenew is set to true.
Default value: 1. |
ChargeType | String | No | No | The billing method. | Valid values:
CloudMonitorFlags | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to install the CloudMonitor agent. | Valid values:
ClusterSpec | String | No | No | The type of the ACK managed cluster. | Valid values:
ContainerCidr | String | No | No | The pod CIDR block. | You must specify this property when you create a cluster in which the Flannel component is used. The pod CIDR block must be one of the following virtual private cloud (VPC) CIDR blocks or their subnets:
The pod CIDR block cannot overlap with the VPC CIDR block or with the CIDR blocks of existing clusters in the VPC. You cannot change the pod CIDR block after the cluster is created. For more information, see Plan the network of an ACK cluster. |
DeletionProtection | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable deletion protection. | After you enable deletion protection, you cannot delete the cluster by using the ACK console or by calling specific ACK API operations. Valid values:
EndpointPublicAccess | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to allow the cluster to access the API server over the Internet. | Valid values:
IsEnterpriseSecurityGroup | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to create an advanced security group. | This property takes effect when SecurityGroupId is left empty. Valid values:
KeyPair | String | No | No | The name of the key pair. | You must specify LoginPassword or KeyPair. |
LoginPassword | String | No | No | The logon password. | The password must be 8 to 30 characters in length. It must contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. The following special characters are supported: You must specify LoginPassword or KeyPair. |
NodeCidrMask | String | No | No | The maximum number of CIDR blocks that can be assigned to the nodes. | The value of this property varies based on the pod CIDR block. This property takes effect only when you use the Flannel component in the cluster. Default value: 25. |
Period | Number | No | No | The subscription duration of the cluster. | You must specify this property when ChargeType is set to PrePaid.
Default value: 1. |
PeriodUnit | String | No | No | The unit of the subscription duration of the cluster. | This property takes effect when ChargeType is set to PrePaid. Valid values:
Profile | String | No | No | The identifier that indicates whether the cluster is an ACK Edge cluster. | Default value: Edge. |
ProxyMode | String | No | No | The kube-proxy mode. | Valid values:
ResourceGroupId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the resource group to which the cluster belongs. | None. |
ServiceCidr | String | No | No | The Service CIDR block. | The Service CIDR block cannot overlap with the VPC CIDR block or container CIDR block. If you use the VPC that is automatically created by the system, is used as the Service CIDR block by default. |
SnatEntry | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to configure SNAT rules for the VPC. | Valid values:
Note If you use the VPC that is automatically created by the system, you must set this property to true. If you use an existing VPC that is not automatically created by the system, you must specify this property based on whether the VPC can access the Internet. |
Tags | List | No | Yes | The tags. | You can add up to 20 tags. For more information, see Tags properties. |
TimeoutMins | Number | No | No | The timeout period for the creating the cluster. | Default value: 60. Unit: minutes. |
VpcId | String | No | No | The VPC ID. | If you do not specify this property, the system automatically creates a VPC whose CIDR block is You must leave the VpcId and VSwitchIds properties empty or specify both the properties. |
ZoneIds | List | No | No | The zones to which the vSwitches of the worker nodes belong. | None. |
Tags syntax
"Tags": [
"Key": String,
"Value": String
Tags properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Key | String | Yes | No | The tag key. | The tag key must be 1 to 64 characters in length, and cannot start with |
Value | String | No | No | The tag value. | The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length, and cannot start with |
WorkerDataDisks syntax
"WorkerDataDisks": [
"Category": String,
"Size": Number
WorkerDataDisks properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Category | String | Yes | No | The data disk category of the worker node. | Valid values:
Size | Number | Yes | No | The data disk size. | Valid values: 40 to 32768. Unit: GiB. |
Addons syntax
"Addons": [
"Disabled": Boolean,
"Config": String,
"Name": String
Addons properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Name | String | Yes | No | The component name. | None. |
Config | String | No | No | The configurations of the component. | None. |
Disabled | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to disable default installation for the component. | Valid values:
Return values
ClusterId: the cluster ID.
TaskId: the task ID. The task ID is automatically assigned by the system and is used to query the status of the task.
WorkerRamRoleName: the name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role for the worker nodes.
DefaultUserKubeConfig: the default configurations of user credentials for the cluster.
ScalingRuleId: the ID of the scaling rule.
ScalingGroupId: the ID of the scaling group.
PrivateUserKubConfig: the private configurations of user credentials for the cluster.
ScalingConfigurationId: the ID of the scaling configuration.
Nodes: the nodes in the cluster.
APIServerSLBId: the ID of the Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance that is associated with the API server.
IngressSLBId: the ID of the SLB Ingress.
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Description: Test ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster
Type: String
AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance::ZoneId
Description: Availability ID for existing switches
Label: VSwitch Zone ID
Type: String
Default: Null
AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VPC::VPCId
Description: Please search the ID starts with (vpc-xxx)from console-Virtual Private Cloud
Label: Existing VPC ID
Type: String
Default: Null
AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch::VSwitchId
Description: Please search the business VSwitch ID starts with(vsw-xxx)from console-Virtual Private Cloud-VSwitches
Label: VSwitch ID
ZoneId: ${VSwitchZoneId}
VpcId: ${VpcId}
Type: String
Default: mytest
Type: String
Description: Server login password, Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^*_-+=|{}[]:;,.? Special symbol in).
MinLength: 8
Label: Instance Password
NoEcho: true
MaxLength: 30
ConstraintDescription: Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^*_-+=|{}[]:;',.?/ Special symbol in).
Type: Number
Default: 1
MinValue: 0
MaxValue: 300
AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance::InstanceType
ZoneId: ${VSwitchZoneId}
Type: String
Label: Instance Type
AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Disk::SystemDiskCategory
ZoneId: ${VSwitchZoneId}
InstanceType: ${WorkerInstanceType}
Type: String
Label: System Disk Type
Type: ALIYUN::CS::ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster
Ref: NumOfNodes
Ref: ClusterName
Ref: Password
Ref: VpcId
- Ref: VSwitchId
- Ref: WorkerInstanceType
Ref: WorkerSystemDiskCategory
- Cluster
- ClusterId
- Cluster
- TaskId
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Description": "Test ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster",
"Parameters": {
"VSwitchZoneId": {
"Type": "String",
"AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ECS::Instance::ZoneId",
"Description": "Availability ID for existing switches",
"Label": "VSwitch Zone ID"
"VpcId": {
"Type": "String",
"Default": null,
"AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ECS::VPC::VPCId",
"Description": "Please search the ID starts with (vpc-xxx)from console-Virtual Private Cloud",
"Label": "Existing VPC ID"
"VSwitchId": {
"Type": "String",
"Default": null,
"AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch::VSwitchId",
"Description": "Please search the business VSwitch ID starts with(vsw-xxx)from console-Virtual Private Cloud-VSwitches",
"Label": "VSwitch ID",
"AssociationPropertyMetadata": {
"ZoneId": "${VSwitchZoneId}",
"VpcId": "${VpcId}"
"ClusterName": {
"Type": "String",
"Default": "mytest"
"Password": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Server login password, Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^*_-+=|{}[]:;,.? Special symbol in).",
"MinLength": 8,
"Label": "Instance Password",
"NoEcho": true,
"MaxLength": 30,
"ConstraintDescription": "Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^*_-+=|{}[]:;',.?/ Special symbol in)."
"NumOfNodes": {
"Type": "Number",
"Default": 1,
"MinValue": 0,
"MaxValue": 300
"WorkerInstanceType": {
"AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ECS::Instance::InstanceType",
"AssociationPropertyMetadata": {
"ZoneId": "${VSwitchZoneId}"
"Type": "String",
"Label": "Instance Type"
"WorkerSystemDiskCategory": {
"AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ECS::Disk::SystemDiskCategory",
"AssociationPropertyMetadata": {
"ZoneId": "${VSwitchZoneId}",
"InstanceType": "${WorkerInstanceType}"
"Type": "String",
"Label": "System Disk Type"
"Resources": {
"Cluster": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::CS::ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster",
"Properties": {
"NumOfNodes": {
"Ref": "NumOfNodes"
"Name": {
"Ref": "ClusterName"
"LoginPassword": {
"Ref": "Password"
"VpcId": {
"Ref": "VpcId"
"VSwitchIds": [
"Ref": "VSwitchId"
"WorkerInstanceTypes": [
"Ref": "WorkerInstanceType"
"WorkerSystemDiskCategory": {
"Ref": "WorkerSystemDiskCategory"
"ServiceCidr": ""
"Outputs": {
"ClusterId": {
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"TaskId": {
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [