Parameter | Example | Description |
sslMode | disabled | Specifies whether to use SSL to establish encrypted connections. We recommend that you set this parameter to disabled . In this case, SSL is not used when a connection is established, which improves system performance.
allowPublicKeyRetrieval | true | Specifies whether to retrieve the RSA public key from the server during user authentication. We recommend that you set this parameter to true . |
useServerPrepStmts | true | Specifies whether to use preprocessed statements on the server. We recommend that you set this parameter to true . In this case, Databases can use the built-in SQL preprocessing capability to improve query performance and reduce the risk of SQL injection. |
useLocalSessionState | true | Specifies whether to use the local session status to reduce the frequency of data transmission between the client and database server. We recommend that you set this parameter to true . |
rewriteBatchedStatements | true | Specifies whether to rewrite batch statements. We recommend that you set this parameter to true . In this case, the write performance of applications that use preprocessed statements and specify parameters in batches. |
cachePrepStmts | true | Specifies whether preprocessed statements can be cached. We recommend that you set this parameter to true to reduce the frequency of creating preprocessed statements. In this case, the query performance of statements that are frequently executed can be improved. |
prepStmtCacheSize | 100 | Specifies the number of preprocessed statements that can be cached. This parameter is available only when the cachePrepStmts parameter is set to true . Note If you specify a large value for prepStmtCacheSize, more memory resources are consumed. Configure this parameter based on your actual requirements. |
prepStmtCacheSqlLimit | 500000 | Specifies the maximum length of the preprocessed statements that can be cached. SQL statements that exceed the specified length are not cached. If your business is performance-sensitive, we recommend that you set this parameter to a larger value. |