This topic describes the scenarios, runtime environment requirements, and instructions for using tools that are used to connect to MaxCompute and process data in MaxCompute projects. You can select a connection tool based on your business requirements and the environment that you prepare.
A MaxCompute project is created. For more information about how to create a MaxCompute project, see Create a MaxCompute project.
Background information
The following table describes the tools supported by MaxCompute.
Tool | Manual installation required | Scenario |
Tool | Manual installation required | Scenario |
Yes | The MaxCompute client is a command-line client that is suitable for all scenarios. You can use the MaxCompute client to write commands for data processing. | |
No | DataWorks implements comprehensive features, such as data development, data integration, and data services in a visual manner based on MaxCompute projects. If you want to periodically schedule jobs, we recommend that you use DataWorks. | |
Yes | MaxCompute Studio is a development plug-in that is based on IntelliJ IDEA. MaxCompute Studio helps you develop data more easily and quickly. If you are familiar with IntelliJ IDEA, we recommend that you use MaxCompute Studio. |
Prepare an environment
The following table describes the environment requirements of the preceding development tools.
Tool | Environment requirement |
Tool | Environment requirement |
You must install Java 8 or later. | |
We recommend that you use the latest version of Google Chrome. | |
Connect to MaxCompute by using tools
The following table provides instructions on using tools to connect to MaxCompute after you prepare the environment.
Development tool | Instruction |
Development tool | Instruction |
MaxCompute client | For more information about the MaxCompute client, see MaxCompute client (odpscmd). |
DataWorks | |
MaxCompute Studio | |
Database management tools | |
ETL tools | |