This topic describes the types of Microservice Engine (MSE) events that can be published to EventBridge.

Event types

The following table describes the types of MSE events that can be published to EventBridge.

Event typeValue of the type parameter
Graceful unpublishingmse:Agent:GracefulShutdown
Removal of outlier instancesmse:Agent:OutlierEjection
Recovery of outlier instance removalmse:Agent:OutlierRecover
Service authenticationmse:Agent:ServiceAuth
Notifications indicating that resource change logs are deliveredmse:Config:ConfigurationItemChangeNotification
Notifications indicating that a resource is evaluated as non-compliant is sentmse:Config:NonCompliantNotification
An operation is performed on a resourcemse:ActionTrail:AliyunServiceEvent
An API operation is calledmse:ActionTrail:ApiCall
An operation is performed in the consolemse:ActionTrail:ConsoleOperation

For more information about the parameters defined in the CloudEvents specification, see Overview.

Graceful unpublishing

The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when an application is gracefully released:

        "framework":"SPRING CLOUD",
        "extraInfo":"SUCCESS, no spring cloud registry found",

The following table describes the parameters contained in data.

frameworkStringSPRING CLOUDThe framework of the call.
Valid values:
extraInfoStringSUCCESS, no spring cloud registry foundThe message.
timestampTimestamp1596455074797The timestamp that indicates when the application was gracefully released.

Removal of outlier instances

The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when an outlier instance is removed from an application:

        "extraInfo":"172.22.XX.XX:20880 IsolationContext{isolationTimeMultiple=780, recoverTime=1608518836265}",

The following table describes the parameters contained in data.

frameworkStringDUBBOThe framework of the call.
Valid values:
extraInfoString172.22.XX.XX:20880 IsolationContext{isolationTimeMultiple=780, recoverTime=1608518836265The message.
timestampTimestamp1608518536265The timestamp that indicates when the outlier instance was removed.

Recovery of outlier instance removal

The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when outlier instance removal is recovered for an application:

        "extraInfo":"172.28.XX.XX:26880 IsolationContext{isolationTimeMultiple=1, recoverTime=1608445705043}",

The following table describes the parameters contained in data.

frameworkStringDUBBOThe framework of the call.
Valid values:
extraInfoString172.28.XX.XX:26880 IsolationContext{isolationTimeMultiple=1, recoverTime=1608445705043}The message.
timestampTimestamp1608445713989The timestamp that indicates when the outlier instance removal was recovered.