Phase | Sub-protocol | Protocol command | Supported by Lindorm | Description |
Connection Phase | Handshake | Yes | The handshake protocol used before a connection is established. Only HandshakeV10 is supported. |
TLS Support | Yes | The TLS protocol used for communication encryption. Only TLS 1.2 is supported. Note By default, the SSL protocol is used for encrypt transmitted data when you connect to Lindorm. |
Authentication Methods | old_password | No | The earlier version of protocol used to transmit passwords. This protocol is used by MySQL clients of earlier versions (4.x or earlier) to transmit user authentication requests. |
mysql_clear_password | Yes | The protocol used to transmit plaintext passwords. Important This protocol is generally used together with SSL. |
mysql_native_password | Yes | The default protocol used by MySQL clients of the 5.x version to transmit passwords. |
caching_sha2_password | Yes | The default protocol used by MySQL clients of the 8.x version to transmit passwords. This protocol is enhanced in security and efficiency compared with mysql_native_password. We recommend that you use this protocol. |
Command Phase | Text Protocol | COM_QUERY | Yes | The command used to send and execute SQL statements. |
Utility Commands | COM_QUIT | Yes | The command used to disconnect from LindormTable. |
COM_INIT_DB | Yes | The command used to modify the default database that is to be connected. |
COM_PING | Yes | The command used to check the connectivity between the client and server. |
COM_DEBUG | No | The command used to display the debugging information about SQL statements at the server side when the statements are executed. |
COM_CHANGE_USER | No | The command used to switch the user of the current connection. |
COM_RESET_CONNECTION | No | The command used to reset the session status of the current connection when you connect to Lindorm. |
COM_SET_OPTION | No | The command used to configure connection options to specify the behaviors and settings of the client when you connect to Lindorm. |
Prepared Statements | COM_STMT_PREPARE | Yes | The command used to preprocess query statements in which parameters are configured. |
COM_STMT_EXECUTE | Yes | The command used to specify parameters in SQL statements and execute the statements. |
COM_STMT_FETCH | No | The command used to specify the FETCH clause in embedded SQL statements. |
COM_STMT_CLOSE | Yes | The command used to close preprocessing statements. |
COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA | No | The command used to send large objects. This command is run before COM_STMT_EXECUTE. |
Replication Protocol | No | The protocol used to replicate binary logs for MySQL. |