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Quick BI:Create a Workbook

Last Updated:Jan 20, 2025

This topic explains how to create a workbook in Quick BI Pro and Professional Edition group spaces.


You have created a dataset. For more information, see Create and Manage Datasets.

Start the configuration

After navigating to the or the international Quick BI console, you can create a new workbook on the Workbench using the following methods.

There are five methods to create a new workbook:

  • Method 1: Create an ad hoc query from Quick Start on the Workbench tab outside a workspace


  • Method 2: Create an ad hoc query in the left-side navigation pane of the Workbench tab within a workspace


  • Method 3: Create from the workbook module within a workspace


    When you create a workbook using the first three methods, no dataset is selected by default. You must select a dataset on the editing page. image.png

  • Method 4: Create from the dataset list


  • Method 5: Create from the Dataset Editing page


    After creating a new workbook from an existing dataset using Methods 4 or 5, the right data panel will automatically load the corresponding dimensions and measures from this dataset. You can then drag them to the field area. image.png

Data configuration

The following example uses Method 1.

  • Insert a Dataset Table.

    1. On the workbook editing page, click Insert Dataset. image

    2. In the Data panel, click Select Dataset and choose the desired dataset from the dropdown list.

      The fields from the selected dataset will appear in the Dimension and Measure areas.

    3. On the Field tab, choose the necessary dimension fields and measure fields to add to the workbook.

      Select and add data according to your specific needs.

      • Method 1: Add dimension fields to the Row and measure fields to the Column. Follow these steps:

        1. On the Field tab, select the required dimension fields and measure fields:

          • In the Dimension list, locate Province, Product Type, and Product Package, and double-click or drag them to the Row area in sequence.

          • In the Measure list, locate Order Amount, Shipping Cost, and Profit Amount, and double-click or drag them to the Column area in sequence.

        2. Click Update. The system will automatically refresh the workbook. image.png

      • Method 2: Add dimension fields to the Row and both measure and dimension fields to the Column. Follow these steps:

        1. On the Field tab, select the required dimension fields and measure fields:

          • In the Dimension list, locate Province, and double-click or drag it to the Row area.

          • In the Dimension list, locate Product Type, and drag it to the Column area.

          • In the Measure list, locate Order Amount, Shipping Cost, and Profit Amount, and double-click or drag them to the Column area in sequence.

        2. Click Update. The system will automatically refresh the workbook. image.png

      • Method 3: Add measure fields to the Row and dimension fields to the Column. Follow these steps:

        1. On the Field tab, select the required dimension fields and measure fields:

          • In the Dimension list, locate Product Type, and drag it to the Column area.

          • In the Measure list, locate Order Amount, Shipping Cost, and Profit Amount, and drag them to the Row area in sequence.

        2. Click Update. The system will automatically refresh the workbook. image.png

    4. Format the fields as needed.

      Configuration item


      Date display format

      The default is automatic. Supports setting formats such as YYYY-MM-DD, YYYYMMDD, YYYY/MM/DD, YYYY年M月D日, MMDD, MM-DD, MM/DD, M月D日, and DDMMYYYY.


      Only date fields support setting the date display format.


      The default is automatic. Supports setting align left, align center, and align right.


      The default is no sort. Supports setting ascending, descending, ascending within group, descending within group, advanced sort, custom sort, and field sort.

      • Only measure fields support advanced sort.

      • Only dimension fields support custom sort and field sort.

      Field display content

      Supports setting display name.

      Data display format

      The default is automatic. Supports setting integer, retain 1 decimal place, retain 2 decimal places, percentage, percentage 1 decimal place, percentage 2 decimal places, and custom.

      • Only measure fields support setting the data display format.

      • When the custom format type is numeric or percentage, it supports setting the format of negative numbers as: -1234 or (1234), and supports checking Use thousands separator.

      Aggregation method

      Supports setting sum, average, count, remove duplicates count, maximum, minimum, population standard deviation, sample standard deviation, population variance, sample variance, and last day.


      Only measure fields support setting the data display format.

      Advanced calculation

      Supports setting date accumulation, percentage, ranking, and comparison.


      Only measure fields support setting advanced calculation.

      Empty value display style

      • Dimension fields support setting the display style of empty value or empty string.

        • Empty value:

          • Display as '-'

        • String:

          • Display as '-'

      • Measure fields support setting the display style of empty value.


      Custom display of empty values can only consist of Chinese and English, numbers, and underscores, slashes, backslashes, vertical lines, parentheses, and brackets, and must not exceed 150 characters.

    5. To set up filtering, drag the desired field to the Filter area and click the filter icon on the right side of the field to apply filters as needed. For more information, see Field Filtering.

    6. Click Save.


      The Save Workbook dialog box will appear when you save the workbook for the first time.




      Workbook name.


      Location where the workbook is stored.

    7. To complete the workbook creation, click OK.


      The workbook is equipped with Excel's auto-sum recognition feature, allowing you to select and view a subset of the data.


  • Insert Freestyle Cells


    Freestyle cells are only available in workbooks purchased separately in the Professional Edition and Pro.

    1. (Optional) Set up the report format before inserting freestyle cells to suit your business scenario. image


      Merge cells before dragging fields into them, as fields cannot be merged after being placed.

    2. On the workbook editing page, click ①Dataset -> ②Freestyle Cell. image

    3. In the data panel, click Select Dataset and choose the target dataset from the dropdown list.

    4. Select the required dimension fields and measure fields, then double-click or drag them to the workbook editing area. image

      You can set the aggregation method, perform advanced calculations, associate fields, and delete them as needed.

      1. Hover over the measure, click the image icon, and enter the Aggregation Method settings as shown in the figure.

        Measure fields allow for various aggregation methods such as sum, average, count, distinct count, maximum, and minimum. image

      2. Hover over the measure, click the image icon, and enter the Advanced Calculation settings as shown in the figure.

        Advanced calculations support functionalities like cumulative totals, percentages, rankings, and comparisons.


        Configuration item


        Date accumulation

        Date accumulation calculates the total data from the initial date to the current date. For more information, see Date Accumulation.


        Set the percentage format of the data.


        Supports setting ascending or descending order. For more information, see Data Ranking.


        Set the comparison of the data. For more information, see Configure the Comparison Feature.

      3. You can associate fields accordingly. image

        • After clicking associate, enter the Associate Mode.

        • Hover over the confirm association button to switch between Aggregation and Detail data modes. image

          After confirming the association, the link is established. For instance, Order Date (year) is associated with Order Quantity, Order Amount, and Profit Amount.

        • You can also click Cancel Association to undo the link. image

      4. Delete any unnecessary fields as needed. image

        • Dimension fields can be set to associate or delete.

        • Measure fields can be set with aggregation methods, associations, or deletions.

    5. (Optional) Add query controls as needed for your business scenario. In this example, add two query conditions: Year and Area. image

    6. Click Update. The system will automatically refresh the workbook.

    7. Click Save.

    8. Create a card view.

Card view

Create split-column reports and indicator cards in visual analytics reports using the card view.


Card view is only supported in workbooks purchased separately in the Professional Edition and Pro.

Begin the configuration

  • In freestyle cell mode, the toolbar will display the card view feature icon.

  • Procedure

    1. Click Card View to enter the card view creation page. image

    2. Create a card view. image

      1. Select the base table for the card view and create constraints for the card view.

        1. You can create a card view first and then manually select the data area.

        2. Alternatively, select the data area first and then create a card view.


          Fields from different datasets cannot be associated.

      2. Configure the card display settings. You can customize the number of groups displayed per row and the maximum number of groups displayed.

      3. Choose the calculation method, either aggregation or detail.

      4. Select the location for the pivot table, either as a new Create Card View Page or as an extension on the Current Sheet.

        In this example, select Create Card View Page.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Configure the card page view. If you chose Create Card View Page as the location, you can adjust the number of card groups per row, set filters, groupings, sorting, and enable detail viewing and searching on the card view page. image

What to do next

For information on workbook style configuration and analysis configuration, see Style Configuration and Analysis Configuration.