ALIYUN::ElasticSearch::Instance is used to create an Elasticsearch cluster.
"Type": "ALIYUN::ElasticSearch::Instance",
"Properties": {
"KibanaWhitelist": List,
"PublicWhitelist": List,
"VSwitchId": String,
"InstanceChargeType": String,
"Period": Integer,
"Version": String,
"DataNode": Map,
"PrivateWhitelist": List,
"ResourceGroupId": String,
"EnablePublic": Boolean,
"Password": String,
"MasterNode": Map,
"Tags": List,
"Description": String,
"EnableKibanaPublic": Boolean,
"YMLConfig": Map,
"EnableKibanaPrivate": Boolean,
"ZoneCount": Integer,
"KibanaNode": Map,
"ZoneId": String,
"PeriodUnit": String,
"InstanceCategory": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
KibanaWhitelist | List | No | Yes | The IP address whitelist of Kibana. | None. |
PublicWhitelist | List | No | Yes | The IP address whitelist that allows access to the Elasticsearch cluster over the Internet. | None. |
VSwitchId | String | Yes | No | The vSwitch ID. | None. |
InstanceChargeType | String | No | No | The billing method of the Elasticsearch cluster. | Valid values:
Period | Integer | No | No | The subscription duration of the Elasticsearch cluster. | Valid values:
Unit: month. |
Version | String | Yes | No | The Elasticsearch version. | Valid values:
ResourceGroupId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the resource group. | None. |
EnablePublic | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable the public endpoint of the Elasticsearch cluster. | Valid values:
DataNode | Map | Yes | Yes | The data node configurations of the Elasticsearch cluster. | For more information, see DataNode properties. |
PrivateWhitelist | List | No | Yes | The IP address whitelist that allows access to the Elasticsearch cluster over a virtual private cloud (VPC). | None. |
Password | String | Yes | Yes | The password of the Elasticsearch cluster. | The password must be 8 to 32 characters in length, and contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. The following special characters are supported: |
MasterNode | Map | No | Yes | The primary node configurations of the Elasticsearch cluster. | If you specify this property, dedicated primary nodes are created. For more information, see MasterNode properties. |
Tags | List | No | Yes | The tags. | You can add up to 20 tags. For more information, see Tags properties. |
Description | String | No | Yes | The description of the Elasticsearch cluster. | The description can be up to 30 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a digit or letter. |
EnableKibanaPublic | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable Internet access for Kibana. | Valid values:
YMLConfig | Map | No | No | The configurations in the YAML file. | For more information, see YMLConfig properties. |
EnableKibanaPrivate | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable internal network access for Kibana. | Valid values:
ZoneCount | Integer | No | No | The number of zones where the Elasticsearch cluster resides. | Valid values:
KibanaNode | Map | No | No | The configurations of the dedicated Kibana nodes. | None. |
ZoneId | String | No | No | The zone ID. | None. |
PeriodUnit | String | No | No | The unit of the subscription duration. | Valid values:
InstanceCategory | String | No | No | The edition of the Elasticsearch cluster. | Valid values:
DataNode syntax
"DataNode": {
"Amount": Integer,
"DiskSize": Integer,
"Spec": String,
"DiskType": String,
"DiskEncryption": Boolean,
"PerformanceLevel": String
DataNode properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Amount | Integer | Yes | Yes | The number of data nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster. | Valid values: 2 to 50. |
DiskSize | Integer | Yes | Yes | The storage space of a data node. |
Unit: GB. |
Spec | String | Yes | Yes | The category of the data node in the Elasticsearch cluster. | None. |
DiskType | String | Yes | Yes | The disk category of the data node. | Valid values:
DiskEncryption | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable disk encryption. | Valid values:
PerformanceLevel | String | No | No | The performance level (PL) of the ESSD. | You must specify this property when DiskType is set to cloud_essd. Valid values:
MasterNode syntax
"MasterNode": {
"Amount": Integer,
"DiskSize": Integer,
"Spec": String,
"DiskType": String
MasterNode properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Amount | Integer | No | Yes | The number of primary nodes. | Default value: 3. |
DiskSize | Integer | No | No | The storage space of the primary node. | Default value: 20. |
Spec | String | Yes | No | The category of the primary node. | None. |
DiskType | String | No | No | The disk category of the primary node. | None. |
Tags syntax
"Tags": [
"Key": String,
"Value": String
Tags properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Key | String | Yes | No | The tag key. | The tag key must be 1 to 128 characters in length, and cannot contain |
Value | String | No | No | The tag value. | The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length, and cannot contain |
YMLConfig syntax
"YMLConfig": {
"CreateIndex": String,
"Watcher": String,
"DestructiveRequiresName": Boolean,
"AuditLog": Boolean,
"OtherConfigs": Map
YMLConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
CreateIndex | String | No | No | Specifies whether to automatically create an index for a new document uploaded to the Elasticsearch cluster if no index exists. | The corresponding field in the YAML file is action.auto_create_index. Valid values:
Watcher | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable Watcher. | The corresponding field in the YAML file is xpack.watcher.enabled. Valid values:
DestructiveRequiresName | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether you need to specify the index name when you delete an index. | The corresponding field in the YAML file is action.destructive_requires_name. Valid values:
Note If you set this property to false, you can use wildcards to delete multiple indexes at a time. Deleted indexes cannot be recovered. Exercise caution when you specify this property. |
AuditLog | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to enable Audit Log Indexing. | Valid values:
Note This property is unavailable for Elasticsearch V7.0 or later. |
OtherConfigs | Map | No | No | Other configurations in the YAML file. | The following information describes specific fields supported in the YAML file. Unless otherwise specified, the fields are available for Elasticsearch V5.X, V6.X, and V7.X.
KibanaNode syntax
"KibanaNode": {
"Spec": String
KibanaNode properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Spec | String | Yes | No | The category of the dedicated Kibana node. | None. |
Return values
Status: the state of the Elasticsearch cluster.
KibanaDomain: the address of Kibana.
PublicDomain: the public endpoint of the Elasticsearch cluster.
Domain: the internal endpoint of the Elasticsearch cluster.
InstanceId: the ID of the Elasticsearch cluster.
KibanaPort: the port number of Kibana.
Port: the port number of the Elasticsearch cluster.
VSwitchId: the vSwitch ID.
Version: the Elasticsearch version.
InstanceChargeType: the billing method of the Elasticsearch cluster.
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Description: Test ElasticSearch Instance
Type: String
AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch::VSwitchId
Type: ALIYUN::ElasticSearch::Instance
Spec: elasticsearch.sn1ne.large
Amount: 2
DiskSize: 20
DiskType: cloud_essd
InstanceChargeType: PostPaid
Version: 7.10_with_X-Pack
Ref: VSwitchId
Password: Admin@123!
Outputs: {}
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Description": "Test ElasticSearch Instance",
"Parameters": {
"VSwitchId": {
"Type": "String",
"AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch::VSwitchId"
"Resources": {
"Instance": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::ElasticSearch::Instance",
"Properties": {
"DataNode": {
"Spec": "elasticsearch.sn1ne.large",
"Amount": 2,
"DiskSize": 20,
"DiskType": "cloud_essd"
"InstanceChargeType": "PostPaid",
"Version": "7.10_with_X-Pack",
"VSwitchId": {
"Ref": "VSwitchId"
"Password": "Admin@123!"
"Outputs": {