Event types
Alibaba Cloud service events are categorized into the following types:
ActionTrail events: events that Alibaba Cloud services publish to EventBridge by using ActionTrail. Value formats of the type parameter of these events: {Service name abbreviation}:ActionTrail:ApiCall, {Service name abbreviation}:ActionTrail:ConsoleOperation, and {Service name abbreviation}:ActionTrail:AliyunServiceEvent. The following items describe the types of ActionTrail events:
ActionTrail:ApiCall: indicates that an API operation is called. ApiCall events are generated when developers call API operations to create, query, modify, and delete resources. In addition, the consoles of most Alibaba Cloud services are developed based on APIs, and actions that are performed in the consoles are recorded as ApiCall events.
ActionTrail:ConsoleOperation: indicates that a user-initiated action is performed in the console or on the buy page of an Alibaba Cloud service. The consoles or buy pages of specific Alibaba Cloud services are not developed based on APIs. If an action is performed in one of the consoles or buy pages, ActionTrail records this action as a ConsoleOperation or ConsoleCall event. For an action of this type, the value of the eventName field is a string that indicates the action.
ActionTrail:AliyunServiceEvent: indicates that an action is performed on your resources by Alibaba Cloud, such as an action to renew an instance or release an instance upon expiration. An AliyunServiceEvent event is generated when Alibaba Cloud rather than a user initiates an action. For example, when you create an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, you can specify the time when the ECS instance is to be automatically released. In this case, an AliyunServiceEvent event is generated when the ECS instance is automatically released. In most cases, AliyunServiceEvent events are generated when expired subscription instances are automatically released.
Cloud Config events: events that Alibaba Cloud services publish to EventBridge by using Cloud Config. Value format of the type parameter of these events: {Service name abbreviation}:Config:{Action}. The following items describe the types of Cloud Config events:
Config:ConfigurationItemChangeNotification: indicates that a configuration item of a resource is changed. If configuration change events are generated, Cloud Config pushes the events to EventBridge.
Config:NonCompliantNotification: indicates that a non-compliant resource is detected. If non-compliant resources are detected, Cloud Config pushes non-compliance events to EventBridge.
CloudMonitor events: events that Alibaba Cloud services publish to EventBridge by using CloudMonitor. Value format of the type parameter of these events: {Service name abbreviation}:CloudMonitor:{Action}.
Collected events: events that are collected by EventBridge from Alibaba Cloud services after the services are activated and automatically connected to EventBridge.
If you want to connect a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster to EventBridge, you must install the Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) Prometheus component or the Node Problem Detector (NPD) component in the cluster. The ARMS Prometheus component is named ack-arms-prometheus. The NPD component is named ack-node-problem-detector. For more information, see ACK events.
Elastic computing
ECS events ECS events include the following types: a disk is retained, a data disk is attached or detached, and a block storage is released due to overdue payments. | ECI events Elastic Container Instance (ECI) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | E-HPC events Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
Batch Compute events Batch Compute events include the following types: a job is canceled, an instance is ready, and a project is created. | Auto Scaling events Auto Scaling events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | ROS events Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) events include the following types: a stack is created, a stack is deleted, and a stack is rolled back. |
OOS events CloudOps Orchestration Service events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Function Compute events Function Compute events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | |
OSS events Object Storage Service (OSS) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Tablestore events Tablestore events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | NAS events Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
Database File System events Database File System events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Intelligent Media Management events Intelligent Media Management events include the following types: the metadata of an object is indexed, the metadata of a file is updated, and the metadata of a file is deleted. | |
PolarDB events PolarDB events include the following types: a failover occurs between the primary and secondary instances, an instance failure ends, and an instance failure starts. | PolarDB-X events PolarDB-X events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | ApsaraDB RDS events ApsaraDB RDS events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
ApsaraDB for HBase events ApsaraDB for HBase events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | ApsaraDB for Cassandra events ApsaraDB for Cassandra events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | AnalyticDB for MySQL events AnalyticDB for MySQL events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
DTS events Data Transmission Service (DTS) events include the following types: an exception occurs in a migration task, a migration task is resumed, and an error occurs in a migration task. | AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL events AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL events include the following types: the CPU usage of a compute group exceeds 90%, the memory usage of a compute group exceeds 85%, and the disk usage of a compute group exceeds 80%. | Data Disaster Recovery events Data Disaster Recovery events include the following types: incremental backup is disabled, an exception occurs during incremental backup, and an exception occurs during data restoration. |
Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) events Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) events include the following types: a failover occurs between the primary and secondary instances, an instance failure ends, and an instance failure starts. | ApsaraDB for MongoDB events ApsaraDB for MongoDB events include the following types: a failover occurs between the primary and secondary instances, an instance failure ends, and an instance failure starts. | ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL events ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL events include the following types: the execution of an elastic plan is delayed and the execution of an elastic plan fails. |
TSDB events Time Series Database (TSDB) events include the following types: a resource change notification is delivered and a notification that indicates a resource is evaluated as non-compliant is delivered. | | |
Security Center events Security Center events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | WAF events Web Application Firewall (WAF) events include the following types: an access control attack occurs, an HTTP flood attack occurs, and a web attack occurs. | ActionTrail events ActionTrail events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
RAM events Resource Access Management (RAM) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | DBAudit events DBAudit events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | KMS events Key Management Service (KMS) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
Fraud Detection events Fraud Detection events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Server Guard events Server Guard events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Anti-DDoS events Anti-DDoS events include the following types: blackhole filtering occurs, traffic scrubbing occurs, and blackhole filtering stops. |
CFW events Cloud Firewall (CFW) events include the following types: the peak Internet bandwidth exceeds the specification limit and a security event triggers an alert. | | |
Big data
EMR events E-MapReduce (EMR) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Elasticsearch events Elasticsearch events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Hologres events Hologres events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
OpenSearch events OpenSearch events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Quick BI events Quick BI events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | DataV events DataV events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
AIRec events Artificial Intelligence Recommendation (AIRec) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | | |
City Visual Intelligence Engine events City Visual Intelligence Engine events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Multimedia AI events Multimedia AI events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | |
Networking and CDN
VPC events Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | SLB events Server Load Balancer (SLB) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | CEN events Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
Smart Access Gateway events Smart Access Gateway events include the following types: an access point fails over, the network is disconnected, and a device is under attack. | CDN events Alibaba Cloud CDN (CDN) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | ESA events Edge Security Acceleration (ESA) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
ENS events Edge Node Service (ENS) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | VPN Gateway events VPN Gateway events include the following types: a certificate expires, a health check fails, and a health check is successful. | PrivateLink events PrivateLink events include the following types: an endpoint connection request is accepted, an endpoint connection request is rejected, and one or more zones are added to an endpoint connection. |
Alibaba Cloud DNS PrivateZone events Alibaba Cloud DNS PrivateZone events include the following type: the number of Domain Name System (DNS) requests per second within the current account exceeds the upper limit. | Alibaba Cloud DNS events Alibaba Cloud DNS events include the following types: a high-level remote control attack is detected, a high-level mining activity is detected, and a high-level malware is detected. | |
ApsaraVideo Live events ApsaraVideo Live events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | Real-Time Communication events Real-Time Communication events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | ApsaraVideo VOD events ApsaraVideo VOD events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
Cloud Conferencing events Cloud Conferencing events include the following types: the status of a conference changes, the status of a member changes, and an operation is performed by a member. | ApsaraVideo Media Processing events ApsaraVideo Media Processing events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | LinkVisual events LinkVisual events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
Containers and middleware
ACK events ACK events include the following types: an ACK event collected by Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) occurs, an ACK event related to nodes occurs, and an ACK event related to pods occurs. | Container Registry events Container Registry events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | MSE events Microservices Engine (MSE) events include the following types: an instance is gracefully shut down, an outlier instance is removed, and an outlier instance is recovered. |
EDAS events Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) events include the following type: an application is changed. | ApsaraMQ for Kafka events ApsaraMQ for Kafka events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ events ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, an operation is performed in the console, a resource change notification is delivered, and a notification that indicates a resource is evaluated as non-compliant is delivered. |
Development and O&M
ARMS events ARMS events include the following types: an agent is started, a deadlock issue occurs, and an out-of-memory issue occurs. | CloudMonitor events CloudMonitor events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. | PTS events Performance Testing Service (PTS) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console. |
Cloud Config events Cloud Config events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, an operation is performed in the console, and a configuration item is changed. | Resource Management events Resource Management events include the following types: a resource change notification is delivered and a notification that indicates a resource is evaluated as non-compliant is delivered. | |
Domain names and websites
Domains events
Domains events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console.
IoT Platform events
IoT Platform events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console.
Enterprise applications and services
BaaS events
Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) events include the following types: an operation is performed by Alibaba Cloud on a resource, an API operation is called, and an operation is performed in the console.
Enterprise services and cloud communications
Direct Mail events
Direct Mail events include the following types: an email fails to be sent, an email is sent, an email is clicked, and an email is opened.