This topic describes the types of Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) events that ActionTrail records and can be published to EventBridge.
Supported regions
E-HPC events in the following regions can be published to EventBridge: China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Qingdao), China (Beijing), China (Zhangjiakou), China (Hohhot), China (Ulanqab), China (Shenzhen), China (Heyuan), China (Hong Kong), Germany (Frankfurt), Singapore, and Japan (Tokyo).
Event types
The following table describes the types of E-HPC events that can be published to EventBridge.
Event type | Value of the type parameter |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterCreate | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterCreated | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterDelete | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterDeleted | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterRecover | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterRecovered | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStart | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStarted | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStatusChange | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStop | |
ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStopped | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreate | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreated | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeDelete | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeDeleted | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStart | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStarted | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStatusChange | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStop | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStopped | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreateForHybrid | |
ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreatedForHybrid | |
ehpc:Instant:CreateJob | |
ehpc:Instant:DeleteJobs | |
ehpc:Instant:ExecutorStartRunning | |
ehpc:Instant:ExecutorFinished | |
An operation is performed on a resource | ehpc:ActionTrail:AliyunServiceEvent |
An API operation is called | ehpc:ActionTrail:ApiCall |
An operation is performed in the console | ehpc:ActionTrail:ConsoleOperation |
For more information about the parameters defined in the CloudEvents specification, see Overview.
A cluster starts to be created
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster starts to be created:
"id": "7C7510B6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131B****,
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterCreate",
"time": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"aliyuneventbus": "default",
"subject": "acs:ehpc:cn-hangzhou:12543453****:cluster/ehpc-hz-****",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"DeployMode": "standard",
"SchedulerType": "pbs",
"AccountType": "nis",
"VolumeType": "NAS",
"VolumeMountpoint": "0832****",
"VpcId": "vpc-****",
"ImageId": "centos_7_02****",
"Location": "PublicCloud",
"CreateTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131**** | The request ID. |
ClusterId | String | ehpc-hz-**** | The cluster ID. |
ClusterName | String | E-HPC cluster | The cluster name. |
Uid | String | 1254345**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
SubUid | String | 234726**** | The ID of the Resource Access Management (RAM) user. |
RoleId | String | 625372**** | The ID of the RAM role. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The region ID. |
DeployMode | String | standard | The deployment mode. |
SchedulerType | String | pbs | The scheduler type. |
AccountType | String | nis | The type of the domain account. |
VolumeType | String | NAS | The type of the shared storage. |
VolumeMountpoint | String | 0832**** | The mount point of the shared storage. |
VpcId | String | vpc-**** | The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC). |
ImageId | String | centos_7_02**** | The image ID. |
Location | String | PublicCloud | The location where the cluster was deployed. |
CreateTime | String | 2022-06-08 16:03:40 | The time when the cluster started to be created. |
A cluster is created
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster is created:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2022-06-08T16:03:40Z",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterCreated",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"DeployMode": "standard",
"SchedulerType": "pbs",
"AccountType": "nis",
"VolumeType": "NAS",
"VolumeMountpoint": "0832****",
"VpcId": "vpc-****",
"ImageId": "centos_7_02****",
"Location": "PublicCloud",
"CreatedTime": "2022-06-08T16:03:40Z",
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS",
"Detail": "Cluster is created successfully"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster starts to be deleted
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster starts to be deleted:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterDelete",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-xxxxx",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"DeleteTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster is deleted
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster is deleted:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterDeleted",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"DeletedTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS",
"Detail": "Cluster is deleted successfully"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster starts to be restored
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster starts to be restored:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterRecover",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"SchedulerType": "pbs",
"AccountType": "nis",
"ImageId": "centos_7_02xxxx",
"RecoverTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster is restored
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster is restored:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterRecovered",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"SchedulerType": "pbs",
"AccountType": "nis",
"ImageId": "centos_7_02****",
"RecoveredTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS",
"Detail": "Cluster is recovered successfully"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster starts to be started up
The following example shows the event that is received by EventBridge when a cluster starts to be started up:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStart",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"StartTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster is started
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster is started:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStarted",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"StartedTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS",
"Detail": "Cluster is started successfully"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
The status of a cluster is changed
The following example shows the event that is received by EventBridge when the status of a cluster is changed:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStatusChange",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"UpdateTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"OldStatus": "running",
"NewStatus": "exception",
"Detail": "heartbeat miss"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster starts to be stopped
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster starts to be stopped:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStop",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"StopTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A cluster is stopped
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a cluster is stopped:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:ClusterOperation:ClusterStopped",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"StoppedTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS",
"Detail": "Cluster is stopped successfully"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A node starts to be created
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node starts to be created:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreate",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-h",
"VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1bf****",
"ImageId": "centos_7_02****",
"InstanceType": "ecs.c6.large",
"EcsChargeType": "PostPaid",
"Count": 10,
"JobQueue": "workq",
"CreateTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131**** | The request ID. |
ClusterId | String | ehpc-hz-**** | The cluster ID. |
ClusterName | String | E-HPC cluster | The cluster name. |
Uid | String | 1254345**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
SubUid | String | 234726**** | The ID of the RAM user. |
RoleId | String | 625372**** | The ID of the RAM role. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The region ID. |
ZoneId | String | cn-hangzhou-h | The zone ID. |
VSwitchId | String | vsw-bp1bf**** | The vSwitch ID. |
ImageId | String | centos_7_02**** | The image ID. |
InstanceType | String | ecs.c6.large | The instance type. |
EcsChargeType | String | PostPaid | The billing method. |
Count | Int | 10 | The number of nodes. |
JobQueue | String | workq | The number of jobs. |
CreateTime | String | 2022-06-21T07:34:57Z | The time when the node started to be created. |
A node is created
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node is created:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreated",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-h",
"VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1bf****",
"ImageId": "centos_7_02****",
"InstanceType": "ecs.c6.large",
"EcsChargeType": "PostPaid",
"Count": 10,
"JobQueue": "workq",
"Instances": [
{"InstanceId": "i-xnshd****", "HostName": "compute000", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "PublicIpAddress": "10.200.XX.XX"},
{"InstanceId": "i-xnshd****", "HostName": "compute001", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "PublicIpAddress": "10.200.XX.XX"}
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS/FAILED",
"Detail": "NodeCreate success",
"CreatedTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131**** | The request ID. |
ClusterId | String | ehpc-hz-**** | The cluster ID. |
ClusterName | String | E-HPC cluster | The cluster name. |
Uid | String | 1254345**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The region ID. |
ZoneId | String | cn-hangzhou-h | The zone ID. |
VSwitchId | String | vsw-bp1bf**** | The vSwitch ID. |
ImageId | String | centos_7_02**** | The image ID. |
InstanceType | String | ecs.c6.large | The instance type. |
EcsChargeType | String | PostPaid | The billing method. |
Count | Int | 10 | The number of nodes. |
JobQueue | String | workq | The number of jobs. |
Instances | Array | The nodes that are created. | |
InstanceId | String | i-xnshd**** | The instance ID of the node. |
HostName | String | compute000 | The host name. |
PrivateIpAddress | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The private IP address of the node. |
PublicIpAddress | String | 10.200.XX.XX | The public IP address of the node. |
OperationResult | String | SUCCESS/FAILED | The result of node creation. |
Detail | String | NodeCreate success | The details of node creation. |
CreatedTime | String | 2022-07-25T11:00:56Z | The time when the node was created. |
A node starts to be deleted
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node starts to be deleted:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeDelete",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"InstanceIds": ["i-ab****","i-bc****"],
"DeleteTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A node is deleted
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node is deleted:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeDeleted",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "12543452***",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"Instances": [
{"InstanceId": "i-ab****", "HostName": "compute000", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "JobQueue": "workq", "InstanceType": "ecs.c6.large"},
{"InstanceId": "i-bc****", "HostName": "compute001", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "JobQueue": "workq", "InstanceType": "ecs.c7.large"}
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS/FAILED",
"Detail": "NodeDelete success",
"DeletedTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A node starts to be started up
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node starts to be started up:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStart",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-xxxxx",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "6253721****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"InstanceIds": ["i-ab****", "i-bc****"],
"StartTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A node is started
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node is started:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStarted",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"Instances": [
{"InstanceId": "i-ab****", "HostName": "compute000", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "JobQueue": "workq", "InstanceType": "ecs.c6.large"},
{"InstanceId": "i-bc****", "HostName": "compute001", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "JobQueue": "workq", "InstanceType": "ecs.c7.large"}
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS/FAILED",
"Detail": "NodeStart success",
"StartedTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
The status of a node is changed
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when the status of a node is changed:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStatusChange",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"UpdateTime": "2022-06-21T07:34:57Z",
"InstanceId": "i-auajxl****",
"HostName": "compute000",
"OldStatus": "running",
"NewStatus": "exception",
"Detail": "heartbeat miss"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131**** | The request ID. |
ClusterId | String | ehpc-hz-**** | The cluster ID. |
Uid | String | 1254345**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The region ID. |
ClusterName | String | E-HPC cluster | The cluster name. |
UpdateTime | String | 2022-06-21T07:34:57Z | The time when the node status was changed. |
InstanceId | String | i-auajxl**** | The instance ID of the node. |
HostName | String | compute000 | The host name. |
OldStatus | String | running | The status of the node before the change. |
NewStatus | String | exception | The status of the node after the change. |
Detail | String | heartbeat miss | The details of status change. |
A node starts to be stopped
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node starts to be stopped:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStop",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "625372****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"InstanceIds": ["i-ab****", "i-bc****"],
"StopTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A node is stopped
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node is stopped:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeStopped",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-****",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"Instances": [
{"InstanceId": "i-ab****", "HostName": "compute000", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "JobQueue": "workq", "InstanceType": "ecs.c6.large"},
{"InstanceId": "i-bc****", "HostName": "compute001", "PrivateIpAddress": "192.168.XX.XX", "JobQueue": "workq", "InstanceType": "ecs.c7.large"}
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS/FAILED",
"Detail": "NodeStop success",
"StoppedTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A node starts to be created in a hybrid cloud cluster
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node starts to be created in a hybrid cloud cluster:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreateForHybrid",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-xxxxx",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "1254345****",
"SubUid": "234726****",
"RoleId": "6253721****",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"ZoneInfos": [
{"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-a", "VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1e47optm9g58zcu****"},
{"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b", "VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1e47optm9g58zcu****"}
"InstanceTypeModel": [
{"InstanceType": "ecs.n1.tiny", "TargetImageId": "win2016_1607_x64_dtc_zh-cn_40G_alibase_20210516.vhd", "MaxPrice": 0.034},
{"InstanceType": "ecs.g7.4xlarge", "TargetImageId": "m-bp1gvdxguovoui7z****", "MaxPrice": 2.5}
"Cores": 2,
"Memory": 16,
"ImageId": "centos_7_02xxxx",
"TargetCapacity": 10,
"JobQueue": "workq",
"TotalRound": 1,
"Interval": 60,
"CreateTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131**** | The request ID. |
ClusterId | String | ehpc-hz-xxxxx | The cluster ID. |
ClusterName | String | E-HPC cluster | The cluster name. |
Uid | String | 12543452**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
SubUid | String | 234726**** | The ID of the RAM user. |
RoleId | String | 6253721**** | The ID of the RAM role. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The region ID. |
ZoneInfos | Array | The information about zones. | |
ZoneId | String | cn-hangzhou-a | The zone ID. |
VSwitchId | String | vsw-bp1e47optm9g58zcu**** | The vSwitch ID. |
InstanceTypeModel | Array | The instance types. | |
InstanceType | String | ecs.n1.tiny | The instance type. |
TargetImageId | String | m-bp1gvdxguovoui7z**** | The ID of the instance image. |
MaxPrice | Number | 2.5 | The maximum hourly price that is paid for the preemptible instance. |
Cores | Int | 2 | The number of vCPUs. |
Memory | Int | 16 | The memory size. |
ImageId | String | centos_7_02xxxx | The image ID. |
TargetCapacity | Int | 10 | The number of resources that you want to add. |
JobQueue | String | workq | The name of the job queue. |
TotalRound | Int | 1 | The total number of batches for node creation. |
Interval | Int | 60 | The interval between two consecutive batches for node creation. |
CreateTime | String | 2022-07-25T11:00:56Z | The time when the node started to be created. |
A node is created in a hybrid cloud cluster
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a node is created in a hybrid cloud cluster:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:NodeOperation:NodeCreatedForHybrid",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF13176O0",
"ClusterId": "ehpc-hz-xxxxx",
"ClusterName": "E-HPC cluster",
"Uid": "12543452***",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"ZoneInfos": [
{"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-a", "VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1e47optm9g58zcu****"},
{"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b", "VSwitchId": "vsw-bp1e47optm9g58zcu****"}
"InstanceTypeModel": [
{"InstanceType": "ecs.n1.tiny", "TargetImageId": "win2016_1607_x64_dtc_zh-cn_40G_alibase_20210516.vhd", "MaxPrice": 0.034},
{"InstanceType": "ecs.g7.4xlarge", "TargetImageId": "m-bp1gvdxguovoui7z3jol", "MaxPrice": 2.5}
"Cores": 2,
"Memory": 16,
"ImageId": "centos_7_02xxxx",
"TargetCapacity": 10,
"JobQueue": "workq",
"Round": 1,
"Interval": 60,
"Instances": [
{"InstanceId": "i-xnshdj***", "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-a", "ImageId": "m-bp1gvdxguovoui7z3jol", "HostName": "compute000", "PrivateIpAddress": "", "PublicIpAddress": ""},
{"InstanceId": "i-xnshdk***", "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b", "ImageId": "m-bp1gvdxguovoui7z3jol", "HostName": "compute001", "PrivateIpAddress": "", "PublicIpAddress": ""}
"OperationResult": "SUCCESS/FAILED",
"Detail": "NodeCreate success",
"CreatedTime": "2022-07-25T11:00:56Z"
For information about the parameters in data, see the field description table.
A job is submitted
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a job is submitted:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:Instant:CreateJob",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"UserUid": "12543452***",
"SubUserUid": "33343452***",
"CreatedAt": "2024-02-10T08:00:00Z",
"JobName": "MyJob",
"JobId": "job-1234****",
"TaskNames": "MyTask",
"TaskSustainable": "true",
"TaskExecutorCount": "100",
"TaskExecutorResource": "cores:2|mem:4|disk:40"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131**** | The request ID. |
UserUid | String | 12543452*** | The UID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
SubUserUid | String | 33343452*** | The UID of the RAM user. |
CreatedAt | String | 2024-02-10T08:00:00Z | The time at which the job was submitted. |
JobName | String | MyJob | The job name. |
JobId | String | job-1234**** | The job ID. |
TaskNames | String | MyTask | The task name. Separate multiple task names with commas ( |
TaskSustainable | String | true | Indicates whether the job is a LongRunning job. Separate multiple jobs with commas ( |
TaskExecutorCount | String | 100 | The number of task executors. Separate multiple tasks with commas ( |
TaskExecutorResource | String | cores:2|mem:4|disk:40 | The task executor. Format: |
A job is deleted
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when a job is deleted:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:Instant:DeleteJobs",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"RequestId": "2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131****",
"UserUid": "12543452***",
"SubUserUid": "33343452***",
"DeletedAt": "2024-02-10T08:00:00Z",
"JobName": "MyJob",
"JobId": "job-1234****"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 2372XSZB6-3EA7-10B2-A63D-42AEF131**** | The request ID. |
UserUid | String | 12543452*** | The UID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
SubUserUid | String | 33343452*** | The UID of the RAM user. |
DeletedAt | String | 2024-02-10T08:00:00Z | The time when the job was deleted. |
JobName | String | MyJob | The job name. |
JobId | String | job-1234**** | The job ID. |
An executor is started
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when an executor is started:
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:Instant:ExecutorStartRunning",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"StartedAt": "2024-02-10T08:00:00Z",
"JobName": "MyJob",
"JobId": "job-1234****",
"TaskName": "MyTask",
"ArrayId": "1",
"Resource": "cores:2|mem:4|disk:40|parallism:1"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
StartedAt | String | 2024-02-10T08:00:00Z | The time when the executor was started. |
JobName | String | MyJob | The name of the job to which the executor belongs. |
JobId | String | job-1234**** | The ID of the job to which the executor belongs. |
TaskName | String | MyTask | The name of the task to which the executor belongs. |
ArrayId | String | 1 | The executor number. |
Resource | String | cores:2|mem:4|disk:40|parallism:1 | The executor. Format: |
An executor is stopped
The following example shows the event that EventBridge receives when an executor is stopped.
"id": "45ef4dewdwe1-7c35-447a-bd93-fab****",
"source": "acs.ehpc",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "acs.ehpc:cn-hangzhou:123456789098****:215672",
"time": "2020-11-19T21:04:41+08:00",
"type": "ehpc:Instant:ExecutorFinished",
"aliyunaccountid": "123456789098****",
"aliyunpublishtime": "2020-11-19T21:04:42Z",
"aliyuneventbusname": "default",
"aliyunregionid": "cn-hangzhou",
"aliyunpublishaddr": "172.25.XX.XX",
"data": {
"FinishedAt": "2024-02-10T08:00:00Z",
"JobName": "MyJob",
"JobId": "job-1234****",
"TaskName": "MyTask",
"ArrayId": "1",
"Resource": "cores:2|mem:4|disk:40|parallism:1"
The following table describes the parameters contained in data.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
FinishedAt | String | 2024-02-10T08:00:00Z | The time when the executor was stopped. |
JobName | String | MyJob | The name of the job to which the executor belongs. |
JobId | String | job-1234**** | The ID of the job to which the executor belongs. |
TaskName | String | MyTask | The name of the task to which the executor belongs. |
ArrayId | String | 1 | The executor number. |
Resource | String | cores:2|mem:4|disk:40|parallism:1 | The executor. Format: |