After you submit all the information required for real-name verification, Alibaba Cloud submits the information to the registry-accredited authority for verification at the earliest opportunity. The verification authority checks whether the submitted information is complete, authentic, and consistent with the domain name registration information. If the verification fails, you can troubleshoot the issues based on the solutions described in this topic.
Invalid certificate information
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Verification failed due to invalid certificate information or Verification rejected due to invalid certificate information appears.
Check whether the name of the domain name registrant you entered is the same as the name on your certificate.
Check whether the certificate number you entered is the same as the number on your certificate.
Check whether the certificate type you selected is the same as the type of your certificate.
Check whether the certificate issue date meets the requirements of real-name verification.
Make sure that your certificate has been valid for at least 10 calendar days. If you have a newly issued certificate, we recommend that you submit a real-name verification request 10 calendar days after the certificate is issued.
Make sure that your certificate is valid before you submit the certificate information for real-name verification.
Real-name verification may fail if your certificate is about to expire.
Check whether the uploaded materials meet the requirements of real-name verification.
You can upload a scanned color copy or a photo of your certificate. The JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, HEIC, and WebP formats are supported. The size of the image must be 55 KB to 5 MB.
You must submit a clear image that contains the complete certificate, including the borders of the certificate without cover or smudges. Seals affixed by authorities must be in red, clear, and complete.
Do not alter the certificate or modify the content of the certificate by using Photoshop. If the format of an image is not supported, do not directly change the file name extension. Instead, you can use an image editor to convert the image format to JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, HEIC, or WebP.
Check whether your household registration record is being transferred or you have changed your name.
If your household registration record is being transferred or you have changed your name, real-name verification may fail. In this case, submit a scanned color copy of the residency certificate that is affixed with the seal of a public security bureau. You can also submit a real-name verification request after your household registration record is transferred. Whether you can pass real-name verification is determined by the verification authority.
Check whether the domain name registrant has a special occupation.
Individuals with special occupations, such as military personnel, cannot use the 18-digit resident identity card number for real-name verification. Other types of identity documents must be submitted for verification.
If you use a certificate that contains a Unified Social Credit Code for real-name verification, make sure that the Unified Social Credit Code of the certificate can be queried on the query platform of China Organization Data Service.
If the Unified Social Credit Code cannot be queried, contact the customer service of China Organization Data Service (phone number: 400-807-6000).
Invalid certificate type or certificate number
Problem description: Real-name verification failed because the certificate type you specified is inconsistent with the type of the uploaded certificate or because the certificate number you entered is invalid.
Check whether the certificate type you specified is the same as the type of the uploaded certificate.
The certificate type you specified must be the same as the type of the individual identity document or organization certificate that you uploaded.
Organizations and enterprises in the Chinese mainland must submit a certificate that contains a valid 18-digit Unified Social Credit Code. Organizations and enterprises outside the Chinese mainland must submit a certificate issued outside the Chinese mainland.
Individuals in the Chinese mainland must submit a resident identity card. Individuals outside the Chinese mainland must submit the information from a passport.
Check whether the certificate number you entered is valid.
The certificate number specified in the verification information must be the same as that on the uploaded certificate. Make sure that you distinguish between digit 0 and letter O, digit 1 and letter I, and digit 8 and letter B.
Inconsistent registrant information or certificate information
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Inconsistent registrant information or Submitted information inconsistent with registrant information appears.
Possible cause: The submitted image of the certificate is a mirrored image, or the certificate information you entered is different from that on the uploaded certificate.
Check whether the image of the certificate meets the requirements. Some cameras may automatically mirror images. In this case, we recommend that you use another phone or camera to take photos. Before you upload the photo of your certificate, make sure that it is not a mirrored image. Alternatively, you can upload a scanned color copy of your certificate.
Check whether the name of the domain name registrant specified in the domain name registration information is the same as that on the uploaded certificate. Pay close attention when you enter words with similar forms or pronunciations. Do not use abbreviated or shortened names.
The certificate type you specified must be the same as the type of the uploaded certificate. For example, if the selected certificate type is business license, you must upload an image of your business license.
The certificate number specified in the verification information must be the same as that on the uploaded certificate. If the selected certificate type is identity card or business license, make sure that the certificate number specified in the verification information is the same as that on the uploaded resident identity card or business license.
If your business license contains a duplicate number, do not enter the duplicate number, such as (1-1).
Make sure that you distinguish between digit 0 and letter O, digit 1 and letter I, and digit 8 and letter B.
You must enter the complete certificate number.
Specify a valid country or region. If you need to submit an image of your resident identity card or business license for real-name verification, specify the Chinese mainland as the country or region. You can use one of the following methods to check the specified country or region:
Real-name verification for registrant profiles: On the Registrant Profiles page, find the registrant profile that you want to view and click View in the Actions column. On the page that appears, you can view the specified country or region.
Real-name verification for the transfer of domain name ownership: On the Registrant Info Modification tab of the Info Modification page, you can view the specified country or region.
Unclear or covered certificate images, or images with watermarks
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Unclear or covered photo of certificate appears.
Solutions: Upload a clear and complete image of the certificate.
Clear: Make sure that key information on the certificate, such as the national emblem, seal affixed by the authority, name of the domain name registrant, and certificate number, is clear and complete.
Complete: The image must contain the entire certificate including the borders, without cover, smudges, or watermarks.
Do not add watermarks to the image of the certificate.
Newly issued certificates or certificates not found in the database of the verification authority
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Certificate cannot be found in the database or Newly issued certificate appears.
Possible cause: The certificate is newly issued and the certificate information has not been synchronized to the database of the verification authority.
Incomplete registrant certificates
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Incomplete registrant certificate appears.
Solutions: Submit an image that contains the complete certificate including the borders. For example, if you need to submit a business license, make sure that the image is clear and contains the complete information on the license including the national emblem and the seal affixed by the authority that manages the business license.
Do not add watermarks to the image of the certificate.
If you need to submit a resident identity card, submit an image of the side that contains the identity information.
If you need to submit an image of a household register, submit an image of the page that contains the household registration record of the domain name registrant.
If you need to submit an image of a foreign permanent resident ID card, submit images of both the front and back sides of the card.
If you need to submit an image of a residence permit for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan residents, submit images of both the front and back sides of the permit.
If the certificate contains multiple pages, submit an image of the page that contains the organization name, certificate number, and seal affixed by the registration authority.
Invalid registrant certificates
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Invalid registrant certificate appears.
Possible cause: The image of the certificate you submitted is unclear or incomplete.
Submit a valid certificate. Submit a clear and complete scanned color copy or a photo of your certificate, including the borders of the certificate and national emblem.
Scanned copies or photos of copies in black and white are not supported.
The certificate must be affixed with the seal of the registration authority.
Validity verification failure of the registrant identity
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Failed to authenticate the registrant identity appears.
If specific information that you submitted is invalid or not authentic, verify the information or use another valid identity document and submit a real-name verification request again.
If you confirm that the submitted information is valid and authentic, wait one to three business days and submit a real-name verification request again.
Lack of registrant certificates
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Lack of registrant certificate appears.
Certificate numbers not found in the database of the verification authority or the failure of registrant certificate verification
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Certificate number cannot be found or Registrant certificate verification failed appears.
Check whether the name of the domain name registrant and the 18-digit resident identity card number specified in the verification information are valid.
Individuals with special occupations, such as military personnel, cannot use the 18-digit resident identity card number for real-name verification. Other types of identity documents must be submitted for verification.
If the verification of the certificate fails, submit an image of the certificate and a web page screenshot that shows that the certificate has been proved valid by a qualified authority.
Invalid registrant contact information
Problem description: Real-name verification failed, and the message Registrant contact information invalid appears.
Possible cause: The name of the domain name registrant is different from the name on the individual identity document or organization certificate that you uploaded.
Solutions: Check the information about the domain name registrant. Make sure that the name of the domain name registrant is the same as that on the uploaded certificate. If the name of the domain name registrant is different from that on the uploaded certificate, you must transfer the domain name to the actual registrant and complete real-name verification by uploading the required materials during the transfer. For more information, see Modify registrant contact information or transfer domain name ownership.
Sensitive words in domain names
Problem description: Real-name verification failed because the verification system detected sensitive words in a domain name. The following messages appear:
Registration denied due to the violation of Internet Domain Name Regulations article 27 circumstance 2: Jeopardizing national security, leaking state secrets, intending to overturn the government, or disrupting state integrity.
Registration denied due to the violation of Internet Domain Name Regulations article 27 circumstance 8: Infringing other people's legal rights and interests.
Registration denied due to the violation of Internet Domain Name Regulations article 27 circumstance 9: Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
The domain name harms national honor and interests.
Sensitive words.
Solutions: If the real-name verification of a .cn domain name fails because the domain name is invalid, the system automatically issues a refund, and then China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) deletes the domain name. We recommend that you register another domain name and complete real-name verification. For more information about the naming rules for domain names, see Naming rules for domain names.
Material upload failure due to an invalid file size
Problem description: During real-name verification, an image fails to be uploaded in the Upload File step, and a message appears to indicate that the file size must be in the range of 55 KB to 5 MB.
Possible cause: The size or format of the image to be uploaded does not meet the following requirements: The image must be of the JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, HEIC, or WebP format and be 55 KB to 5 MB in size.
Solutions: Check whether the size of the image is in the range of 55 KB to 5 MB and whether the image format is JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, HEIC, or WebP. If the uploaded image does not meet the requirements, use a third-party image editor, such as the built-in image editing software of your device, to convert the image format or resize the image. Do not directly change the file name extension. Otherwise, the upload fails because the system cannot recognize the modified image.
Material upload failure due to an invalid file format
Problem description: During real-name verification, an image fails to be uploaded in the Upload File step, and a message appears to indicate that the file format is invalid.
Possible cause: The image format is not supported. Only the JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, HEIC, and WebP formats are supported. Or, the file extension name of the image is manually changed. The upload fails if you upload an image whose file extension name is manually changed.
Solutions: Check whether your image is in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, HEIC, or WebP format. If not, do not directly change the file name extension. Otherwise, the upload fails because the system cannot recognize the modified image. You can use a third-party image editor, such as the built-in image editing software of your device, to open the original image, save the image in a supported format, and then upload the image again.