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Quick BI:Filling component

Last Updated:Jun 08, 2023

Currently, data form supports 12 types of components, including basic components and advanced components. This topic describes the basic operations and common configurations of components.


Component Type

Exporter Name


Basic widgets

Single-line text

You can add a single line of text data, such as Name, Position, and Invoicing Company.

Multiple lines of text

You can add complex and multi-line text data, such as detailed addresses and notes.


This parameter is used to add numeric data, such as competition scores and consumption amounts.

Date and Time

You can use the Date control to add date data. such as birth time and questionnaire completion date.

Single Choice

Directly click the selection, which is used in scenarios where data options are less available and can be displayed directly. such as gender.

Single Select Drop-down

Select from the drop-down menu for scenarios with a large number of data options. such as province and employee number.

Drop-down Multiple Selection

Select one or more from the drop-down list. This parameter is used in scenarios where multiple data options are available, such as Hobbies and service reviews.

Advanced Components

Tree drop

This parameter is used in cascading scenarios where you can select a limited number of options. For example, you can view the cities in a province.

Text Area

Enter a text description, such as conditions and description.

Image upload

It is used in scenarios where you need to upload image descriptions, such as uploading income certificates and reimbursement invoices.


It is used in scenarios where you need to score relevant content, such as product reviews and service ratings.

Column Layout

You can use this method to re-layout existing controls. You can drag and drop existing controls to the column control.

Perform basic operations

Add a component

On the Form page, you can drag or click a widget on the left to add form content.


Copy a component

Click the icon in the upper-right corner 复制组件to copy the selected component.


Delete a component

Click the icon in the upper-right corner 删除组件of the widget to delete the widget.


Common Settings

Basic Settings




① Display Title: Select whether to display the title of the control. You can customize the display name of the control as the column name of the data form.

② Table Field Name: the name of the corresponding field in the table created based on the data form.


The field or table name must start with a letter and can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_). The name can be up to 40 characters in length.

③ Prompt Text: specifies the prompt information for the input of the control. For example, enter.

Description: the description of the custom control.

⑤ Description Information Location: Specify the location of the description information. The following options are available: Bottom, Right, and Below.

Default State: specifies the default state of the widget. The valid values are Normal, Read-only, and Hidden.

Default Value: the default value of the widget.


Specify whether the widget is required and the value range.


Set the width of the widget. You can select Default or Entire Row.