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Drive and Photo Service:Example of building a cloud drive service

Last Updated:Aug 28, 2023


This topic describes how to use Photo and Drive Service (PDS) to build a cloud drive service that supports logon by using DingTalk accounts.

1. Activate PDS

Log on to the PDS console.

If PDS is not activated, you can activate it by following the instructions on the page.

  • After PDS is activated, click Authorize on the No Default Role page to grant PDS the permissions to access other Alibaba Cloud resources.

2. Create a domain

Create a domain that adopts the standard storage mode.

  • Data Store Type: Select Standard Mode.

  • Enable Initialization Cloud Drive: Turn on the switch.

  • Custom size: Set the value to 10, in GB. The system automatically allocates 10 GB of cloud drive space to each new user.

Click OK.

3. Configure a logon method

After the domain is created, you must configure a user system for this domain to facilitate logon.

You can use a user system provided by PDS or an existing custom user system.

The user systems provided by PDS support the following logon methods: mobile number and email.

In this example, DingTalk QR code is used as the logon method.

  • To enable DingTalk-based logon, you must obtain the corresponding AppID and AppSecret.


Go to the DingTalk open platform. If you do not have an enterprise account, create one. If you have an enterprise account, create an enterprise application, configure the application, and then copy the AppID and AppSecret. For more information, see Configure DingTalk-based logon.

After you obtain the AppID and AppSecret, click Configuration on the User System tab.

In the PDS Login Page Config panel, turn on Enable Dingtalk Login, enter the AppID and AppSecret, and then click OK.

4. Use BasicUI

Users access the resources of the domain by using applications. You can create an application and configure the application to access the resources of the domain by calling PDS API operations. You can also use an official application provided by PDS to access the resources of the domain.


BasicUI is an out-of-the-box cloud drive application provided by PDS. BasicUI supports basic file management features, such as upload, download, copy, move, delete, and rename. You can build a cloud drive system and a desktop client within a few clicks.

5. Manage a cloud drive system

Click Login as superadmin.


You are redirected to the BasicUI page. The first visit takes a longer period of time because data needs to be synchronized.

You can modify the system configurations based on your requirements.

6. Make the service available to users

The URL of your cloud drive service is in the format of https://{domainId} Replace the domainId variable with the ID of the domain.


Follow the instructions in the following figure to obtain the domain ID.


Users can visit the URL and log on to the cloud drive service by scanning DingTalk QR codes.


For more information, see User Guide.