This topic describes how to build a streaming data lakehouse by using Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, Apache Paimon, and StarRocks.
Background information
As digitalization advances, enterprises have an increasingly strong demand for the timeliness of data. For traditional offline data warehousing, offline deployments are periodically scheduled to add the changes that are generated within the previous period of time to the following layers of a data warehouse: operational data store (ODS), data warehouse detail (DWD), data warehouse service (DWS), and application data service (ADS). However, this method causes high latency and high costs. In most cases, the scheduling interval of offline deployments is 1 hour or even one day. Data consumers can view only the data of the previous scheduling cycle. In addition, data is updated in the way of overwriting data in partitions. The original data in the partitions must be read again before the data can be merged with the new changes to generate new result data.
To resolve the preceding issues of traditional offline data warehouses, you can use Realtime Compute for Apache Flink and Apache Paimon to build a streaming data lakehouse. The real-time computing capabilities of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink allow data to flow between data warehouse layers in real time. Data changes can also be delivered to downstream consumers with a minute-level latency based on the efficient update capability of Apache Paimon. Therefore, the streaming data lakehouse has advantages in terms of latency and cost.
For more information about the features of Apache Paimon, see Features and visit the Apache Paimon official website.
Architecture and benefits
Realtime Compute for Apache Flink is a powerful streaming compute engine that supports efficient processing of large amounts of real-time data. Apache Paimon is a data lake storage platform that allows you to process data in streaming and batch modes. Apache Paimon supports data updates with high throughput and data queries with low latency. Apache Paimon is deeply integrated with Realtime Compute for Apache Flink to provide an integrated streaming data lakehouse solution. The following figure shows the architecture of the streaming data lakehouse that is built by using Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, Apache Paimon, and StarRocks.
Realtime Compute for Apache Flink writes data from a data source to Apache Paimon to form the ODS layer.
Realtime Compute for Apache Flink subscribes to changelogs at the ODS layer for processing and then rewrites the data to Apache Paimon to form the DWD layer.
Realtime Compute for Apache Flink subscribes to changelogs at the DWD layer for processing and then rewrites the data to Apache Paimon to form the DWS layer.
StarRocks of E-MapReduce (EMR).reads data from an Apache Paimon external table and provides external data queries.
This solution provides the following benefits:
Each layer of Apache Paimon can deliver changelogs to the downstream storage with a minute-level latency. This reduces the latency of traditional offline data warehouses from hours or even days to minutes.
Each layer of Apache Paimon can directly receive changelogs. Data in partitions is not overwritten. This greatly reduces the cost of updating and revising data in traditional offline data warehouses and resolves the issues that data at the intermediate layer is not easy to query, update, or correct.
This solution provides a unified model and uses a simplified architecture. The logic of extract, transform, and load (ETL) operations is implemented based on Flink SQL. All data at the ODS layer, DWD layer, and DWS layer is stored in Apache Paimon. This reduces the architecture complexity and improves data processing efficiency.
This solution relies on three core capabilities of Apache Paimon. The following table describes the core capabilities.
Core capability of Apache Paimon | Description |
Core capability of Apache Paimon | Description |
Update of data in a primary key table | Apache Paimon uses the log-structured merge-tree (LSM-tree) at the underlying layer to implement efficient data updates. For more information about Apache Paimon primary key tables, see Primary Key Table. For more information about the data structure of the underlying layer of Apache Paimon, see File Layouts. |
Incremental data generation mechanism | The incremental data generation mechanism is specified by the changelog-producer parameter. Apache Paimon can generate complete incremental data for any input data stream. Each UPDATE_AFTER data record corresponds to an UPDATE_BEFORE data record. This ensures that data changes can be completely passed to the downstream. For more information, see Incremental data generation mechanism. |
Data merging mechanism | The data merging mechanism is specified by the merge-engine parameter. When an Apache Paimon primary key table receives multiple data records that have the same primary key value, the Apache Paimon result table merges the data records into one data record to ensure the uniqueness of the primary key. Apache Paimon supports various data merging mechanisms, such as deduplication, partial-update, and aggregation. For more information, see Data merging mechanism. |
Best practices
This example shows how to build a streaming data lakehouse for an e-commerce platform to process and cleanse data and query data from upper-layer applications. This way, the data is layered and reused to support multiple business scenarios, such as report queries for transaction dashboard data analysis, behavioral data analysis, and user profile tagging, and personalized recommendations.
Build the ODS layer: real-time ingestion of data in a business database into the data warehouse A MySQL database contains the following business tables: orders, orders_pay, and product_catalog. Realtime Compute for Apache Flink writes the data of these tables to Object Storage Service (OSS) in real time and stores the data in the Apache Paimon format to form the ODS layer.
Build the DWD layer: wide table Realtime Compute for Apache Flink uses the partial-update data merging mechanism of Apache Paimon to combine data in the orders, orders_pay, and product_catalog tables into a wide table at the DWD layer and generate changelogs with a minute-level latency.
Build the DWS layer: metric calculation Realtime Compute for Apache Flink consumes the changelogs of the wide table in real time, and uses the aggregation data merging mechanism of Apache Paimon to generate the user-merchant aggregate intermediate table named dwm_users_shops at the data warehouse middle (DWM) layer and finally generate the user aggregate metric table named dws_users and the merchant aggregate metric table named dws_shops at the DWS layer.
OSS is activated. For more information, see Get started by using the OSS console. An OSS bucket whose storage class is Standard is created. For more information, see Overview.
Realtime Compute for Apache Flink is activated. For more information, see Activate Realtime Compute for Apache Flink.
StarRocks of EMR is activated.
The StarRocks instance and OSS bucket must be in the same region as the Realtime Compute for Apache Flink workspace.
Only Realtime Compute for Apache Flink that uses Ververica Runtime (VVR) 8.0.1 or later supports the streaming data lakehouse solution.
Build a streaming data lakehouse
Prepare a MySQL CDC data source
In this example, three business tables are created in a database named order_dw in an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, and data is inserted into the tables.
Create an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.
The ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance and the Realtime Compute for Apache Flink workspace must reside in the same virtual private cloud (VPC). If the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance and the Realtime Compute for Apache Flink workspace do not reside in the same VPC, resolve the issue by following the instructions provided in How does Realtime Compute for Apache Flink access a service across VPCs?
Create a database and an account.
Create a database named order_dw and create a privileged account or a standard account that has the read and write permissions on the order_dw database.
Create three tables and insert data into the tables.
CREATE TABLE `orders` ( order_id bigint not null primary key, user_id varchar(50) not null, shop_id bigint not null, product_id bigint not null, buy_fee bigint not null, create_time timestamp not null, update_time timestamp not null default now(), state int not null ); CREATE TABLE `orders_pay` ( pay_id bigint not null primary key, order_id bigint not null, pay_platform int not null, create_time timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE `product_catalog` ( product_id bigint not null primary key, catalog_name varchar(50) not null ); -- Prepare data. INSERT INTO product_catalog VALUES(1, 'phone_aaa'),(2, 'phone_bbb'),(3, 'phone_ccc'),(4, 'phone_ddd'),(5, 'phone_eee'); INSERT INTO orders VALUES (100001, 'user_001', 12345, 1, 5000, '2023-02-15 16:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1), (100002, 'user_002', 12346, 2, 4000, '2023-02-15 15:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1), (100003, 'user_003', 12347, 3, 3000, '2023-02-15 14:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1), (100004, 'user_001', 12347, 4, 2000, '2023-02-15 13:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1), (100005, 'user_002', 12348, 5, 1000, '2023-02-15 12:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1), (100006, 'user_001', 12348, 1, 1000, '2023-02-15 11:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1), (100007, 'user_003', 12347, 4, 2000, '2023-02-15 10:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1); INSERT INTO orders_pay VALUES (2001, 100001, 1, '2023-02-15 17:40:56'), (2002, 100002, 1, '2023-02-15 17:40:56'), (2003, 100003, 0, '2023-02-15 17:40:56'), (2004, 100004, 0, '2023-02-15 17:40:56'), (2005, 100005, 0, '2023-02-15 18:40:56'), (2006, 100006, 0, '2023-02-15 18:40:56'), (2007, 100007, 0, '2023-02-15 18:40:56');
Manage catalogs
Create an Apache Paimon catalog
Log on to the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Catalogs. On the Catalog List page, click Create Catalog.
On the Built-in Catalog tab of the Create Catalog dialog box, click Apache Paimon and then click Next.
Configure the parameters that are described in the following table and click Confirm to create an Apache Paimon catalog named paimoncatalog.
catalog name
The name of the catalog.
Enter a custom name.
In this example, paimoncatalog is used.
The metadata storage type.
In this example, filesystem is selected.
The data warehouse directory that is specified in OSS.
The format is oss://<bucket>/<object>. Where:
bucket: the name of the OSS bucket that you created.
object: the path in which your data is stored.
You can view the bucket name and object name in the OSS console.
The endpoint of OSS.
For more information about how to obtain the required information, see Regions, endpoints and open ports and Create an AccessKey pair.
The AccessKey ID of the Alibaba Cloud account or Resource Access Management (RAM) user that has the read and write permissions on OSS.
The AccessKey secret of the Alibaba Cloud account or RAM user that has the read and write permissions on OSS.
Create a MySQL catalog
On the Catalog List page, click Create Catalog.
On the Built-in Catalog tab of the Create Catalog dialog box, click MySQL and then click Next.
Configure the parameters that are described in the following table and click Confirm to create a MySQL catalog named mysqlcatalog.
catalog name
The name of the catalog.
Enter a custom name. In this example, mysqlcatalog is used.
The IP address or hostname that is used to access the MySQL database.
For more information, see View and manage instance endpoints and ports. The ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance and the Realtime Compute for Apache Flink workspace reside in the same VPC. Therefore, we recommend that you enter the value of the Internal Endpoint parameter that is displayed on the Database Connection page for the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance in the ApsaraDB RDS console.
The port number of the MySQL database. Default value: 3306.
For more information, see View and manage instance endpoints and ports.
The name of the default MySQL database.
In this example, the name of the database from which data is synchronized is order_dw.
The username that is used to access the MySQL database.
In this example, the account that is created in the Prepare a MySQL CDC data source section of this topic is used.
The password that is used to access the MySQL database.
In this example, the password that is created in the Prepare a MySQL CDC data source section of this topic is used.
Build the ODS layer: Real-time ingestion of data in a business database into the data warehouse
You can execute the CREATE DATABASE AS statement to build the ODS layer. The parameters that are configured in the SET statements in an SQL deployment can also be configured on the Configuration tab of the Deployments page. To go to the Configuration tab, choose and click the name of the deployment on the Deployments page. For more information, see How do I configure runtime parameters for a deployment by using code? For more information about the write performance optimization of Apache Paimon, see the Apache Paimon official documentation.
Create a synchronization deployment that uses the CREATE DATABASE AS statement.
Log on to the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink. In the left-side navigation pane, choose . On the page that appears, click New to create an SQL streaming draft named ods and copy the following code to the SQL editor:
SET 'execution.checkpointing.max-concurrent-checkpoints' = '3'; -- Reduce the impact of the long tail of checkpoints. SET 'table.exec.sink.upsert-materialize' = 'NONE'; -- Eliminate useless SinkMaterialize operators. -- The Apache Paimon result table commits data only after each checkpointing is complete. -- In this example, the checkpointing interval is reduced to 10 seconds to help you quickly obtain the results. -- In the production environment, the checkpointing interval and the minimal pause between checkpointing attempts vary based on your business requirements for latency. In most cases, they are set to 1 to 10 minutes. SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '10s'; SET 'execution.checkpointing.min-pause' = '10s'; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS paimoncatalog.order_dw WITH ( 'changelog-producer' = 'input' -- The input data is the binary log data that is generated by MySQL and contains all changelogs. Therefore, the input data can be directly used as changelogs. ) AS DATABASE mysqlcatalog.order_dw INCLUDING all tables; -- You can also select the tables whose data needs to be imported into data warehouses from the upstream database based on your business requirements.
In the upper-right corner of the SQL Editor page, click Deploy to deploy the draft.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose
. On the Deployments page, find the deployment named ods and click Start in the Actions column. In the Start Job panel, select Initial Mode and click Start to start the deployment.
View the data of the three tables that are synchronized from MySQL to Apache Paimon.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the Scripts tab, click New, copy the following code to the script editor, select the code, and then click Run:
SELECT * FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.orders ORDER BY order_id;
Build the DWD layer: Wide table
Create a wide table named dwd_orders at the DWD layer in Apache Paimon.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the Scripts tab, click New, copy the following code to the script editor, select the code, and then click Run:
CREATE TABLE paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwd_orders ( order_id BIGINT, order_user_id STRING, order_shop_id BIGINT, order_product_id BIGINT, order_product_catalog_name STRING, order_fee BIGINT, order_create_time TIMESTAMP, order_update_time TIMESTAMP, order_state INT, pay_id BIGINT, pay_platform INT COMMENT 'platform 0: phone, 1: pc', pay_create_time TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (order_id) NOT ENFORCED ) WITH ( 'merge-engine' = 'partial-update', -- Use the partial-update data merging mechanism to generate a wide table. 'changelog-producer' = 'lookup' -- Use the lookup incremental data generation mechanism to generate changelogs with low latency. );
If the
Query has been executed
message is returned, the table is created.Consume the changelogs of the orders and orders_pay tables at the ODS layer in real time.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the page that appears, click New to create an SQL streaming draft named dwd, copy the following code to the SQL editor, and then deploy the draft. Start the deployment for the draft without initial states.
The SQL deployment joins the orders table with the dimension table named product_catalog and writes the join results and the data in the orders_pay table to the wide table named dwd_orders. In this process, the partial-update data merging mechanism of Apache Paimon is used to merge the data that has the same order_id value in the orders and orders_pay tables.
SET 'execution.checkpointing.max-concurrent-checkpoints' = '3'; SET 'table.exec.sink.upsert-materialize' = 'NONE'; SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '10s'; SET 'execution.checkpointing.min-pause' = '10s'; -- Apache Paimon does not allow you to use multiple INSERT statements to write data to the same table in the same deployment. Therefore, UNION ALL is used in this example. INSERT INTO paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwd_orders SELECT o.order_id, o.user_id, o.shop_id, o.product_id, dim.catalog_name, o.buy_fee, o.create_time, o.update_time, o.state, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.orders o LEFT JOIN paimoncatalog.order_dw.product_catalog FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF proctime() AS dim ON o.product_id = dim.product_id UNION ALL SELECT order_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pay_id, pay_platform, create_time FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.orders_pay;
View the data of the wide table named dwd_orders.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the Scripts tab, click New, copy the following code to the script editor, select the code, and then click Run:
SELECT * FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwd_orders ORDER BY order_id;
Build the DWS layer: Metric calculation
Create aggregate metric tables named dws_users and dws_shops at the DWS layer.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the Scripts tab, click New, copy the following code to the script editor, select the code, and then click Run:
-- Create a user-dimension aggregate metric table. CREATE TABLE paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_users ( user_id STRING, ds STRING, payed_buy_fee_sum BIGINT COMMENT 'Total amount of payment that is complete on the current day', PRIMARY KEY (user_id, ds) NOT ENFORCED ) WITH ( 'merge-engine' = 'aggregation', -- Use the aggregation data merging mechanism to generate an aggregate table. 'fields.payed_buy_fee_sum.aggregate-function' = 'sum' -- Calculate the sum of the payed_buy_fee_sum data to generate the aggregate results. -- The dws_users table is not consumed by the downstream storage in streaming mode. Therefore, you do not need to specify the incremental data generation mechanism. ); -- Create a merchant-dimension aggregate metric table. CREATE TABLE paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_shops ( shop_id BIGINT, ds STRING, payed_buy_fee_sum BIGINT COMMENT 'Total amount of payment that is complete on the current day', uv BIGINT COMMENT 'Total number of users that purchase commodities on the current day', pv BIGINT COMMENT 'Total number of purchases made by all users on the current day', PRIMARY KEY (shop_id, ds) NOT ENFORCED ) WITH ( 'merge-engine' = 'aggregation', -- Use the aggregation data merging mechanism to generate an aggregate table. 'fields.payed_buy_fee_sum.aggregate-function' = 'sum', -- Calculate the sum of the payed_buy_fee_sum data to generate the aggregate results. 'fields.uv.aggregate-function' = 'sum', -- Calculate the sum of the unique visitor (UV) data to generate the aggregate results. 'fields.pv.aggregate-function' = 'sum' -- Calculate the sum of the page view (PV) data to generate aggregate results. -- The dws_shops table is not consumed by the downstream storage in streaming mode. Therefore, you do not need to specify the incremental data generation mechanism. ); -- To calculate data in the aggregate table from the user perspective and data in the aggregate table from the merchant perspective at the same time, create an intermediate table that uses the user_id and shop_id fields as the primary key. CREATE TABLE paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwm_users_shops ( user_id STRING, shop_id BIGINT, ds STRING, payed_buy_fee_sum BIGINT COMMENT 'Total amount paid by the user in the shop on the current day', pv BIGINT COMMENT 'Number of purchases made by the user in the shop on the current day', PRIMARY KEY (user_id, shop_id, ds) NOT ENFORCED ) WITH ( 'merge-engine' = 'aggregation', -- Use the aggregation data merging mechanism to generate an aggregate table. 'fields.payed_buy_fee_sum.aggregate-function' = 'sum', -- Calculate the sum of the payed_buy_fee_sum data to generate the aggregate results. 'fields.pv.aggregate-function' = 'sum', -- Calculate the sum of the PV data to generate the aggregate results. 'changelog-producer' = 'lookup', -- Use the lookup incremental data generation mechanism to generate changelogs with low latency. -- In most cases, the intermediate table at the DWM layer does not provide queries for upper-layer applications. Therefore, the write performance can be optimized. 'file.format' = 'avro', -- Use the Avro row-oriented storage format to provide more efficient write performance. 'metadata.stats-mode' = 'none' -- Discard the statistical information. After the statistical information is discarded, the cost of online analytical processing (OLAP) queries increases but the write performance increases. This has no impact on continuous stream processing. );
If the
Query has been executed
message is returned, the tables are created.Consume the changelogs of the dwd_orders table at the DWD layer.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the page that appears, click New to create an SQL streaming draft named dwm, copy the following code to the SQL editor, and then deploy the draft. Start the deployment for the draft without initial states.
The SQL deployment writes the data in the dwd_orders table to the dwm_users_shops table. In this process, the aggregation data merging mechanism of Apache Paimon is used to calculate the sum of the order_fee data to obtain the total consumption amount of the user in the shop. This deployment also calculates the number of data entries to obtain the number of purchases of the user in the shop.
SET 'execution.checkpointing.max-concurrent-checkpoints' = '3'; SET 'table.exec.sink.upsert-materialize' = 'NONE'; SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '10s'; SET 'execution.checkpointing.min-pause' = '10s'; INSERT INTO paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwm_users_shops SELECT order_user_id, order_shop_id, DATE_FORMAT (pay_create_time, 'yyyyMMdd') as ds, order_fee, 1 -- One input record represents one purchase. FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwd_orders WHERE pay_id IS NOT NULL AND order_fee IS NOT NULL;
Consume the changelogs of the dwm_users_shops table at the DWM layer in real time.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the page that appears, click New to create an SQL streaming draft named dws, copy the following code to the SQL editor, and then deploy the draft. Start the deployment for the draft without initial states.
The SQL deployment writes the data in the dwm_users_shops table to the dws_users and dws_shops tables. In this process, the aggregation data merging mechanism of Apache Paimon is used to calculate the sum of the payed_buy_fee_sum data in the dws_users table to obtain the total consumption amount of the user in all shops, and to calculate the sum of the payed_buy_fee_sum data in the dws_shops table to obtain the total amount of business transactions of the shop. This deployment also calculates the number of data entries to obtain the number of users who made purchases in the shop, and calculates the sum of PV data to obtain the total number of purchases made by all users in the shop.
SET 'execution.checkpointing.max-concurrent-checkpoints' = '3'; SET 'table.exec.sink.upsert-materialize' = 'NONE'; SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '10s'; SET 'execution.checkpointing.min-pause' = '10s'; -- Different from the DWD layer, multiple INSERT statements that write data to different Apache Paimon tables can be placed in the same deployment at the DWM layer. BEGIN STATEMENT SET; INSERT INTO paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_users SELECT user_id, ds, payed_buy_fee_sum FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwm_users_shops; -- The shop_id column is used as the primary key. The amount of data of specific popular shops may be much higher than the amount of data of other shops. -- Therefore, local merge is used to aggregate data in the memory before data is written to Apache Paimon. This helps alleviate data skew issues. INSERT INTO paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_shops /*+ OPTIONS('local-merge-buffer-size' = '64mb') */ SELECT shop_id, ds, payed_buy_fee_sum, 1, -- One input record represents all the consumption of a user in the shop. pv FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dwm_users_shops; END;
View the data of the dws_users and dws_shops tables.
In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the Scripts tab, click New, copy the following code to the script editor, select the code, and then click Run:
-- View the data of the dws_users table. SELECT * FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_users ORDER BY user_id;
-- View the data of the dws_shops table. SELECT * FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_shops ORDER BY shop_id;
Capture changes in the business database
The streaming data lakehouse is created. This section tests the capability of the streaming data lakehouse to capture changes in the business database.
Insert the following data into the order_dw database of MySQL:
INSERT INTO orders VALUES (100008, 'user_001', 12345, 3, 3000, '2023-02-15 17:40:56', '2023-02-15 18:42:56', 1), (100009, 'user_002', 12348, 4, 1000, '2023-02-15 18:40:56', '2023-02-15 19:42:56', 1), (100010, 'user_003', 12348, 2, 2000, '2023-02-15 19:40:56', '2023-02-15 20:42:56', 1); INSERT INTO orders_pay VALUES (2008, 100008, 1, '2023-02-15 18:40:56'), (2009, 100009, 1, '2023-02-15 19:40:56'), (2010, 100010, 0, '2023-02-15 20:40:56');
View the data of the dws_users and dws_shops tables. In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, choose . On the Scripts tab, click New, copy the following code to the script editor, select the code, and then click Run.
dws_users table
SELECT * FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_users ORDER BY user_id;
dws_shops table
SELECT * FROM paimoncatalog.order_dw.dws_shops ORDER BY shop_id;
Use the streaming data lakehouse
The previous section describes how to create an Apache Paimon catalog and write data to an Apache Paimon table in the Realtime Compute for Apache Flink console. This section describes specific simple scenarios in which StarRocks is used to analyze data after the streaming data lakehouse is created.
Log on to the StarRocks instance and create an Apache Paimon catalog.
'type' = 'paimon',
'paimon.catalog.type' = 'filesystem',
'aliyun.oss.endpoint' = '',
'paimon.catalog.warehouse' = 'oss://<bucket>/<object>'
Parameter | Required | Description |
Parameter | Required | Description |
type | Yes | The type of the data source. Set the parameter to paimon. |
paimon.catalog.type | Yes | The metadata storage type that is used by the Apache Paimon catalog. In this example, filesystem is used. |
aliyun.oss.endpoint | Yes | The endpoint of OSS or OSS-HDFS. This parameter is required if you set the paimon.catalog.warehouse parameter to an OSS or OSS-HDFS path. |
paimon.catalog.warehouse | Yes | The data warehouse directory that is specified in OSS. The format is oss://<bucket>/<object>. Where:
You can view the bucket name and object name in the OSS console. |
Perform ranking queries
Analyze the aggregate table at the DWS layer. The following sample code shows how to use StarRocks to query the top three shops with the highest transaction volume on February 15, 2023:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY payed_buy_fee_sum DESC) AS rn, shop_id, payed_buy_fee_sum
FROM dws_shops
WHERE ds = '20230215'
Perform details queries
Analyze the wide table at the DWD layer. The following sample code shows how to use StarRocks to query the order details paid by a customer on a specific payment platform in February 2023:
SELECT * FROM dwd_orders
WHERE order_create_time >= '2023-02-01 00:00:00' AND order_create_time < '2023-03-01 00:00:00'
AND order_user_id = 'user_001'
AND pay_platform = 0
ORDER BY order_create_time;;
Query data reports
Analyze the wide table at the DWD layer. The following sample code shows how to use StarRocks to query the total number of orders and the total amount of orders for each category in February 2023:
order_create_time AS order_create_date,
order_create_time >= '2023-02-01 00:00:00' and order_create_time < '2023-03-01 00:00:00'
order_create_date, order_product_catalog_name
order_create_date, order_product_catalog_name;
Build a real-time data warehouse by using Realtime Compute for Apache Flink and Hologres
Instructions on how to use batch processing of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink and how to use Apache Paimon to build an offline data lakehouse: Getting started with batch processing of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink